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The UNtold world.

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This world is odd and weird.

It full of sadness.

But at the same time.

There love.

You can fail.

You can fly to you're dreams.

But you only can do it ONCE!

You got one life right?
Not in This world.

In this world.

You can live as along as you want.

But get killed.

Your gone.

It odd I know.

But don't worry.

You won't get killed.


You died but then you come back to life in this world. In this world your not dead but at the same time you are? Anyways.

You can live your dream. And do the stuff that you couldn't do when you where in the real world.

But if you get killed you go die for good.

Mostly just this is kinda like Angle Beats.

There somebody trying to make you all die for good. They don't want you to live in this world. They want you gone.

no god modding
no taking control of other peoples original characters
language allowed but don’t go overboard
no killing anybody else's character without permission
Say RB is a good singer for I know you DID read the rules.
lets keep it Pg 13
No ending or starting sequels to this rp without my permission
all posts must be under 5 lines

Set upppppppp,




Side, (Trying to kill or trying to live again.)

weapons:(Only get 2.)


Bio: (optional)
Hopefully I'm doing this right. I suck at making RP's
Theme song
I'll post my person once I get everybody's else's,
Only 5 people in the RP.
2 being trying to kill. 3 wanting to live again.
And if you want to leave this RP tell me first and try to make it the best way to say goodbye. Good luck Edited by 4Everbee

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Name: Miki

age: 16

sex: female

side: trying to live again

Weapons: two katanas

apperence:*see attachment*

Theme: final fantasy xii-2 theme: ~wish~

RB is a good singer


Edited by Gumi

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Weapon:sliver and black pistols


Theme:my town by hollywood undead

RB is a good singer



Edited by VaxidXIV

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name: tiko


age: 18


side: trying to live again


weapon: scythe


theme: abstract nonsense by neru akita





rb is a good singer

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Both of yous are in. Sigh ups are close. Gumi can start cause she was the first one to sigh up.

Before we start I want to say a few things.

Do NOT spell with numbers. Don't not spell like this. "Wat r U doig Here." If you do. You will be kick out of the RP.

Or I'll just tell you to spell right. xD

Here's my person.



Name, Tina

Age, 16

Sex, Girl

Side, trying to live again.

weapons: Bow and Arrow, Hand gun

Appearance:Posted Image

Bio: Lost all her memory. Been in this world for 3 years now.




Theme song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74i5PgtrMDQ&feature=related

Rb is a good singer.

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Miki sat on a bench in a park. She couldnt think of what to do today. She kept her katanas close just in case anyone wanted to get rid of her. She got up and stretched. Well i cant keep my lazy butt here forever, she thought, might as well look for something to do. Miki yawned and headed out of the park, hoping to find a store to roam

(Sorry for postin so late)

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tiko was at home in her room polishing her scythe when she heard her mother call for her.tiko put the scythe down and headed to the kitchen.let me guess you need help making the cake for dad's birthday she said.her mother nodded.ok mom step aside and let me make it she said geting the egg shells out of the dry mix.her mom left and tiko dumped the thing her mom amde out.now to make it from scratch she said geting new bowls.

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Neena walked through the deserted town. It seemed that her hometown was completely abandoned. "Why mine?" Neena asked. This means war. Neena decided then, that she would get rid of all of the others. If she couldn't have her family back, no one could!

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"DAMN IT!" Tina yelled. Blood coming out of her hands. Her bow and arrow next to her on the floor. "I really need

to learn how to wait." She said to herself. She got up picked her bow and arrow up and start walking.

(Nobody post till VaxidXIV does. It would be much easier if we do it one by one.

First gumi then Rikuva then VaxidXIV Then Dem then I'll go last. it would be much easier.)

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(OMG I'm so sorry for this incredibly later post i'll understand if you want to kick me out of the rp being this late is totally unacceptable)


''This is such a drag theres hardly anything to do here maybe its time i spread my wings and soar to different more thrilling places.''Nova complained as he sat on a bench twirling his guns.

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