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KH3D Scans of Kingdom Hearts 3D in Famitsu Weekly

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Update 4: KH13.com have scanned and uploaded perfect quality versions of the Kingdom Hearts 3D article in the March 8, 2012 Famitsu Weekly. You can view these below. (And remember to click for a much larger image!)


march-8-2012&i=Page+1.jpg&h=220&q=75&t=1 march-8-2012&i=Page+2.jpg&h=220&q=75&t=1 march-8-2012&i=Page+3.jpg&h=220&q=75&t=1 march-8-2012&i=Page+4.jpg&h=220&q=75&t=1



Update 3: SQEX.INFO have created a translated summary of the Famitsu Weekly article. This is very interesting, so please have a read!


- The next issue of Famitsu Weekly releasing March 15th will have an interview with producer Tetsuya Nomura and plenty of new information!


- Sora and Riku’s friends King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy worry for his well being during the Mark of Mastery Exam. Alongside them, Lea appears before Yen Sid. The dialogue on the screenshot says, “Maybe from a fairly early stage, Xehanort was probably suspected.”


- Sora and Riku are shown beginning their journey riding upon their raft, the one built in the very first Kingdom Hearts title.


- Riku, the King, Ansem, and Xehanort all appear in The World That Never Was. The caption beside them explains how Ansem as the researcher of darkness and Xemnas came from the same person. Since they are both defeated, are they the real thing appearing…? In one screenshot Mickey is shown saying, “That time, the destinies of those three young people were changed!”


- The commands for Dive Mode are explained. “Diving” is the means of travelling to new worlds, much like driving the Gummi ship in the past games. While diving, you can collect prize drops and do the following commands:


A Button: Dive Attack (Attacking with a dash forward)

B Button: Eradication (Decreases speed)

X Button: Magic (Gathering prizes let’s you use magic attacks)

Y Button: Reflect Dodge (Defend against enemy attacks)


- Information regarding the Link Portal command is explained. This involves the playing with the data gathered from the people you encounter in Street Pass. The Battle Portal is sort of like an fight arena and Friend Portal is like borrowing Dream Eaters.


- Details on the customization and mini-games involved in raising the Dream Eaters is revealed. Two new Dream Eaters are also introduced, Blazing Lobster and Flower Wondernyan. Special attacks involving single links with Dream Eaters are also explained including Ragnarok and Chaos Snake.


- The special Dream Eaters collectible via AR card are also revealed. They are King Wondernyan, Circus Panda, and Nekuish. It seems the Nekuish Dream Eater is a lizard with Neku’s features. The card that comes with the game has one of these rare Dream Eaters, but it is random which one you get.



Update 2: More partial scans have been added below, again thanks to ArikaMiz.


[removed due to perfect quality scans above]



Update 1: Thanks to Toma_Kisaragi, we now have full scans of the article. We'll leave the partial scans below, as they show some parts in better quality, but feel free to also check out the complete scans. Enjoy (and look forward to our own HQ scans later on)!


[removed due to perfect quality scans above]



The latest issue of Famitsu Weekly magazine, which is set to release on March 8, 2012, has included an article on Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]. Partial scans of this article have begun to appear online thanks to ArikaMiz, and you can see these partial scans below.


[removed due to perfect quality scans above]

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You get the cards at random? Totally not fair! >.< I really hope I get lucky and get that Neku snake! *drools*


But if I actually got the Neku snake card I am gonna laugh so hard, maybe even faint xD

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I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I know you guys translate as fast as you can, but I really want to know: What are they saying in the three screenshots in the 2nd scan?

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I want all those rare dream eater! :D


I can't choose so hopefully they're all uploaded on to the internet so I can scan the ones I don't have after I receive my shipment. (8D)

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I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I know you guys translate as fast as you can, but I really want to know: What are they saying in the three screenshots in the 2nd scan?


Can you be more specific? I don't know which ss you're talking about.

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I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I know you guys translate as fast as you can, but I really want to know: What are they saying in the three screenshots in the 2nd scan?


Mickey: That time the destiny of the 3 young people was changed unfortunately.

Above the King: Transfered to the basement of the Org. XIII in a world where the King never existed. May there happen sth...? (sorry i am in ahurry so it is not the best english!)

Under Riku & Sora: Troubles for trial at the beginning of the game

Xemnas: You are..!!!



to say the truth i donot think someone will translate because it is already a good translation attached (..)





btw sth is wrong with the reply thing .., Oo

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Mickey: That time the destiny of the 3 young people was changed unfortunately.

Above the King: Transfered to the basement of the Org. XIII in a world where the King never existed. May there happen sth...? (sorry i am in ahurry so it is not the best english!)

Under Riku & Sora: Troubles for trial at the beginning of the game

Xemnas: You are..!!!



to say the truth i donot think someone will translate because it is already a good translation attached (..)





btw sth is wrong with the reply thing .., Oo


AAAA! Awesomeness! Thanks!


what does sth mean?

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I think it's short for the word "something".


omg, really? Man, that was kinda easy to figure out...I am so out of touch w/internet language. T_T better go read up on it.



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