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KH2 What didn't you like about this game?

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My least favorite thing in KH2 was my favorite character.




First he was annoying and completely random. "Who is this and where is Sora?!?"


Then he becomes completely awesome during the Axel fing. "This kid rocks! Go Roxas!"


And then they rip him away and you can't play as him the whole game. "Way to mess with our minds SE!"

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My only two gripes about this game that I can think of are, the begining with Roxas bored me alot when I first played this game....that introduced me to the series. I had no idea who Sora was, but I knew he was the main character and kept thinking, "Where is this Sora?! Roxas is boring, gimmie the guy I'm SUPPOSED to be playing! Dx<" I don't mind it that much now; and it's been years since I've played it...so I probably wouldn't mind now. xD

My 2nd problem with the game, was the final boss; I remember back when I first played it, the battle seemed to stretch on and on...and on....and....on......*a million years later* nope, not done. @_@;


Oh...and this isn't really a problem I have with KH2, just something I've noticed, last year when my brother was playing FM+, I had a go at it and noticed how Sora seemed to be running slower than I remember. I guess after playing Re:CoM, Days, BbS, and Re:Coded and not coming back to KH2, he just seems.....slower to me. @_@;;;;

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Guest Lady Dreana

The singing in Atlantica. It was the most awesome thing in the game.


As much as I hate to admit it, it was rediculous

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You know you have problemas when you're bored and play KH2 just to listen the atlantica songs G_G (I did it).

I think that some disney world plots were to... artifical. I mean, they could make it in a way everything looked more... Natural.

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You know you have problemas when you're bored and play KH2 just to listen the atlantica songs G_G (I did it).

I think that some disney world plots were to... artifical. I mean, they could make it in a way everything looked more... Natural.


~Swim this way we'll dance and we'll play, A musical for everyone to have a lot of finny fun!~


I did the same!

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I must agree that when i first played Kingdom Hearts 2 and saw Roxas, my first thoughts were "Whooooooa... who the hell is this guy??? WHERES SORA?! HOW LONG AM I PLAYING AS THIS GUY!?" But once he was gone i couldnt help but think "So..when i'm I gonna play as Roxas again..? Wait, will anyone even mention him?!" But the most annoying thing about the game was most definitely Atlantica. It was so annoying.


Definetly Atlantica it just was so awkward for me e.e and kinda boring


Totally off topic, but i must say i love you avatar. Reborn right?

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My biggest problem with the game is that it's just too easy. And I'm not a huge gamer, so I think it's kind of a big deal for someone like me to say that. xD


Also opening the passages to other worlds in the Gummi Ship...it's fun the first couple of times, and of course it's way better than what you get in KH1, but as you progress through KH2, the passages seem to take longer and longer to get through, and it's just tedious and annoying.


Other than that, I think it's an awesome game (I don't even mind Atlantica all that much). :D

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....I hate, hate, hate, HATE the first half of the game. NO, not just the roxas part, the ENTIRE first act. Why? It was pointless. This was the pattern. I got to a world-->Malfiecent wants revenage-->defeat her evil dumb schemes-->THE END--.> Next world.. And where is organization 13? They make an appearance a couple of times and have NO real significance to the story until the second half (after the battle of 1000 heartless and I am not talking about the roxas part b/c they were deeply involved there). I remembering thinking, wow, the first game did an amazing job connecting the disney worlds to the plot. And there was an overarching story throughout the worlds-->Seven princesses of light needed to open a door and the disney villains were teaming up to find them! That was amazing (And bbs also counts here b/c they did a good job connecting the worlds with the plot) ! This game just felt like, argh, i am just passing along to see how my old friends are doing, YAY <3 And don't get me wrong, KH2 does get good during the second half. I just wish they had tighten up the story as I found that was the only real issue I had with game. :(


And the little mermaid world...really? Never.Do.That. Again....>.<


Nit picky time: I didn't like how cartoony sora looked in the pirate of the Caribbean world. =/ I dunno, I just found it weird.

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I didn't like how I breezed right through the game and then the final final final final boss was hard. I also hated the magic system (cure takes ALL MP no matter how much you have). I also felt like the Disney worlds weren't really important in this game. The characters didn't contribute to the story and the characters were sort of shallow. The Pete and Malificent's revenge half of the game was annoying and made them look pathetic (though Pete kinda is). The Disney worlds also followed the plot of the original movies instead of giving creative plots. The forms were useful and helped you kill enemies faster but most of the important parts separated you from your team members so you couldn't use them at a VERY useful time. The gummi ship routes felt more like a game instead of dodging stuff but got annoying, and even worse, they were important to 100%. There was also not a lot of motivation to me.... in KH1 you saved everyone from the heartless. In KH2 you look for your friends, got rid of "no body", and went home... the conflict with the pathetic Disney villains was not dealt with

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i was confused about the begining with Roxas I was (like so many others) like "Wait who is this?" but I let it by and than learned about him being a Nobody and all and I was like, okay but that didn't piss me off, what got me a little mad was the Atlantica and the singing of the songs i hated all of them but Under the Sea that was the only good one i hated the rest of them. What really pissed me off was when you get to The World that Never Was and get to the Skyscraper where Roxas comes I was thinking "yes get to fight Roxas" but no that didn't happen and than i learned that the fight was added into the Final Mix and that pissed me off but i also learned that Nomura wanted to include the fight with Roxas in the original but thought that would take to much time or something like that. are you kidding me?!?! so yes that was what really got me mad


i was confused about the begining with Roxas I was (like so many others) like "Wait who is this?" but I let it by and than learned about him being a Nobody and all and I was like, okay but that didn't piss me off, what got me a little mad was the Atlantica and the singing of the songs i hated all of them but Under the Sea that was the only good one i hated the rest of them. What really pissed me off was when you get to The World that Never Was and get to the Skyscraper where Roxas comes I was thinking "yes get to fight Roxas" but no that didn't happen and than i learned that the fight was added into the Final Mix and that pissed me off but i also learned that Nomura wanted to include the fight with Roxas in the original but thought that would take to much time or something like that. are you kidding me?!?! so yes that was what really got me mad

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I didn't like how I breezed right through the game and then the final final final final boss was hard. I also hated the magic system (cure takes ALL MP no matter how much you have). I also felt like the Disney worlds weren't really important in this game. The characters didn't contribute to the story and the characters were sort of shallow. The Pete and Malificent's revenge half of the game was annoying and made them look pathetic (though Pete kinda is). The Disney worlds also followed the plot of the original movies instead of giving creative plots. The forms were useful and helped you kill enemies faster but most of the important parts separated you from your team members so you couldn't use them at a VERY useful time. The gummi ship routes felt more like a game instead of dodging stuff but got annoying, and even worse, they were important to 100%. There was also not a lot of motivation to me.... in KH1 you saved everyone from the heartless. In KH2 you look for your friends, got rid of "no body", and went home... the conflict with the pathetic Disney villains was not dealt with


my thoughts exactly. :D

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Honestly by now, after my many playthroughs of the game it's probably the pride lands. Weird I know, and it's not that bad to do, I just dislike playing as Lion Sora


I know exactly what you mean. IMO lion Sora is a bit too fast, which makes him unwieldy to control. I also hated chasing those three damned hyenas. It took me forever T_T

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I felt kinda empty by the end of the game. The story was as great as ever, but the surrounding expirience was lacking. I missed the platforming elements from the original, 'cause they just added icing to the cake of each world. The worlds themselves were cool and out of the box like Timeless River and Port Royal. And even though Atlantica was a downgrade from KH 1, not having combat, I enjoyed seeing Sora and co. singing their hearts out. I felt like my party members were weak with those wierd circular HP, MP meters, I hated those and I liked how Goofy's HP stretched across the top part of the screen in the original. Nothing realy big that I didn't like about KH2, but just certain details that were missing.

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Again, I didn't really hate it, persay, but it does bother me how rushed the plots of the Lion King and Mulan were. The way that the levels were planned out, you didn't get nearly the heightened sense of drama and importance that both movies have.

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