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KH3D ansem and xemnas "true form"

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in the newest nomura interview he said that in the end we'd learn ansem and xemnas true form so that means we dont already know which also means they cant be xehanort. so when a person is killed theyre body becomes a nobody, but wasnt the body used to make xemnas terras body. so could it be that ansem and xemnas true form is terra and xehanort was controlling them? any thoughts?

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May i ask why u came up with this conclusion?


if we have to learn it we cant already know and as far everyone knows right now ansem and xemnas came from xehanort so if its something we have to learn my guess is they came from terra

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I think by true form he means that we will probably see Apprentaice Xehanort since technicaly Ansem Seeker of Darkness was his Heartless and Xemnas was his Nobody


That's what I thought aswell when I heard true form. And realistically, other than two cutscenes (one in KH2, and Blank Points) we haven't actually seen Apprentice Xehanort appear in person, although I get the feeling he'll be sporting new duds, rather than just a labcoat in DDD if it is him.


But then again, there's so many possibilitys, Terra-Xehanort, Master Xehanort (although I find this kind of unlikely now to be honest.

We already saw MX in a organization chair

I get the impression he's separate from SoD and Xemnas in the dream realm), it could even be the final boss's form for all we know.

Edited by Tsunamo

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It's got to be either AX or YMX. Of course I'm leaning towards YMX because I don't see why Nomura would keep it a secret if it was AX since it's blatantly

obvious that Xemnas and Ansem came from him.


Ahhhhh so confusing. 2 weeks need to hurry up.


Also what's up guys I just joined, but I've been a KH fan since I was 11 and now I'm 21 and have played every game, even though it's been a pain having to buy a different game system for each game.

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It's got to be either AX or YMX. Of course I'm leaning towards YMX because I don't see why Nomura would keep it a secret if it was AX since it's blatantly

obvious that Xemnas and Ansem came from him.


Ahhhhh so confusing. 2 weeks need to hurry up.


Also what's up guys I just joined, but I've been a KH fan since I was 11 and now I'm 21 and have played every game, even though it's been a pain having to buy a different game system for each game.


ummm welcome

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