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KH3D If you played near every KH game since KH1, read!

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Most Anger-Inducing: Riku/Ansem KH1, Larxene CoM, Infernal Engine 358/2 Days, Sora's Heartless Re: Coded

Most Fun: Oogie Boogie fights

Most Emotional: Xion Days

Haven't played BBS

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Most epic battles: Ansem SoD, All the stages of final battle in KH2, Marluxia in GBA version of CoM, Twilight Thorn, battle with Axel (dual wield Roxas FTW)

Most frustrating: Demyx (stupid dancing water!), Xaldin, a lot of bosses in Days, Data Roxas in Re:Coded, Lingering Spirit Vanitas (still haven't beaten him yet), Terranort

Emotional: Xion WHY SHE HAVE TO GO T-T

and Riku Replica (final time)

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I've played every game since the original shortly after it released in the states, and if anyone reads this story they would understand why I am such a nostalgia freak over the first game. It was my first high quality jrpg game that was doubled with the magic of classic disney movies. I was eight. Whats not to drool over? Well, I played through the game with the kingdom key the whole time among other additional restrictions which were not at all on purpose, and this game was incredible to me back then. I somehow managed to get through the whole game albeit the final boss before my ps2 broke. For six months I was teased with every one out of fifty times turning it on getting a chance to play. Eventually when I got a new one I was able to beat it, but it was more than just the final boss that I just defeated, I completed my first video game ever, a high quality square game of all games, and honestly cried because I knew nothing could ever be that magical in the same way again. Tl;dr: KH1 in itself was the most significant boss I ever defeated.

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tutti frutti.

Favorite Fights: Ice Titan (KH1), Roxas (duel wield) vs Axel (KH2), Xemnas (KH2), Marluxia (Com, Re:Com), Vanitas (BBS - Ven's final battle.

Annoying fights: Xaldin, Demyx, Vexen (Coward has a shield), Luxord

Most emotional fights: Repliku (CoM, Re:CoM; final fights for both Sora and Riku), Xion (I felt like I was forced to fight someone important/close to me)

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-The Phantom at the clock tower in Neverland cuz I finally learned how to beat him (and it scared me when I was younger)

-The second battle against Riku in the Grand Hall at Hollow Bastion (now that was EPIC)

-Axel's battle in Chain of Memories(I love the music)

-Larxene's boss fight

-Axel's battle at the beginning of KH2 (YOU WON'T FORGET THIS)

-The MCP and Sark battle was epic too (INSIGNIFICANT USER)

-Hades/Ice Collossus battle BBS (Aqua is such a beast)

-Terra's battle w/ Eraqus (EEYAAA)

From what I've seen, Roxas' battle with Sora looks epic(KH2 FM+), the Armor of the Master battle too(KH BBS FM). I want the Final Mixes so bad!!!

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