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KH multiple platforms

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22 members have voted

  1. 1. Does it bother you that KH in split up on various gaming platforms?

    • Yes! It pisses me off that they keep jumping around!
    • I don't really care as long as they don't do it to the main games.
    • I think it's a good idea .. share the love!

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Now in my opinion i think it was great they put it on various platforms, because it lets everyone play KH regardless of what they own (except X-box because it sucks). At least this way everyone gets a piece of love and the story keeps budding every year.

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I'd like for the Numbered titles to go multiplatform (like FF XIII, only switch MS for Nintendo) , but I think they shouldn't make the rest of the titles such a nightmare to get. Yes, they are a publisher that needs to maintain a good relationship with the console manufacturers. We however, don't have bottomless wallets.

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I wouldnt mind if the numbered titles went mutiplat. It would actually save me money by not having to buy another system. Though I may buy a PS3 reguardless so it doesnt really matter in that case.

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Like Kishira said, as long as they keep the numbered titles on Playstation, it doesn't bother me that much. Although it does kind of bother my bank account...


However, I will be slightly angered if they make a game for Playstation Vita, because as awesome as that system looks, it's just too outrageously expensive. And the fact that you have to buy a separate memory card for at least $20 more--awful.

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It bothers me sometimes but i get other systems to continue my favorite series anyway...for example i got my PS3 for Ratchet and Clank and the 3DS for Paper Mario...well either way im going to get the system if a game i want is going to be on there

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As long as the future numbered titles and main games (ex: DDD, BBS, etc) are released on Nintendo systems (and Playstation :P ), I don't really care where they go. :D

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Yes, I don't like it. I wasn't able to get BBS, and if they release a game on Vita I won't be able to get it either! I think they shouldn't jump around and put the games on every system possible, because the fans won't be able to play all the games, which will make them angry.

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Dang, I thought this was asking if we wanted KH to go multi-platform. Oops, eh, oh well, my vote still applies.


If you think about it, they really aren't that spread out, as there are two ways to look at it. First:

Kingdom Hearts - PS2

Chain of Memories - GBA

Kingdom Hearts II - PS2

358/2 Days - DS

Birth by Sleep - PSP

Coded - Phone

Dream Drop Distance - 3DS


Like that it looks like you need a lot of systems to play however:

Kingdom Hearts - PS2

Re:Chain of Memories - PS2

Kingdom Hearts II - PS2

358/2 Days - 3DS*

Re:coded - 3DS*

Dream Drop Distance - 3DS

Birth by Sleep PSP

*DS games can be played on 3DS.


So really, if not for BbS being on PSP, you would only need two consoles to play every KH game in some form (three if Re:CoM didn't release in your country).


I would love for the next console games to go multi-platform. There isn't any reason not to. Any current gen console could run KH graphics, and the WiiU comes out this year which is more powerful than all current gen consoles. The controls could be done on any console. The WiiU will really even the playing field (if not into Nintendo's favor due to them having the most powerful system), and due to its classic button layout, there is really nothing to stop them from a multi-console release whether it be PS3/WiiU, PS3/360, or PS3/360/WiiU.

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