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I'm generally not a huge fan of Nomura's love affair with aerodynamically impossible haircuts, and this definately goes for Kingdom Hearts. When you consider that Luxord is the only member of Organization XIII with a haircut that can be put together under ten minutes after getting out of bed, it's clear that the hair can be a bit silly. The hair gel Cloud must go through in a single day boggles the mind, and one wonders how Sora is able to keep his hair that spikey when underwater in Atlanticas. And it's not like it's impossible to have modest haircuts: Kairi has the right idea with just letting it grow out naturally, and even Riku to an extent can pull off his stylized shaggy look as natural. But then you have to wonder how and why so many of the characters decide to have their unconventional haircuts, like Larxene's anntenae look, or Ven's insane cowlick. Of course, the argument for a pro-strange haircut position is one of identity: the hair might be impossible, but at least it makes them instantly identifiable, sets them out from the crowd, and can embelish their character.


So, opinions on Kingdom Hearts haircuts, how strange they are, and whether people should go for more modest looks.

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