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Ok i have a couple of questions for you

1) what console would you prefer that kh3 comes out on?

2) what do you think kh3 will involve/ what do you WANT it to involve.

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Ok i have a couple of questions for you

1) what console would you prefer that kh3 comes out on?

2) what do you think kh3 will involve.


I think it's likely that KH3 will be released on the PS3... and maybe the Xbox 360. Wii would be nice, but it would probably be harder to develop for the Wii and PS3/360. The Wii would have more restrictions, and this might limit the development for all consoles. I think I would prefer that it is released on the Xbox 360 for price reasons... I don't own any of the next generation consoles, and the 360 is currently cheapest.


As for what it will involve, well I'm pretty sure that it will deal with the return of Xehanort. Nomura has stated that if a Heartless is destroyed, and then the Nobody of the same being is destroyed, then the original being will be reborn. This means that Xehanort will return (as Ansem and then Xemnas were defeated), and it could also mean that some other Organization members return (depending on whether or not their Heartless was defeated first).

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Ok i have a couple of questions for you

1) what console would you prefer that kh3 comes out on?

2) what do you think kh3 will involve.


As for what it will involve, well I'm pretty sure that it will deal with the return of Xehanort. Nomura has stated that if a Heartless is destroyed, and then the Nobody of the same being is destroyed, then the original being will be reborn. This means that Xehanort will return (as Ansem and then Xemnas were defeated), and it could also mean that some other Organization members return (depending on whether or not their Heartless was defeated first).


woah really!? YAAAAAAAAAAAYZ!!!!!!....kgh theyd better


i want it to be for the ps2 D: cuz otherwise i wont be able to play it unless its for the wii or the ds(lolz not happening for kh3)



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I have an X-Box 360 and a Wii, no PS3 and i don't think my brother will ever buy one. I think there's a good chance for it coming out on the 360 b/c they are making FFXII for the PS3 and 360. So they might do the same for KH3


I really don't know what they third KH could be about without the whole heartless thing getting old. but then again, if they try to do something new, it might be really dumb, idk. But I'm sure that Nomura will come up with something fantastic.

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1) i hope they change their minds and release it for the ps2! i don't wanna buy a new system!!! TT-TT


2) I hope we get more in detail about the organization and their somebodies!! That would be cool! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png :) :) :D :D

...well, they better at least show flashbacks with Ienzo in them!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

and they should add more final fantasy characters.....like Reno...:D :D :D :D :D

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and they should add more final fantasy characters.....like Reno...http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png :) :) :D :D


Reno is too similar to Axel to be included in KH...

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But it would get confusing! I don't think Sora could take to Axel peoples! lol


lol, true...

well they could at least add Zeck. then they'd have the whole final fantasy love triangle thing going on. @.o


yeah, i'ma going to go sleey-sleep now...

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Well, I personally want it to be on PS2, since thats the only console I have (besides PSP and DS). bu if they dont release it on that, they would probably do it on whatever the most recent console is for Sony or Nintendo (since all KH games have been released on these platforms-PS2, Game Boy, DS, PSP. I would like Zack fair from FFVII:CC to be in it, since he is really the only FF character I really know well, since I'm stuck on a spot on FFXII, FFX is kinda annoying and confusing, FF for PSP is hard, and FFIII for DS stinks, so...

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But it would get confusing! I don't think Sora could take to Axel peoples! lol


lol, true...

well they could at least add Zeck. then they'd have the whole final fantasy love triangle thing going on. @.o


yeah, i'ma going to go sleey-sleep now...


japanese demyx and zack have the same voice actor .. that would be VERY confusing xD

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BTW, you know what I dont get, WHY EVERYONE IS OBSESSED WITH ZEXION!!!!


cause he's the coolest kh character ever ^^



and Demyx~~

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axel can go and die -.- (repliku too)


LOLZ that's kinda harsh..

n you're saying all that with Axel 'watching over' you??

but i'm all the way with you~~!!! xD

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axel can go and die -.- (repliku too)


LOLZ that's kinda harsh..

n you're saying all that with Axel 'watching over' you??

but i'm all the way with you~~!!! xD


axel watching whaa? *look around*

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1) what console would you prefer that kh3 comes out on?


Wouldn't that be rad?


But, ehheh, either the Ps2 because i own it though it obviously wont, or the ps3 for better graphic quality.

Even if it comes out on a system i don't have, there's always khvids to watch it. xD; Or youtube, when they're not cancelling all the videos out.



2) what do you think kh3 will involve/ what do you WANT it to involve


I want it to involve Scar-X, the nobody of Scar, who will reform the organization with the reborn Larxene and kidnap Sora. Pooh bear will then be called out as the next keyblade master to fight alongside Riku to save their friend.



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2) what do you think kh3 will involve/ what do you WANT it to involve


I want it to involve Scar-X, the nobody of Scar, who will reform the organization with the reborn Larxene and kidnap Sora. Pooh bear will then be called out as the next keyblade master to fight alongside Riku to save their friend.




*high fives*

best. plot. ever!


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2) what do you think kh3 will involve/ what do you WANT it to involve


I want it to involve Scar-X, the nobody of Scar, who will reform the organization with the reborn Larxene and kidnap Sora. Pooh bear will then be called out as the next keyblade master to fight alongside Riku to save their friend.




*high fives*

best. plot. ever!



Why thank you. XDD ~high fives back~

[/has nothing else to say] o.o

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