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Unto The abyss

Pokemon Apocalypse: Part 2

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Pokemon: Apocalypse Part 2 (remake)


(ok so the last one failed but im willing to try once again. So here is a recap/ intro to part 2)


In Celadon City a HQ led by team Rocket stood. The Organization controlled the entire world after it wiped out all the leaders, elite, and rival Organizations. But one day a massive light was shot into the sky in Celadon city and many gathered. Alister, a young and smart up and coming Trainer, had Called upon the people of Celadon City and formed the group known as the Rebellion. As soon as it was created the rebels were immediatly ambushed by a task force led by none other than Vice President Wren and his Drapion. Many were captured including Alexia, a pidgeot trainer of the rebellion, Who was taken to the HQ and delt with by the president. But another rebel group rescued them while the Rebellion member and current second in command, Rufi, Rescued countless pokemon taken away from their trainers. But just when it seemed to all be over. They showed up... The Gijinka. They hybrids were soon pursued by Alister after one had stolen Alexia's Pidgeot. Alister fought using himself as a weapon going head to head with the houndour boy. Then just as he had the boy with his Rhyperior and Tyranitar charging their ultamite attacks with Alister holding the boy by the neck. She came. A dragonair Gijinka appeared and saved the boy before the attacks could harm him. Alister retaliated but soon found himself watching his Rhyperior become an ice sculpture and then be shattered right infront of his eyes. In a fit of rage he fired one last bullet at the dragonair only to hit the Gijinka in the shoulder. Afterwards he ventured across the land saying he would return in 3 days instead returning in 3 months. After he had been thought dead. 





No god modding

No controlling other characters

No killing off others unless you talk with the owner and they say yes

No teleporting

No machines of destruction. 

Posts must be understandable. (so dont be a fruit cake! Say it! They stole this! The boulders fell trapping i dont care in the cave! He shot at him and the bullet flew past their head almost skinning their arm! I dont care just Be descriptive!)


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Pokemon) (only 3 if you are just starting)

Evil or good?)



(All characters from the first and the attempted 2nd can stay)

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Name) Angel

Age) 13

Gender) female



Pokemon) (only 3 if you are just starting) Deerling, Charmander, and Pikachu

Evil or good?) good

( I didn't get what you meant )

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apperance-like my profile pic

bio-all around crazy girl, likes nothing more than to travel around the world on her flygon, is a pokemon sketch artist, and fights along side her flygon and lucario with a knife and mad tae kwon do skills

pokemon-lucario flygon

evil or good- good

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You have to ready the first Part to understand and yes neutrality is allowed


Tried to locate it, but I can't find it. If I can make an educated guess, may I assume they are Pokemon-Human hybrids? And if so, could my character be one?

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