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saddest scene in final fantasy series?

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Damn it, stop giving VII so much attention.


Celes' suicide attempt. Final Fantasy VI. ;-;




Never found Aerith's death sad.


I actually find her death's kind of funny.

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Crisis Core ending, Final Fantasy X ending, FFIV, I played that for the first time when I was 10. I thought Palom and Porom actually died. I kept using item and stuff on them. Then they came back at the end and I was happy. I also thought Rydia died. Then Tellah actually died, for no reason in the end.

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Crisis Core ending, Final Fantasy X ending, FFIV, I played that for the first time when I was 10. I thought Palom and Porom actually died. I kept using item and stuff on them. Then they came back at the end and I was happy. I also thought Rydia died. Then Tellah actually died, for no reason in the end.



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oops, yeah, Yang and CId too. Everybody died then came back to life in that game


They didn't 'die.' Yang, Edward and Rydia were just swallowed by a sea monster. And Palom and Porom just froze. Tellah actually died, and that was sad.

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They didn't 'die.' Yang, Edward and Rydia were just swallowed by a sea monster. And Palom and Porom just froze. Tellah actually died, and that was sad.


You thought they died. That is what I meant.

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Well that would be the entire story of FF7 Crisis Core. I cried at the end of that game. So sad. (though the song right after could screams kinda ruined the moment.)


And time for all FF fans to yell at me in hate: I LAUGHED WHEN AERIS DIED! That's right. Now time for me to embrace all the hate...

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Well that would be the entire story of FF7 Crisis Core. I cried at the end of that game. So sad. (though the song right after could screams kinda ruined the moment.)


And time for all FF fans to yell at me in hate: I LAUGHED WHEN AERIS DIED! That's right. Now time for me to embrace all the hate...


I still believe that Aeris' death was written in for the sole purpose that Cloud would not be forced to actually choose between her and Tifa.

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definitely Aeris's and Zack's death. i knew Aeris was going to die, but it still was sad as hell. then there are the sacrifices of the Twin mages in Final Fantasy 4. that was the first FF i played and their sacrifice just got to me. but Zack's was definitely more so. i was really close to crying during the last moments of that game.

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Zack's Last stand and Death in Crisis Core FF7

The ending of Final Fantasy XIII-2 is really sad. Just when you think Serah will live, she dies on Noel.

This too,I never expected her to die until I realized she actually became a Seeress like Yeul ...it's still sad though (FF fans will kill me for this since they want me to embrace Aerth's death scene by any means)

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The ending of Final Fantasy XIII-2 is really sad. Just when you think Serah will live, she dies on Noel.



That was sad but I have to say that I could not care about Serah at all. Plus the music..."Let's use something that's sounds like a happy pop song, full of funny adventures etc."



So, for me it was Zack's death. But again: "Happy" pop song. At least it wasn't as terriable as FF XIII-2's one.

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