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KH2 Poor Olette. . .

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I love Olette! I always make sure to include her when talking about KH girls. Which isn't hard because there aren't many.


Is it weird that I think she's one of the most dimensional KH girls, despite barely being in it? I don't know, I just liked her. She had spunk, she was realistic, a good friend, she was kind... And I liked that she was smart. She's the Hermione or Topanga of her group. And even though she was in a trio, she wasn't really like the Kairi clones. And I'm SO glad she has green eyes.


Anyway... Olette forever!


P.S. I liked her voice actress. She's very talented and infectuous. She was also Malina on The Emperor's New School. I actually enjoyed that show.

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Wooa... I could have sworn everyone in KH had blue eyes


Axel has green eyes

And a lot of the Organization members have brown/black/gold eyes


Kingdom Hearts II was the first game I played, so Olette was technically the first girl of the series I ever saw.

I thought she and Roxas had a thing.

But then I meet Namine and changed my mind.

But I am a shipper of Hayner/Olette :)


Like DenizenofTwilight said, Olette's pretty cool. Out of the three Twilight friends, she is my favorite

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It's a shame we don't get to see much of Olette. She actually is a cool character. I agree with DenizenofTwilight when it comes to her being really different from the other KH girls. To be honest, I like most of the KH girls but Kairi kind of annoys me. Hopefully, we 'll get to see more Olette in upcoming games.

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True... What about Daisy?


lets try to stay in topic, okay? if you wanna talk about another person, you can always start a new topic! :)


Anyway, i never thought Olette would be this popular. Personally, Olette is one of my favorite kh girl, besides namine.

She is a little bookworm, and even has an intimidating side, because she can force Hayner and Pence to do their homework, even though it is in the middle of summer.

I also love how she holds the trio together like glue, and keeps them out of trouble.

Oh and I hate it when people do yuri with her!

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Olette is by far one of my most favorite characters in KH. She's cute and her personallity is something different from all of the other-er- heavy personallities of KH2. I wish she would get more screen time.


Though I think she has gotten almost as much screen time as Kairi.

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tutti frutti. Back when i first played KH2, I thought that Olette was the one to be with Roxas. At least until I finished KH2 and later KHDays. I agree with a number of others on this thread, she is left out and underappreciated. Hopefully she will be brought back at a later point in the series. I definitely like Olette as a character over Kairi.

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tutti frutti. Back when i first played KH2, I thought that Olette was the one to be with Roxas.

Ditto. I can remember playing KH2 for the first time and being absolutely certain that whoever this Roxas guy was, he was going to hook up with Olette, because there is some definate chemistry there.


Of course, I also thought for certain that Ariel had the hots for Sora before remembering that canon dictated she wind up with Eric, so I'm probably a bad judge (but seriously, wouldn't they be great together? Also, Cinderella totally wants Terra).


But yes, Olette is awesome.

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Ditto. I can remember playing KH2 for the first time and being absolutely certain that whoever this Roxas guy was, he was going to hook up with Olette, because there is some definate chemistry there.


Of course, I also thought for certain that Ariel had the hots for Sora before remembering that canon dictated she wind up with Eric, so I'm probably a bad judge (but seriously, wouldn't they be great together? Also, Cinderella totally wants Terra).


But yes, Olette is awesome.


tutti frutti. I had the same feeling with Ariel/Sora and Cinerella/Terra, but i could probably guess that Disney wanted to stick to the stories of their movies over changing any actual hookups that took place in the movies.

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Olette and Roxas should have had a romance thing going on in the fake Twilight Town. That would have added to his anger against DiZ. Olette was a good character, most responsible. I liked her. And she wasn't a wimpy damsel in distress like Kairi, needing rescuing from Disney villains and Nobodies. Sure, she got beat down by Dusks, but at least she got beat down trying to do something useful. My favorite KH girl besides Namine.

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I love Olette!

I think it's great that she's her own character (not that I hate the others but still), she's certainly a good example of girl power in KH ;)


Has anybody read the Kingdom Hearts Short Stories Volume 1 novel - Other Diamonds? Olette (and Hayner and Pence) have a short story in Episode 2 The Twilight (set in Twilight Town from Namines point of view, where she finally meets the 3). Currently it's only in Japanese but I'm translating it into English (like I did for Episode 1) and will post it once I'm done- but I think Olette is brilliant in it!


BTW... I think she'd be better with Pence than Hayner, I think that those two would just end up killing each other xD.

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