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KH2 Which Organization XIII member matches your personality?

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i took an online quiz and believ it or not, ROXAS!!!! OH YEAH!!!!


i would like to take one just to see, but i would guess that i would come out like zexion.

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I'd say a combo of Roxas,Axel,Zexion,and Demyx.

Roxas- Sensitive, stubborn, aggressive

Axel- Protective, tries to get people to laugh, hurt at a friend's betrayal

Zexion- Academic, quiet, calm

Demyx- Funny, playful, easily startled(and quite violent when startled too, which I suppose is a Saix trait!)

Edited by Colors of the Night

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Probably a mix of Roxas and Vexen...as scary as that sounds. O+O

That's me exactly!  I generally get Vexen when taking the personality quizzes online, but sometimes I'll trick it into saying Roxas.


Personally, I'd say I'm most like Zexion and Vexen.  Ironic combination, isn't it?

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I think I am a mix of Roxas and Xion, because I am shy, have only a few close friends who I care about a lot, not sure who I want to be in life, and can be very adamant about what I think is right.  I will follow the rules even if I don't think they are fair or right, because I am afraid of getting in trouble, and I am oblivious to the world around me most of the time.  You guys can pick out which characteristics go with which character, because I am not entirely sure I am right in my own head.

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iv'e always wanted to say im close to being like Demyx because im lazy and i don't wanna do the big jobs.


but i went on a KH Organization XIII identity Test and some of your test give you one or two  or even three.


I got 5 and i guess its normal to get 5 some of my friends got 7 personality id's that match Organization members.


i got


#2 Xigbar: open to start a chat with many,leading them on to be more comfortable but mostly your just lookin to speak your mind about what you think about there situation.

{basically your a BA with issues ;3 }


#1 Xemnas: Quiet when alone,you true agenda's are hidden but that doesn't mean you hide them from those you trust and know.

{Basically your just a really misunderstood Enigma}


#10 Luxord: You like to play games,your quite the gentleman at times you don't speak out rashly unless you see fit too in many situations,tend not to get involved with the higher ups.{Basically your a gamer who plays life to your own rules unless you become fed up with the rules and make them shift into your favor...such a gentleman  xP}


#3 Xaldin: your quite handy with your words and know which buttons to press, quite ruthless with some subjects{basically your everything that is Xaldin...cept for his long side burns <3 }


#5 Lexaeus: Silent,strong,you sir are a man with true grit,someone who values action over words. big forehead too xD

{basically....your kinda scary and intimidating...if the zombie apocalypse comes your my hard hitter}




i don't really know who made that personality test up but im kinda surprised at the results,didn't figure i had something in common with xigbar or luxord.

i still think im kind of Demyx Material but i'll just go with the test on this one.

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I can't possibly settle on one member, so I'd go with Demyx, Saix, Axel, Zexion and Larxene.


Demyx - I'm lazy and I just want to do the stuff I like rather than what I dislike.

Axel - friends are important to me, but I still have my selfish side. 

Saix - I can be pretty cold at times. Also I desperately long for something and easily feel abandoned, causing me to be cold and hateful towards the one who abandoned me

Zexion - I'm calm and quiet most of the time and despite being actually lazy, if I like something I can be very devoted to it and do more for it than needed. 

Larxene - I like to provoke and have a sharp tongue at times. Also I almost enjoy hurting others, when I'm angered, though only those who angered me in the first place.

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So i search for my mbti to be objective and I am INTJ as for Marluxia and yes I'm a little like him but I don't think I could argument on it properly.


And then I make some personality test and I Got a lot of Xemnas  some Marluxia and one Larxene.

What a Stranger character I am.

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