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Disney would never allow this, but

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The only ending I would want happening would be this:

Ten years later, Sora & Kairi were married, & had two children, a boy named Kiurosso (who looks like Sora), & a girl named Riniugami (who looks like Kairi), & Riku had a son name Lorksukan (who looks like him), & Ventus was married to Aqua, they also had two children, (but I couldn't think of their names yet.) Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, & Aqua became veterinarian keyblade knights, while Ienzo, Lea, Isa were the castle's security guards, & they also were Ansem's apprentices. Huey, Duey, & Louie were red mage, blue mage, & (for the first time) green mage, while Max was promoted to captain of the royal knights. Tidus becomes how he is in Final Fantasy X through X-2, so does Wakka, while Selphie becomes like she is in Final Fantasy VIII. I become a dectective (I think so far). Since Eraqus has died of old age, his keyblade is transported to the keyblade graveyard. Yen Sid is now an old man with a crutch, & he is blind in one eye, & deaf in one ear, & one of his nostrils cannot smell, sadly, so he can no longer do any magic. Fortunately, crime rates are reduced by 150%. Everybody in their job was well paid. Mostly everyone is alive & well. The worlds are no longer separate. There is no darkness anywhere in people or the world, only light. The only darkness in the world normally there was is the kind you find (rhyme alert) during nighttime. The only shadows there were is the normal shodows you find under living things & objects (I hope you know what I mean). Everything was peaceful, in balance, & order was brought.[/font]

The end.


:ph34r: Now where is my reward for my story (with the "imaginary" help of Kinode) that I partially made? Anyways, thanks for the "imaginary" help, Kinode! The part I put that you originally typed, I could not think of!


Anyways, where is my reward?



Oh god please dont let this be true at all.


Anyways, Ven is 15 and Aqua is 18. If ten years, they would be 25 and 28, and I think she would go with Terra. And they are dead, making it even more mindfiretrucking. The story is about friendship, not love. And how are you in this story again?

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Oh god please dont let this be true at all.


Anyways, Ven is 15 and Aqua is 18. If ten years, they would be 25 and 28, and I think she would go with Terra. And they are dead, making it even more mindfiretrucking. The story is about friendship, not love. And how are you in this story again?


First of all,

"please don't let this be true at all?!?" If you ask my opinion, I find that kind of rude. Second, how am I in this story?!? It's called,"fanmade stories". & Aqua is 15, Ventus is 14. Terra is 17. In my opinion, Terraqua is like Rikairi, & that would be ridiculous. I know it's about freiendship, not love, but what if it was about love 10 years later? & They are not dead, Terra just lost his body, Ventus just lost his heart, & Aqua is just in the Realm of Darkness, alive, well, healthy & unscathed.


Didn't mean to make you mad, bro. I just found it humorous. Might be because of the randomness. "one of his nostrils cannot smell" in particular.


But what if he was like that, & in real life, both that & you were laughing at him?!? I think that would get you in big trouble!

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First of all,

"please don't let this be true at all?!?" If you ask my opinion, I find that kind of rude. Second, how am I in this story?!? It's called,"fanmade stories". & Aqua is 15, Ventus is 14. Terra is 17. In my opinion, Terraqua is like Rikairi, & that would be ridiculous. I know it's about freiendship, not love, but what if it was about love 10 years later? & They are not dead, Terra just lost his body, Ventus just lost his heart, & Aqua is just in the Realm of Darkness, alive, well, healthy & unscathed.



I meant that to the first post xD Which made me laugh but still i would not like it to be true.


In order to compete in the Mark of the Mastery test, you need to be at least a coming age. This means being 18.


Aqua and Terra are both 18.

Ven is 15.


In the whole fanmade ending he made with kingdom hearts, not random or fanmade characters appearing out of the blue, they all died. He even said that, so there is no possible reason for it. Just my 2 cents.

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I meant that to the first post xD Which made me laugh but still i would not like it to be true.

Aqua and Terra are both 18.

Ven is 15.


No, no, no, no, no. Ven is 15, Aqua is 16, & Terra is 19.

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In Japan, they release novelizations of the Kingdom Hearts games. In the novel, we are informed Ven is 15 and both Terra and Aqua are 18.


Wheres the "love" button. Like is not enough. Its never enough.

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