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KH3D Drop Guage, Forced Switch?

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Ok so from what i know, in KH3D weather you play as Sora or Riku will be some kind of forced switch due the the emptying of the "Drop Guage" What are some of your opinions on this? Personally i would think this would be somewhat more of an annoyance, but im also not really sure how they are going to make this work

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when you switch charactors you can level up the person your changeing to. for example: if you are playing Riku and haveing a hard time with dream eaters that use magic then when u switch to Sora get a lot of dream points and when you switch to Riku again you can use the points you earned as Sora to level up Rikus magic resistance. its new but effective.

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you can choose to switch back if you want, they added that option because it did get irritating at times. It's really just a feature to bring more tension to the gameplay and so you may switch off if your stuck at a part so you can go back with a little power boost.

Edited by animemylove

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I wouldn't turn that feature off unless I needed to really level up one of the characters. They originally put it forcefully for when it empties, you can continue the story without a problem. They didn't want people to get stuck with one character and not know what to do.

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I'm really curious about how the drop gauge ties into the story. It reminds me of playing more than one character at a time on BBS. I actuallly played all three stories on my second playthrough. I would just cycle through them in the order Terra > Ven > Aqua after completing each world, and it wasn't difficult or annoying. I just figure it would be similar in 3D, but instead of switching after each world they would switch mid-gameplay. But with the option to manually switch, I wonder if you could complete one story all the way and neglect the other 'till the end.

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I'm really curious about how the drop gauge ties into the story. It reminds me of playing more than one character at a time on BBS. I actuallly played all three stories on my second playthrough. I would just cycle through them in the order Terra > Ven > Aqua after completing each world, and it wasn't difficult or annoying. I just figure it would be similar in 3D, but instead of switching after each world they would switch mid-gameplay. But with the option to manually switch, I wonder if you could complete one story all the way and neglect the other 'till the end.


No, Nomura has already confirmed that you can't complete one story and not the other. If one character, say Sora, gets too far ahead of the other in the story, then you'll have to play as the other, Riku, to catch him up with Sora.

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I, personally am not going to tunr off the little switchy feature, it seems really interesting and I want to try it out the game. :3 Though...I may turn it off for leveling up purposes, like burnsideking24 said. owo

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No, Nomura has already confirmed that you can't complete one story and not the other. If one character, say Sora, gets too far ahead of the other in the story, then you'll have to play as the other, Riku, to catch him up with Sora.


Oh ok, then I wonder what would happen to the drop gauge in that case. Like would it deactivate altogether 'till you caught up or increase the time before switch or what?

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Oh ok, then I wonder what would happen to the drop gauge in that case. Like would it deactivate altogether 'till you caught up or increase the time before switch or what?


Yeah, that's what I wondered. My guess is that it take away your ability to force the drop gauge to drain and that the drop gauge just won't drain by itself until you've progressed enough.

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—In the demo, regardless of who defeated the boss, whether it was Riku or Sora, the level would complete, but would that character be the only one who advanced in the storyline?


Nomura: No, that’s not how it works. If one of them advanced too far, then they would be limited to a point where they could no longer progress.


I can't believe I missed this part of the interview. The story progression sounds really unique in this game. Can't wait 'till its released (in Japan so I can spoil myself).

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