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KH2 Who's beat the game 100% on Hard?

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If I couldn't even beat Sephiroth on standard how the hell am I gonna been him on Proud?

And my X button wasn't helping at all xD. I couldn't be bothered finding all the treasures, they were all hidden in 100 Acre Woods, in those mini games. I had one left to find Dx

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nope... not gonna try either... I hate the gummi ship levels too much... but I did find out if I REALLY want to I can clear all the story line(worlds all the way) in a week. But I have to reallllly want it ( I have a full time job so I can't play it 24/7)

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Pretty close, but not there yet. 97% Some of the missions you had to do are REALLY hard. Like the poster duty in 30 secs. I can only do it in 57. T_T

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Oh I think I finished that within 30 seconds (:

The guide helps ALOT lmfao!!

But the mini games suck, theyre always the little things that you need to complete, but super hard.

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I Close to beating it 100% on proud mode i have to beat Xemnas My ps2 is broken so i can't play it.


Im gonna get Re:Chain Of Memorys as well as a new PS2 or get my PS2 Sent away to get fixed. Along with my pants which my dad has to send away to get the zip on the leg fixed. Lol.

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Never in a million years xD.

I can't even get close to 100% in beginner mode,

much less proud mode.

I barely beat Sephiroth a month ago after having everything maxed out and having (almost) all the keyblades.

In beginner mode.

In 1 entire year of trying.

Lol, fail is my middle name xD.

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