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You need to tell someone about this. Your parents, your friends, a councilor at school, even a private help line on the phone. Absolutely do not keep something like this bottled inside of yourself. If you don't tell someone about it, they can't help to make it better, and if something like this happens again, there may not be someone there to help you next time.


Tell your parents. Even if you're scared or don't want them to worry, they need to know.

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I'm Roxana 13 years old and i was a VERRY happy person. I have back problems and i ware brace and i need to do some special sports. Lately i can do nothing. And i am depressed for no special resons! I dont eat i dont sleep i wont do my sports i dont study i dont laugh (exept sometimes) i cry every night. Its 3 days i hadnt eat a thing (exept small stuff like a candy) or slept more then an hour. Last 2 days i only cried yesterday i yalled at myom and then get crazy and brake my stuff and today i almost kill my self in English class! I used a sharp thing and cut my self and then the blood came out and it was TOO MUCH BLOOD so i fainted and lost blood and my bestfriend saved me she put my hand in cold water and pushed the scar. (btw things got dark wen i fainted and it was soo relaxing!) she slaped me so hard and then cried...

Im not lonley i have lots of friends and today 2 cried 8 huged me and 2 called me idiot. And till end of school no one left me so i wont hurt my self and they all bigan to cheer me up... But i cant control my emotions all im looking forword to is death! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?


Sorry for grammer


Been a similar position... twice


Just remember and think of all the people who know you and would miss you if you'd kill yourself. People irl and on this forum.


Trust me, know one wants to go there, as it's a point-of-no-return :(



If you need someone to talk to or cheer ya up, I'm always there for you and if you'd be gone-I'd already miss you.




EDIT: See that your better now, well if anything like this happens again, I'm there. (A random kid is there for you. How great :P )

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Im great now thanks to all of you. I told my parents but before that a friend of mine told me whats wrong and she is right. I ignore things i have and see them in a bad way. I am feeling great now thanks



I'm glad that things are looking up.

If you need help, you've got people here that are on your side. Never forget that.


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