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And like all guys I've made my first screw up

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Ok so you guys remember the prick i was telling you about right? turns out hes a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. But i was still having trouble trusting him.me and Alex got into a bit of spat last night and long story short i screwed up. before anyone asks it happens im not upset im not going batshit insane im just owning up to my mistake like a man,i sent adrian a facebook message apologizing for my treatment of him and I will talk to alexandra when i can. do i know if everythings going to be alright? i dont but i choose to try anyway.

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There's nothing I can tell you bro. You're doing the right thing and maning up to your mistakes. One thing I can tell you is don't dwell on what you did wrong. Think about how to make things better, but I think you know that already. Keep it up bro and goodluck :)

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There's nothing I can tell you bro. You're doing the right thing and maning up to your mistakes. One thing I can tell you is don't dwell on what you did wrong. Think about how to make things better, but I think you know that already. Keep it up bro and goodluck :)


Thanks man.she told me the same thing in an unrelated matter last night about not dwelling on the past.I hope I am able to reconcile with her

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Alls well.We're just going to be friends though.will there be a relationship in the future?Idk and im not worried about it xD

There's nothing I can tell you bro. You're doing the right thing and maning up to your mistakes. One thing I can tell you is don't dwell on what you did wrong. Think about how to make things better, but I think you know that already. Keep it up bro and goodluck :)


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