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Wolf on the Run

Kingdom Hearts War of the Worlds

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Lycor sighed. "I've just been conflicted, after my father died, it left me with the responsibilities of Halloween Town, with no training in how to rule." said Lycor. he then looked towards Cat. "I want to tell you something but, i just don't know how to put it."


"It's called a keyblade, more powerful than any weapon...it has many skills...until this war with earth started, our world was the only place worthy of having wielders, somehow, earth gained that power, and much more, that's why we fight, to stop earth, they want to be the most powerful world, it's the job of a wielder to keep balance, and stop those who threaten it, when we get the chance, we're taking the fight to them." said Scorpio.

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Cat took Lycor's hand. "You move your mouth and say words, dummy. And come on, whatever you try and tell me is something I want to hear." Cat told him.



"So wait, that key thing is so powerful?" Nerdy asked. "And we have no clue on how to use it." Leader said. "And earth has gain a power to use it?" Speedy asked. "What time is it on Earth?" Timey asked. "And does earth have any music?" Singer asked. "And/or useful items that are useable?" Maker asked. "And how is their medical state." Helper asked.


Percy was listening to Jade's song that she had made. "What do you think?" Jade asked. "I love the music. But I do feel like it needs lyrics that come from your heart." Percy said. "Yeah, I just haven't come up with what it is trying to tell me." Jade said.

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'C'mon Lycor, it's only three words' he thought to himself. "Cat i.........l-love you."


Scorpio turned to the dwarves. "To put it this way, yes, the keyblade is powerful, i do not know what time it is on earth, they have music and medicine, as for their medical state, from what i read from my time there at halloween, they have flu's, cold's, disease, neumonia, cancer, outbreaks, viruses, and a whole mess of other problems....i think one of those books said that there was a plague called, the Black Death, wipped out have of, what they call, Europe...so yeah, besides us, they've got problems." said Scorpio.

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Cat leaned closer to Lycor. "I know you do, dummy. You aren't really good with hiding what your eyes show. But you know what, thats okay with me, because I have feelings for you too." Cat said and leaned in to kiss Lycor.


"So that is exactly how we can beat them. All we have to do is take that so called sickness problems and use it against them." Nerdy said. "But to do that we need a way to Earth." Leader said. "Why don't we just use the keyblade?" Helper asked. "Well we could, but I think they will be expecting that." Maker said. "And not to mention, Earth is not connected like this world is to ours." Speedy said. "But if we find the right time, then we can go to Earth and attack." Timey said. "And then when the war is over maybe we can get a record deal." Singer said.

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Lycor accepted the kiss. "You know, your the first one to really get me to a safe place when i'm injured...Scorpio just picks me up and keeps fighting." said Lycor. Lycor then had a mischifous smirk on his face. "Speaking of which.....watch this." said Lycor as he took off one of his armor's boots and snuck out and stood next to Scorpio. he then placed the boot on Scorpio's head and chuckled.


"What's so funny?" asked Scorpio until he notice the boot. "AH, get it off, get it off!" shouted Scorpio as he jumped around, trying to get it off him.


Lycor was now laughing his head off. "Having scorpion DNA, he's terrified of boots." laughed Lycor.

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Cat could only smack her head and give out a little laugh. "Man, you are such a kid." Cat told Lycor. "Hey Cat, so we have almost come up with a plan here to take down the Earth" Nerdy said. "And then destory the ones trying to destory us." Leader said. "And then we become the powerful ones." Speedy said. "And then we can take their items to make stuff with." Maker said. "And then we can use their medicine." Helper said. "And become a famous band." Singer said. "Well thats good and all, but I dont think we can just attack them and all will be over. What do you suggest we do, monster boy?" Cat said.

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Lycor had finally stopped laughing and thought. "Well, the direct approach is suicidal, and the indirect approach is to easy." said Lycor. he then snapped his fingers. "That's it, ok, we can send a team in directly, and one indirectly, that way, if they notice us, we'll have devided up their forces, leaving them weak.....now, they have very powerful and hard to destroy weapons called tanks, and fighter jets, anyone who can get into the air will take out the jets, the strongest of us will take out the tanks, the rest of us will deal with the soldiers, i'll take care of their long ranged fighters that they call snipers, i'll go in first, and signal the rest of you when the snipers are down, Scorpio, you lead team A in the direct approach, as soon as i signal you guys, i'll be leading team B in the indirect approach, we'll split off in the morning when you're ready, and if any of you see Boris, use the phrase 'The battle is heating up'." said Lycor.


"You got my king.....i'm ready for anything." said Scorpio, who got rid of the boot by now.

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"Wow, that is a quick plan you have come up with. Just remember, Tori, James, and I are of magic blood, which means that we can become invicible at any moment that we need to, but it will wear off eventually. I am not afraid to fight." Cat said. "Right" "On" "Sister" "We" "Are Here" "Til The" "End of Times" the dwarfs said. "But someone needs to tell this to Master Percy." Nerdy said. "Well then I think that someone would be you." Leader said who pushed Nerdy upstairs.


"So what you are telling me is that Percy didn't eat the apple and made it somehow into your world, and he is also a keyblade weirder?" Spencer asked. "Exactly what I am saying. And he has found the one." Jessica said. Spencer about broke her desk when she pounded on it hard. "No! Anything but that. That boy has to be thought a painful lesson and I know how. We are going to Earth and we are going to act!" Spencer said. Jessica just looked at Logan, who looked back at Jessica.

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Lycor looked towards Cat. "I've always been better at battle plans than anything......Cat, i need you to promise that if you need any help, you'll let me know, i don't want anything to happen to you." said Lycor.


Scorpio knew that something was going on between Lycor and Cat, but figured it would be revealed to everyone in time. "Right, if i run into any tanks, i'll give 'em what for, those guys wont know what hit them, especially when halloween comes early for them." said Scorpio as he ran a fingernail over his claw.

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"Oh come on, monster boy, this has not been the first war I have been in, and it may not be the last. I can handle this, but if I do need any help, I will call out for it. I do have magic, and I am a great healer, on what spells I do know, I kinda skipped a few lessons." Cat said. "So its settled." Speedy said. "We will leave in the morning." Timey said. "And then we will finally be able...." Singer was cut off. "To make some use out of this war." Maker said. "And help get this whole thing to end and finally things can go back to normal, well not counting the facts that who likes whom here." Helper said looking at Cat and Lycor.

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"Hmm, i wonder if that dwarf has told those others about our plan yet?" asked Scorpio.


"Well, i guess we should wait for their reply, the only question is, will there be others already down there fighting?" said Lycor. he then pulled out a map and opened it. "This is a map of earth, i swiped when me and Scorpio infiltrated earth once.....this larger section is Europe, that's where there's going to be the most opposition, we take that out first, we limit their troops...what do you think?" asked Lycor.

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"Well I think that is a good plan and all, but I think after we attack there, we need to head over here to America. I have heard rumors that the only thing in America you have to worry about is their government, and I heard that is where they keep alot of their supplies." James said appearing behind them with Tori. "We are in it to get the most of the war." Tori said while holding a huge spy blaster. Jade, Percy, Nerdy, and Leader then walked down the stairs to them. "As are we." Leader said. "Don't count us out just yet." Nerdy said. "Lets just do this thing already!" Percy said. "And then make everything go back to normal, well our normal." Jade said.

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"Well, since we're all in, decide which group your going with, mine or Scorpio's......then get some sleep, it's gonna be a long one." said Lycor.


Scorpio was thinking about something. 'Should i tell tem the history between boris and Lycor, the dwarves already know, and the others deserve to know, but i just don't really know, would Lycor want them to know, does he want the memory, do I want the memory, do they need to know, maybe it would help Lycor to have more support than just me.....i'll tell them in the morning.' thought Scorpio.

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"Well monster boy, I say that me and Tori should go whereever Jade goes cause of our job." Cat said. "Well then, we are going to go with team Scorpio." Jade said taking out her keyblade. "And dwarfs, we are going with team Lycor." Percy said. "Yes sir!" they said. "And that leaves me, so I guess I am going to go with Team Lycor. I was always more of the stealth guy." James said.


"So you are sure this will get us to Earth?" Spencer asked. "It pains me that you have so much doubt. Now you remember the plan?" Jessica asked. "Yes, but I still don't see how this will work out for us. And what if we run into those losers?" Spencer asked. "Well then mother, we will be able to work that whole thing out. Good thing I went into training while you stay back and help Logan here grow up into being an evil doer." Jessica said. "Well my parents were killed Jess, there really wasn't another way to work this out. But I was the one who had the idea that Spencer became the step-mother of Percy." Logan said. "Well lets just do this thing already." Jessica said.

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"Aliright, now that's settled, i suggest we get some sleep, we have a long day tommorow." said Lycor. He then looked towards Cat and smiled. "See ya in the morning." he said before he walked away to find a place to sleep.


Scorpio saw Lycor smile at Cat. "Alright, ok, i think i've avoided this question long enough.....what is going on between you and Lycor, i've never seen him so concerned about one person before....so what's the deal?" asked Scorpio.


Boris had finally got back to earth and was still in a lot of pain. "Note to self: bring better troops next time." said Boris.

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"I don't know what you mean by that. Lycor and I are just people who know each other, and might be in what is known as 'love', but who knows for sure." Cat said. Tori then walked her out into Cat's room. "Okay spill, and I mean the truth." Tori said crossing her arms meaning that is was serious. "Okay I may be madly falling for him. I know he is the uglyest thing I have ever laid eyes on, but his is also the sweetest monster in the universe." Cat said. "You can't be serious, you know what will happen if you two become a true couple, you will revert into being your old self, and I dont think you want to be looking like that again. Man why did your mom have to be that?" Tori asked. "Hey, my mother was sweet, if only she was still here. You know the only thing that makes us related is our dad right. So since both of my parents are gone, I have no one but my sisters and Jade. Which speaking of sisters, have you seen Jessica latey?" Cat asked. "No I haven't. I think she might have just went into her home away from home, but yet I don't know where that is." Tori said. Cat laughed. "And I thought you were supposed to be the present fairy." Cat said. "Hey miss past. Okay now we need to get to sleep. I will see you in the morning." Tori said and walked out Cat's room and went to hers. James showed the dwarfs where to go sleep and then he went to sleep. Jade and Percy went to Jade's room, where she had two beds ready. Cat looked up at the cieling above her bed. "Lycor, thank you." Cat said and then turned off her light and went to sleep.


(I think this is the longest post I have ever made.)

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Lycor had found a place to sleep, even though it was a tree. "Tommorrow, we go to end this....i just hope Cat will be alright, going for the direct approach." Lycor said to himself.


Scorpio was sleeping in the tunnel he made to the castle. "So, Lycor is in love....if only his father were alive to see this happen, he'd be proud." Scorpio said to himself. "Alright, the only question is, how do i deal with those tanks, even more important, those fighter jets.....eh, i'll make it up as i go along, some of the best fighters have done that."

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The next day, Jade woke up to seeing that Percy was already gone and there was a note on his bed. The note said, 'I got up early and went to wake the dwarfs up so we can make some breakfast. Just come to the dining hall.' Jade made a little laugh, "So my man can cook, I love him even more." Jade got dressed and ready and walked downstairs to find Percy cooking with the dwarfs. They turned to look at Jade. "Good" "Morning" "Jade" "Breakfast" "Is" "Almost" "Ready" the dwarfs said. Percy walked up to Jade and gave her a kiss. "Good morning, my love. Breakfast will be ready in 30 minutes." Percy said. "What are we having?" Jade asked. "My special, you will see." Percy said.


James and Tori walked to the dining room getting it settled. They put everything in order.


Cat snuck up to Lycor, who was still sleeping, and made two pans appear. She then clang them together close to his ear. "Come on, wake up monster boy." she yelled at him.

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Lycor woke up startled and fell off of the branch he was on. "Ow, what i miss?" asked Lycor.


Scorpio walked into the dining hall and saw almost everyone there. "Guys, there's something you gotta know, the reason Lycor is concerned about Boris being on earth during our mission, is because he's the guy who killed his father, i know because i was there when he was killed....Boris came to our world soon after, intent on conquering it, we drove them back, and Lycor scarred his left eye....one of you guys should probably tell Cat about it, Lycor doesn't really like talking about it." said Scorpio.

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James and Tori just looked at Scorpio. "Fine we will tell Cat as soon as we are about to depart. But for now sit down and relax, cause breakfast will be done soon." James said. Tori then went into the kitched to help get the food on the serving plates. "So what do you make out of all of this?" Tori asked Jade. Jade pondered this for a moment, "I don't know really, but if there is a way we can help people out, that is all I need to hear." Jade said.


Cat laughed as Lycor fell of the branch. "Hey monster boy, have a nice fall? I say you will miss the trip of a lifetime. And maybe just maybe you could use I don't know maybe a BED to sleep in. I mean really open a door open in this castle, almost every floor has at least 5 bedrooms to choose from." Cat said helping Lycor up.

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"Well, a tree is better than a hole, Scorpio sleeps in those......by the way, what was with the pans, you couldda just said 'wake up' ya know." said Lycor.


Scorpio was leaning back in his chair a liitle. "Ya know, if there's one thing i remember from years ago, it's when Lycor was just a little tike, he was young, but had the most halloween scare energy you could've seen, nowadays, he's kindda lost, he feels he's not as great a ruler as his father, just don't tell him i'm telling you this, i doubt he even knows that i know, so, keep it hush-hush." said Scorpio.

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Cat made the pots disappear. Then put her hands on her hips while looking at Lycor. "Well get used to me waking you up like that, cause I am even more nasty than you could have ever thought. Last night I was just pretending to be nicer than I really am. Now why dont you get your butt out of this area and inside to eat some stupid food so we can go get attacked and injured in a mission against your stupid little villian who killed your two face son of a jackgle dad." Cat said with a nasty tone in her voice. A blue bird then passed by her and Cat grab it by the tail. She then said, "I hate these stupid annoying pests." and cut the bird in half and drank a little of its blood, "But it does provide me with the amazing taste of blood."


James sat down and looked at Scorpio. "I know how he feels about that. When Jade's dad died it was hard for everyone in the kingdom and even more though on her. She thought that she couldn't pull off what it takes to be a leader, but as time past we helped her out and now she is better than ever." James said.

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Lycor raised an eyebrow, but nodded and headed to the castle. when he got there, he went to the dining hall and sat down. "Ok, so everyone remembers the plan, just to recap, i go in aslone first and take out the snipers, when i give the signal, my team will meet up with me around back, while the rest go head on and distract their military." said Lycor.


"Got it." said Scorpio. Scorpio then remembered something and leaned towards Tori. "Hey, isn't it a full moon tonight?" asked Scorpio in a whisper.

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Tori looked at him, "Sure is, last night and tonight. Weird how it is the first time since 5000 years ago that it has done this." Tori said. Then everyone helped get the food out and put the food in the middle for everyone to get what they wanted. The dwarfs all had the simple everything platter. Percy and Jade had pancakes, sausages, bacon, eggs, and gravy biscuits. Tori and James just went with a few pancakes and gravy biscuits. Cat had nothing but looked at Lycor. "Dear before you start eating, may I see you upstairs real fast?" Cat asked him.

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"Um, sure." said Lycor as he headed towards the stairs.


Scorpio had eaten his food rather quickly, the stepped out of the dining hall. he was acting a little paranoid. "Ok, ok, full moon tonight, but it's fine, his father taught you the secret to handling it.....ARE YOU CRAZY, REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME......it's fine, it's ok, you know how to deal with him on a full moon, last night was an eclipse, and when it did end, he was asleep.....BUT THIS TIME WE'LL BE ON EARTH, HE'LL BE AWAKE......just calm down, you don't wanna cause a commotion, nobody needs to know, other than you, and halloween town, strictly need.....to know......WHAT AM I THINKING?!" shouted Scorpio.

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