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The sport teams you hate with a passion.

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i don't afl, of basketball, or soccer, i hate sport overall, not a sporty person so i have no reason to hate teams.

i just hate is when one of friend goes for one team and the other goes for another and they're like, "oh, go for geelong, i'll be your bestest friend, better than her"

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  On 2/28/2012 at 12:10 PM, 'LethalK' said:

Maple Leafs, Real Madrid and Tottenham Hotspurs. HATE THEM SO FREAKING MUCH.

I'm a Habs, Barcelona and Arsenal fan though so it's explainable.


Screw you, Habs suck! Them and the Sens! I see no reason why anyone should like those teams unless they're actually from Montreal or Ottawa.

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I hate Essendon FC, but only because it's the team my best friend supports :P and I also hate Fremantle FC, purely for the fact that in WA, you either hate West Coast or hate Freo.

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  On 2/28/2012 at 11:35 AM, 'Matthew' said:

Um I'm no sports-fan person,but why would you HATE/DISLIKE a team? Its just... what did they do to you for you to hate them xD.


You wouldn't understand but I'll try and explain some of it.


Well for Essendon, I personally don't want to go through all the crap they've done towards my club, North Melbourne over the past 116 or so years.

And for the Giants, they stole our perfect season, and they stole Super Bowl 46.

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  On 2/28/2012 at 12:52 PM, 'Sora96' said:


You wouldn't understand but I'll try and explain some of it.


Well for Essendon, I personally don't want to go through all the crap they've done towards my club, North Melbourne over the past 116 or so years.

And for the Giants, they stole our perfect season, and they stole Super Bowl 46.


*shrug* I understand,I GUESS! If only you got to know the other team-members as individuals you might really like them :P

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The Miami Heat. Mainly because Lebron James and Dwayne Wade are too proudful and the Miami Heat have beaten the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA finals back in 2006. Lebron James must never win a ring for breaking Cleveland fan's hearts. Luckly though the Dallas Mavericks have beat the Miami Heat in a NBA finals rematch last year. If you can't already see, I am a big Dallas Mavericks fan.

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Los Angeles Lakers...hate them with a burning passion. Phoenix Suns all the way. c:


Reason cause they are cheaters, sore-losers and sore-winners. Not to mention Koby Bryant is evil.

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  On 2/28/2012 at 12:13 PM, 'lizzie1238' said:

Screw you, Habs suck! Them and the Sens! I see no reason why anyone should like those teams unless they're actually from Montreal or Ottawa.


Born and raised in Montreal :P

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  On 8/8/2012 at 9:12 PM, 'LethalK' said:



Born and raised in Montreal :P


Wow, didn't expect a reply, I posted that ages ago lol. Montreal's a nice city though, I've been there once. Just don't like their hockey team :P

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