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KH3D what do ya think will be happening outside of the MoM Exam?

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i was curious as to what your theories will be.

i figured something had to go wrong, cuz sora fell asleep while he and neku were being attacked and he ended up on that island in the middle of nowhere. (stuck in limbo, basically, right?)

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lea will be looking for the missing org. members, maleficent is probly trying to yoink mickeys castle again and or destroy it, xehanort(terranort) my guess, is sleeping to go bother sora n riku in the dream world and isa and braig are gaurding his unconsoiuse body or somthing like that, thats why lea cant find them

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hmm i wonder too, zemnas of course would count hearts... ansem would count nothin cuz he prob cant count.. (heartless are stupid) ._. and xehanort would count...........ah! he would count keyblades!

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i dont think hes part of xehanort, he rejoined with ven when he was "killed" as for the sentiment i ont think it has anything to dowith the main story line, just a bit of foreshadowing and a fun miniboss

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I think that the part where Sora felt sleepy was the first time where you will drop your gauge to Zero then switch to Sora. And the part where he is in the island is unrelated to the scenario you talked about.


I think that the worst possible turn of events is Sora falling into hands of the villain and Riku and Mickey have to save him in the first few chapters of KH3? Or maybe Ventus will be awaken again and Sora will be sleeping and no hope to be awaken? Just my ideas.

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I think that the part where Sora felt sleepy was the first time where you will drop your gauge to Zero then switch to Sora. And the part where he is in the island is unrelated to the scenario you talked about.


I think that the worst possible turn of events is Sora falling into hands of the villain and Riku and Mickey have to save him in the first few chapters of KH3? Or maybe Ventus will be awaken again and Sora will be sleeping and no hope to be awaken? Just my ideas.


that's actually a really cool view on it. thanks for pointing out that that's a totally different scenario :P that was cool. but i never even considered that. like sora being in a horrid situation and then he stays like that until KH3. that would definitley have me on my hands and knees, begging Nomura to hurry it up already. :D


i dont know WHAT that thing isbut i dont think its vanitas, maybe a heartless or somthing


nah, i thought that Nomura pointed it out too much for it to be just a Heartless, Dream Eater, or Nobody. it HAS to be something huge and uber important, right?

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The biggest plot point outside of the dream world will probably be Lea looking for his friends, or whatever he's doing.


you think he'll try to save Roxas and Xion? that's what I thought he would try to do. but then I figured it'b be kinda hard to save someone no one remembers...


hmmit could be a colletive consousness of kingdom hearts?


THAT would be hecka awesome! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png

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na i think lea has accepted that roxas issora and vise versa and nobody remembers xion anyways btw xions human name is mary sue >:3


bahahaha my friend says that too :P but i thought that roxas, xion, namine, aqua, terra, and ven all had to be saved o.O so...now i'm confused! if roxas just stays sora, how is he going to be saved?

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