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Another Side: Darkness Awakened

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RP has started and people can still join! http://kh13.com/forum/topic/30732-another-side-darkness-awakened-rp/


As the worlds begin to regain balance the other side begins to change into what the other side once was. The hero's of that side now have to stop the new Darkness that is forming to keep balance of the real world and there own worlds. Unknown to them the real world is beginning to merge with there own and that is causing trouble. It is now up to both sides to destroy the evil that wants to end all of the worlds.

Reverse are basically the opposites of one person. The main villain is Sora's Reverse meaning he's completely evil. Another example is that Xehanort's Reverse would be completely good. If you have any questions PM me my IM is having issues.



1 Cursing is allowed just don't do to much at once

2 No killing without permission and no killing original characters

3 No controlling other characters without permission

4 If you are reading the rules type "Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain" at the end

5 You can have up to four characters

6 If you want you're character to die make it good unless it's a original character where you need to talk to me about it first and I might let it slide.

7 Have fun!


Character Sheet


Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's

Reverse or Verse








Somebody Heartless Nobody:




Mine will be done soon.

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Character Sheet

Name: Xy Lun

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's) None

Reverse or Verse: Verse


Gender: Female

Appearance:Posted Image

Bio: A happy young women who started to notice strange things. Unknown to her but bad things had begun to happen. Things that would one day lead her to a greater path.

Personality:Happy, child-like, wise.

Weapon:A wand with a heart on top. (I really didn't mean to do that....heart, lol)

Abilities:Magic mostly light spell with some life spells (Life spell animals, plants growing...water ect.)

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Good


Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain

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(How many characters per person, cause i have another 2 in mind)


Name: Jackson 'Swoop' Ramone a.k.a Master of the Bat

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's

Reverse or Verse: Verse

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.nakspower...sterswoop1.html (normal clothing) http://www.freewebs....t%20Ranger.html (Armor, given to him by his dojo)

Bio: he was blinded at age 10, but learned the bat style of kung-fu, thus enabling him to fight blind, he now fights against the Reverse, Heartless and Nobodies, as the Master of the Bat.

Personality: kind hearted, noble, honorable, teenage-like


Posted Image

Abilities: levitation, the ability to summon a spirit-like bat in combat (Can also be used to summon armor), can surround his hands, feet and body in a mystical aura for enhanced strength

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Good

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_zbepIDSAM (You might have to turn up the volume on your computer)


Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain

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Name: Silvre


Original Name: (None)


Reverse or Verse: Reverse


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Appearance: Posted Image


Bio: The reverse of another known as Silver. The true Silver's whereabouts are unkown, and the only one found is his Reverse, perhaps the secret to Silver's location and safety is hidden within the lost memories of this Reverse.


Personality: Where the True Silver was cocky, a bit crazy, and arrogant, Reverse is much more quiet, calm, but with a darker side to him.


Weapon: Two Kingdom Keys. One is wielded backwards.


Abilities: Even though this Reverse tends to be kind, his entire magical skillset is based on dark magics.


Somebody/Heartless/Nobody: Somebody


Side: (Can he be Neutral? If not:) Dark


Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xmEVhPhT9c&feature=player_detailpage


Sora's Reverse is the Main Villian


(Having problems with the picture.)

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Character Sheet

Name: Sora

Reverse or Verse Reverse

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: The Reverse of Sora. He's cruel and wants to destroy everything including Verse Sora. Unlike Verse Sora he will do anything even kill to get what he wants and is a very strong foe to go against.

Personality: Dark and cruel

Weapon: Oblivion

Abilities: Control over Darkness and a large knowledge of different elements.

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Evil

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2pANJgzss8


Character Sheet

Name: Xehanort

Reverse or Verse Reverse

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: The Reverse of Master Xehanort. Unlike Xehanort he is good and trying to stop Reverse Sora from destroying everything while protecting the Verses of all of them. He's often quiet and just does what needs to be done.

Personality: Kind and quiet

Weapon: Master Xehanort's Keyblade

Abilities: Control over Darkness and has multiple abilities with other types of magic.

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Good



Accepted lol try to fix the picture and he can be Neutral. I made my two Reverse's for now and we get to see the lookalikes.

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Name: Richard 'Finn' Jackson a.k.a Master of the Shark

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's

Reverse or Verse: Verse

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.nakspower...asterfinn1.html (Clothing) http://www.rovang.or...rit-rangers.jpg (Armor, (he's the guy in the middle))

Bio: he was in the same dojo as 'Swoop', but was a sensei by the time 'Swoop' joined, he mentored 'Swoop', but decided to let him chooses his own path, 'Finn' however, chose to train in Shark style, he is a well respected master, and fights against Reverse, Heartless and Nobodies.

Personality: wise, kind hearted, honorable, noble

Weapon: http://www.rovang.or...hark-sabers.jpg (The swords the guy's holding, they can also be put together to make a broadsword)

Abilities: similar to Jackson's, except his aura is light blue, and it's a shark spirit, instead of a bat spirit, able to breathe underwater

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Good

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmnYUCln6bQ


Name: Luke 'Phant' Jackson a.k.a Master of the Elephant

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's

Reverse or Verse: Verse

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.rovang.org/wiki/casey.jpg (Clothing, but it's green istead of red) http://www.rovang.or...rit-rangers.jpg (Armor, (he's the guy on the left))

Bio: he was in the same dojo as 'Swoop', and trained by his father until he found the Elephant style, he is a master of this style, but didn't want to teach at the dojo, he now travels, looking for his true calling and fights against Reverse, Heartless and Nobodies.

Personality: a bit of a loner, kind hearted, honorable, noble

Weapon: http://www.rovang.or...jungle-mace.jpg (The mace the girl's holding)

Abilities: similar to Jackson's, except his aura is green, and it's a Elephant spirit, instead of a bat spirit, able to create shockwaves when he stomps on the ground

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Good

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRogPrbFWJ4


Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain

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Character Sheet

Name: Aria Dark

Original Name: Victoria Hope


Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Noboby: http://media.otakuzo...b311e565ab3.jpg Human: Attached

Bio: Forgot all about who she once was. She know works for herself and tricks the weak.

Personality: Mean at the moment, but once good

Weapon: Water Flames Keyblade

Abilities: Water and Fire Magic

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Nobody

Side: Dark

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=10h7P754vcQ



Character Sheet

Name: Dan Cross


Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://media.photobu.../Anime-Mage.png

Bio: Grew up as a powerful training warrior. He now fights to find the light.

Personality: Confused, nice

Weapon: Long Blue Keyblade

Abilities: Combat

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Twilight

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLQs0OrHiPY&feature=related


Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain


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Character Sheet

Name: Arashi

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's)

Reverse or Verse: Verse

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/x-men/images/4/49/DarkBoywithaFireButterfly1.jpg

Bio: Arashi was rejected since he was a kid, given the power of an evil water dragon spirit, and raised as a trained assasin. He was a ruthless cold blooded killer til he met his greatest friend Kane. After meeting Kane Arashi began to slowly get rid of his cruel ways, but he could never get rid of the evil power inside of him. Then one day the evil dragon inside of him killed Kane, Arashi has fallen into a deep depression that has caused him to become evil. But he sometimes shows a soft side.

Personality: cool, calm, arrogant, cocky, and at first is a cruel man, but he can show a soft side

Weapon: http://pop.vokr.com/image_zbrane/pop_ww/hlavni/07.jpg

Abilities: he controls water and can breath under water. He can let himself become water itself. Smeof the devastating attacks he has can craete a tsunami, and aloow him to manipulate water

Somebody Heartless Nobody: somebody

Side: dark

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a3q0KDnjUY&feature=related



Sora's Reverse is the Main Villian

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(Thought i'd make my last one before the rp starts)


Name: Hawkeye

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's

Reverse or Verse: verse

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://bmoviefilmvau...wkeyeTbolts.gif (Except his armor is red)

Bio: when he was young, Hawkeye discovered that he had almost superhuman vision, he also found out that he could hit anything he threw something at, he holds an endless grudge against Finn, Swoop and Phant for kicking him out of their dojo for almost killing a fellow student.

Personality:mischivous, desietful, will do anything to win

Weapon: Bow of Darkness, shuriken

Abilities: ability to see about 5 miles away (Making him a perfect scout), perfect aim, ability to create any kind of arrow or shuriken he needs.

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Evil (Joined willingly)

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDIns7pDIio

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Character Sheet

Name: Ventus

Reverse or Verse Reverse

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: The Reverse of Ventus. He's evil and unlike Ventus is willing to do anything he needs to get what he wants. He works with Sora's Reverse to destroy everyone and everything that walks or exists.

Personality: Dark and cruel

Weapon: Wayward Wind

Abilities: Mainly air and wind attacks. Really quick.

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Somebody

Side: Evil


Character Sheet

Name: Ansem

Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's

Reverse or Verse Reverse

Age: 16


Appearance: Posted Image

Bio:The Reverse of Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless. He's kind and good unlike him and is with Xehanort's Reverse helping them defeat Sora's Reverse and get them back to there side of the worlds.

Personality: Kind and hyper

Weapon: Darkness

Abilities: A control over Darkness and a special heartless under his control.

Somebody Heartless Nobody: Heartless

Side: Good


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Name: Xeke.

Original Name: Zeke.

Reverse or Verse: Verse.

Age: 18.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Jet Black Spiky Hair, Golden Cat and Snake like Eyes and a Red and Blue Organization XIII Hood.

Bio: A Strange and Mysterious Young Adult who Claims that he is Both an Ally and a Enemy but how he goes about Switching the Two Roles Remains a Mystery as he also Claims that he is Working Towards his own Goals and Will Stop at Nothing Until they are Completed.

Personality: Cool,Calm,Collected,Sadistic,Manipulative,Wise,Has a Quirky Sense of Humour and is a Rather Very Complicated Person.

Weapon: A Black Steel Katana that can Create Black Flames and Manifest them into Whatever Shape and/or Form Xeke Desires.

Abilities: The Ability to Create and Manifest Black Flames and Shape and/or Form them into Whatever Xeke Desires like for Example, He can Use them like a Type of Armour that can Cover his Entire Body if he so Desires at the Very Last Second.

Somebody Heartless Nobody: None.

Side: Neutral.

Theme: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZ-UpjtlXY.


Bonus Information:


Voice Actor: Paul Stephen.

Japanese Voice Actor: Daisuke Namikawa.


Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain.

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Sorry but he either has to be a Reverse or a Verse. A Reverse is basically a shadow of a Verse. You need to pick one before I will accept him.

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Character Sheet


Name: Xemnas


Original Name: (For Heartless or Nobody's) Xehanort


Reverse or Verse: Reverse.


Age: 30s


Gender: Male.




Posted Image



Bio: The reverse of Xehanort's nobody, reverse Xemnas sought knowledge of Kingdom Hearts to help other nobodies and to prevent further people falling to darkness. Now, with reverse Sora on the rise, Xemnas joins force's with his somebody and his heartless to stop the darkness.


Personality: Calm, somewhat cold, though a kind, happy side occasionally shows.


Weapon: Ethereal Blades


Abilities: Power of Nothingness and lessor nobodies.


Somebody Heartless Nobody: Nobody.


Side: Good.






Sora's Reverse is the Main Villain

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