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Any news about a Possible 10th Anniversary KH Collection for PS3?

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Any word on a KH1Final Mix And KH2Final Mix, along with Re:chain of memeories and birth by sleep being in HD In a Blue Ray release for PS3? I Mean like really they did the same thing with The sly collection and the Jak and Daxter collection also.

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I doubt it. The 10th anniversary thing was already stated as being the bundle with Days, Re:Coded, and DDD along with the case and art. So I doubt they'll suddenly pop up with HD remakes this close to the anniversary with no warning at all.

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tutti frutti. There is always that possibility. I remember another member on here mentioning that Nomura would do something special for those outside of Japan, but I'm not 100% sure about this since it's been a bit since I remember reading this. I seriously hope that Square does since more companies seem to be doing the same thing, especially since the final mixes aren't released outside of Japan.

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At this stage there has been no announcement of a Kingdom Hearts HD collection. If a KH HD collection is announced we'll let you know on our home page.


We have tomorrow's event and the release of KH3D in Japan this month to look forward to.

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