WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 12, 2012 "My sisters, the red one is Cat West, and the multi-color one is Jessica Zoner. Watch out for Cat's punk attiude, and Jessica is abit too nice." Tori said. Cat and Jessica walked over to Tori and Lycor. "So whos your new friend, Tori?" Cat asked. "This is Lycor, the ruler of Halloween Town." Tori said. "Well, that explains why he is so ugly and crazy looking. Have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror?" Cat asked Lycor. "So what if I killed some of your troops, if they cant take one hit then they weren't powerful, and must have been very weak. Plus, by the end of the night, we will have tons of new warriors." Logan told him with a powerful voice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 12, 2012 "Hardy har har, like i've never heard that one before, you should know you're also talking to the last Keyblade Master of Halloween Town, cut me a break will ya?" asked Lycor sarcastically. Lycor wasn't really one to use snappy comebacks, but he could tell he'd have to use them for this fairy. Boris didn't really like the fact that Logan called him weak. "Hey, i've lasted longer in this war then half of the other generals earth sent here, but, the real question is, will you be able to keep up?" asked Boris, smirking slightly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 12, 2012 "Well, aren't you just a mister sarcast, well I think I will call you L-U-cor. Which stands for Lame Ugly and then the rest of your name." Cat told him. She didn't like his attitude at all, too dangerous to be trusted. She loved halloween with a passion, but didn't like not getting the feeling of halloween from the halloween ruler. "Hey Cat, dont you think you are being abit rude?" Jessica asked. "It doesnt matter, we just need to get ready cause Jade just went back upstairs and will be down in a 4 minutes for it to begin. Everyone else is at the door." Tori said and then opened the door, and people came rushing in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 13, 2012 "Well then, i guess it's time for me to armor up, you'll need my help." said Lycor as he struck his gauntlet, which encased him in black, muscular wolf armor. "You should know, if there's trouble, it'd be wise to leave it to me." said Lycor. Lycor then turned and headed towards a shaded part of the hall, he never liked to admit it, but there were times he perfered shadow to brightness, especially during eclipses. "Believe me, i'm not anti-social, it's just who i am." said Lycor. his helmet covered all but his eyes, so you couldn't really see his lips move, but the helmet added a sort of lower tone to his voice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 13, 2012 Moments later, Jade walked down the stairs and was starting the ball. She walked up to the stage and went to the mic. "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming out to my ball party. Tonight at 11:11, I will be getting my full powers, and become the great ruler of this world. Now lets kick this thing off with one of my best friends, who might as well be my sister, Miss Cat West." Jade said as she walked off the stage and the curtain behind her opened with Cat behind it with her band. "Whos ready to rock?!?!" Cat said loud and then began to sing: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 13, 2012 Lycor was listening to the song when he decided to step out of the shadowed area's for a bit. 'Well, i'd hate to admit it, but she's a pretty good singer.' thought Lycor. Lycor did notice that his armor was a little out of place with the armor of the other soldiers. "Great, i feel like the black sheep, why is it no matter how hard i try i just cannot fit in?" Lycor asked himself. Lycor then leaned against a nearby wall. "Oh well, i guess being alone in a party is better than being alone altogether, but i was right, this place is full of life." said Lycor. "Sheesh, when is that blasted fairy going to give us that signal, because unlike you people, we earthling acctually get board." said Boris. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 13, 2012 (edited) (Sorry about the double post, but i just thought i'd get this out of the way) Normal Keyblade wielder Name: Scorpio Age: Unknown Gender: Male Side: Light Keyblade or normal weapon: scorpion claw, normal claws, scorpion tail Home world: Halloween Town Appearance:(Except the claw is the left hand) Bio: not much is known about this warrior, except the fact that he was re-awakened when Lycor's father was king, he was one of the few soldiers that survived agains Boris the first time, he tags along with Lycor, but goes undergroud, literally, until summoned, he may look ugly, but he cares for his allies, and will do anything to protect Lycor, which was the last order given to him by Lycor's father Edited March 13, 2012 by Keyblade_warrior895 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 13, 2012 Cat then went onto her next song: Tori walked over to Lycor. "Oh,come on. Dont be alone during a party." Tori told him. Jessica was just jamming out to the music while she danced with a few people. "Man, do we know how to throw a party. I could go through with this all night." Jessica said. Jade was on the baloncy looking down at the second floor from the first. "I wonder if I am truely ready for my full powers. I knew that I come from magic and royalty, I just thought it wouldn't be so hard on responbilities." Jade told herself. Just then, Percy and the dwarfs walked out of the portal. "Okay, according to my redar, we are in Enchanted Deminion." Nerdy said. "Well, that is great to know, but we dont know." Leader said. "Hey guys, I think there is a ball going on." Singer said. "Well, what at what time did you noticed your surroundings?" Timey asked. "Well we are here in suits and already look the part, why dont we make the best of it and have fun here?" Maker asked. "That is a good idea." Helper said. The dwarfs splited and went different ways. Speedy stayed with Percy. "So, what do you want to do?" Speedy asked. Percy was about to answer when he saw Jade and was lost in a gaze. Speedy clapped his hands to signal Percy to snap out of it. "Yo, Percy, snap out of it. What are you even looking at?" Speedy asked him. Percy snapped out of his gaze and looked down at Speedy. "Speed, I think I found it." Percy said. "What it?" Speedy asked. "The one who owns my heart." Percy said and showed Speedy Jade. "Her, what makes her so speical? Oh well, how about you go talk to her?" Speedy asked. "Right, I, I can do this." Percy said and walked over to Jade. "Hello there, my name is Prince Percy Masters of Dwarf Woodlands. Who are you?" Percy asked Jade. Jade looked at Percy, 'OMG, he is so cute, and he is a prince, so in my leauge.' Jade thought in her head, "I am Princess Jade Valentine of this kingdom. Tonight is the night I will get my full powers." Jade told Percy. "That is really cool. Me and my friends were invited here so we showed up. So......" They continued to talk. "You just wait a moment, we have feelings too, and we get bored just the same. I had to learn that it might take Jessica awhile to give the signal, but that is because she knows the perfect time to attack." Logan told him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 13, 2012 it had been a day since maylean had taken control of Joe with her strange powers and Joe was now inside Mayleans castle and Maylean made shore to keep him close so her spell would not weaken "so Joe how are you enjoying your new home dont worry i'll let you speak freely for now" Joes eyes then became clear "terrorfying" "owe dont be like that you must be enjoying some of it like how you had to poor me my bath last night you must of enjoyed the view there" Joe then rolled his eyes "leave it to a women to think" "owe Joe dont act like that i know you liked it" Joe just rolled his eyes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 13, 2012 (edited) Tsuki woke up and started to look around. She satted up. "Anazlizing. Battery power 100%."Tsuki says. She jumped off the Palm Tree. She then took out a hologram and stared as she still somehow had gotten a track on Joe. "Hm...he seems to still be at his location...but his senses are very blinding...his body's energy is full but his mind just seems a bit to blurry. Maybe he needs a scanning over."Tsuki says as she got her hands away and then summoned a portal. She stared and walked through. "Location: 75167.245..."Tsuki sas as she dissapeared within the portal. Soon enough she re-appeared infront of this huge castle. She scanned it and could see heat signatures along with blue. "It seems he has been invited. Stalking senses,activate."Tsuki says as her suit became invisable. Edited March 13, 2012 by Stardustblade358 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 13, 2012 Lycor looked towards Tori. "Well, i'm kind of embarassed to say, but my father never taught me how to dance, so, i....can't dance......go ahead and laugh, everyone always does, a prince who can't dance is the final indignity." said Lycor as he smacked his forehead. "Besides, who in their right mind would dance with........this?" asked Lycor as he gestured to himself. "Phft, like you people could get as board as an earthling, i haven't seen any action in 3 months." said Boris as a small flame appeared above his fingers and dissapeard everytime he snapped his fingers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 13, 2012 "Okay first off, I dont think it is that bad that you cant dance, cause you can still learn. Second off, you dont get why Cat was being so mean to you?" Tori asked Lycor. Cat switched right into her next song: Logan was getting sick and tired of this dude thinking they were not human like earthlings are. "You know what, look here. We may not be earthlings, but everyone is built the same way. Even the good people are build like the bad. We all feel the same way, and so dont think that we cant feel like you. And for you info once I was so bored that it almost killed me." Logan told Boris. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 13, 2012 "Well, i'll admit, but don't tell her i said this.....she's a good singer......but just to clear things, why was she being so mean?" asked Lycor. he knew about the term 'smack talk', but sometimes didn't get why people did it in the first place, normally a father would teach a son this stuff, but his was either busy with halloween preperation, or off fighting. "Alright, alright, sheesh, cut me some slack, i haven't slep in those 3 months, i'm a little cranky." said Boris. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 13, 2012 "Because she doesnt know how to express her feelings and so she just acts like a punk. She was meaner to you than anyone else she has ever met, which means that to her you are special. Plus, her favorite holiday is halloween." Tori told Lycor. Jade and Percy were hitting it off well. "So you are telling me that you did all that and more." Jade said. "Yeah, sure did. Man you are just a good girl." Percy said. "And you are such a dangerous guy." Jade said. They then began to break out into a number: They had everyone joining in with them and when they were done they kissed. "Okay, just note I have a short temper." Logan said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 13, 2012 Lycor was puzzled for a bit, but suddenly got the hint. Lycor then got an idea, which was a bit crazy for him. Lycor walked over to Jade. "Hey Jade, do you mind if i try a little number i've been working on....i figured i should try and have a little fun?" asked Lycor. he then noticed Percy and did a small salute to him. "Yo, name's Lycor." Boris looked towards Logan. "Well, at least we cleared that up.....so, what's up with those minions, they look like a bunch of pigs and buzzards, those are just mindless animals that we cook for thanksgiving and christmas on earth?" asked Boris. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 14, 2012 Percy looked at Lycor. "Nice to meet you, my name is Prince Percy Masters from Dwarf Woodlands." Percy told him. Jade looked at Lycor. "Sure you can do a number if you want. I dont even know why we did ours, but man you can just feel something here." Jade said. "But Jade, I thought you couldn't find a prince worthy?" Tori asked Jade. "Well I guess I finally found the one." Jade said. "And I have found the perfect princess. But I would love to see more of the castle." Percy said. "Then I will give you the grand tour." Jade said and walked off with Percy. Cat was taking ten. "It may be that way on Earth, but in this world, the animals are more powerful than regure human soilders of this world, but they are more dumb than anything." Logan said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 14, 2012 Lycor walked up to the front and picked up an accustic guitar. he played a few notes to give it the once over. 'Phew, it's a good thing i still know how to do this.' thought Lycor. he then turned to the others at the ball. "Ok, hope you don't mind if i slow things down a bit, this is for all you couples out there." said Lycor as he began playing. once he was finished playing, he looked out towards the crowd, hoping he was still as good as he thought, at both playing and singing. he looked towards Tori, who he was thankful to see close by. "What'd ya think?" Lycor asked Tori. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 14, 2012 "I think that it was okay. But if you are really going to play, why not do something unexpect and original. And this one goes out to those who just want to get love moving: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h76Ox4LZ3N8 " Tori sang. When she was done she went behind the stage. "Please tell me that we are ready. Cause when she comes down in 9 minutes it will be time." Tori said. "Yes, we are ready." Jessica said. "Man, what is with that mysterious dude, name was Lycor right? Anyways, monster boy is just so." Cat was cut off by Tori. "I can tell how you really feel for him. Dont forget that I am the present fairy." Tori said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 14, 2012 Lycor walked over to a nearby table and sat at it. he then pulled out a small instrument that he carried with him which used to b his father's. "I ahven't played this thing in so long." said Lycor. Lycor then put the instrument to his lips and began playing a small song on it. when he finished however, he saw a lot of people staring because of his song, and how good he was, oddly enough. "What, it's a song i play sometimes, whenever i have a lot on my mind, and feel kindda, alone really." said Lycor as he put the instrument away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 14, 2012 A few minutes later, Jade walked down the stairs with Percy. Jade walked to the center of the room and Percy went to the stage with his dwarf team. "Okay, lets do this." Jade said. Tori, Cat, and Jessica walked over to Jade and formed a circle. Since they were the ones who were her fairies, it was their job to form a circle to be able for Jade to get her full powers. Then James opened the ceiling to where the sky was above their heads. Jade was standing underneath the elcipse. Jessica then flashed a multi color light into the air. Logan saw this. "Its time." Logan said as she got on top of a chair and was carried by her henchmen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 14, 2012 "Oh, this is going to be fun." said Boris as he and his troops followed Logan. "Hey, perhaps you could answer this, why is your name Logan?" asked Boris as he and his troops were readying their weapons. Boris' troops were loading their guns, while Boris summoned a sword from the fire he created. Lycor was watching the ceremony, still mostly thinking about something. 'Well, she get's her full powers, and i have to wait another 4 halloween's for mine, still, i guess it's for the best that i have to wait.' thought Lycor. Lycor thenturned his attention to Cat. 'If what Tori said was true, then why would Cat like me, i mean, without my armor, i'm a freak.' he thought again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 14, 2012 maylean had joe serving her dinner as he did Joe was growling loudly in his head "stupid concubine powers she didnt have them i would of got out of here ages ago and headed to one of the other legendary's 15 theres three other locations on earth were i could of taken one on but no had to come here had to come to the one location there was bound to be an enemy i wouldnt want to fight and worse of all she can control me" a man then walked into the room and approached Maylean "General we have an intrudure in the castle" "I already know someone trying to use a cloaking device how sad as thinking one of the legendary 15 wouldnt be able to sense them out" "what do you want us to do general" "Nothing let who ever it is find there way to me if its a man i'll do to them what ive done to Joe" "and if its a women" "i'll use Joe to destroy them" "understud" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 14, 2012 Logan looked at Boris. "Why is your name Boris? I mean really, I hate my real name so I picked out a name for myself and went with it." Logan said. Her army followed behind and in the front. They were ready to attack when they needed to. "Now I think Jessica will try and give them one chance to surrunder, but they wont, so be ready for a good fight." Logan said. "Now power of the esclipe grant me with the power to unlock my full powers." Jade said loud. Then the esclipse shinned bright and made a flash of light go straight down on Jade. Jade flashed all the colors that fitted her and then the light faded away and went back to the sky. Jade laid down on the floor, but was wearing the same colors. Tori, Cat, James, and Jessica went to her and helped her up. "So it works like it worked." Tori said. "Yes, I think it did. I can feel the power inside of me, and look at my head, I have a crown with my favorite color, white." Jade said. She then walked to the stage to Percy. "So you got the fullnest you needed." Percy said. "Sure did, but I also got what every princess needs." Jade said and kissed Percy. Tori then went to Jade. "If I may but in, I believe there is one thing you forgot." Tori said. "What is that?" Jade asked. Everyone that was invited, Jessica, Cat, and James all screamed out, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jade almost broke out into tears of joy when they brought out the 9 foot cake. "Oh my gost, this this so surprising. I thought everyone forgot. Thank you all." Jade said. Cat walked over to Lycor. "Yo monster boy, dont just stand there. Come and join in the fun times, dummy." Cat told him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted March 14, 2012 Lycor smiled a little under his helmet. "What've i got to lose." he muttered to himself as he walked over to join in the fun. "For your information, i'm called Boris because of my mother, she sent me to join earth's military once i was 18, and you know, i'm glad she did, i'd never have as much fun as i had if i didn't." said Boris as he looked back towards his troops. "Alright Boys, This Will Be One Of Our Greatest Triumphs......MAKE IT COUNT!" commanded Boris. his troops cheered as their morale had risen, they were ready for anything, even Lycor, if only they knew what waited for them, besides Lycor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted March 14, 2012 (edited) "Oh, no. You just said the password." Nerdy said to Lycor after hearing what he said. Singer, Maker, Helper, and Timey then began to sing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXPjM3B_w8U "Didn't already do this?" Leader asked Nerdy. "They do it whenever they hear a line from the song." Nerdy said. Jessica sneaked away outside. Logan and Boris were outside the doors. "Okay guys, lets do this. But I cant be in this form, or they would know it is me." Jessica said and turned into a cat-like person. "Okay, much better." Jessica said, "We attack in 9 minutes. I know what I am doing." Jessica said. "Hey guys, do you know any slow songs?" Percy asked. "Sure thing." Singer said and then they began to sing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-pxCjjYNbk "May I have this dance?" Percy asked Jade. Then they began to dance. Cat looked over at Lycor. "Yo monster boy, lets dance. And dont worry I will guide you through it." Cat said. Edited March 14, 2012 by Xeveemon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites