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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP

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Loki arrived in Octavios place and shouted: "Octavio! I have something to discuss with you!" He saw Octavios minion working on map and thought. "What poor guy, working under others, acting as nothing more than tool and sacriface in some point. Loki saw Octavio in other room with his Hawk Eye and went there. "You have still your ears don't you? I didn't come to have nice time with you, I have something I want to ask about this war: What are your aims, why did you start to make your moves suddenly old man?" Loki talked and watched Octavio with narrow eyes. Loki opened new page in small all black book and writing came by itself: Everyone will come back to Void when the times comes, that time is near and you shall be judgementeer. Black sacrament 52 - 3. Loki's face got demonic smile and he thought: "I shall be the one who will destroy everything..."

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(wow i sure missed alot, just because i need sleep)


I woke with a gasp, nearly falling over the edge. "I am such an idiot!" I cursed under my breath. Of course, I just had to fall asleep. I could've been attacked, or killed, or worse. But something had woke me up. Quickly, i pulled out an arrow with a long coil of rope around it, stuck it to the edge of the clock tower, and slide down. After pulling down the arrow, I looked around to see what was going on. She heard what sounded like an argument, and went to see. Twlight was probably involved, therefore information would have to be collected. I stopped at the corner, pressing myself against the wall. I peered in and gasped. There were three, maybe four men standing around a girl. One was preparing to attack her. She ground her teeth. But that wasn't going to happen. She summoned Star of Midnight and deflected the magic into oblivion. She stood up straight and looked around. "Last time I ever fall asleep. You take a nap and miss all the action!"

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(ok lets see im not sure how both of you attackde me but ill try my best)


Xylla ducked dogding Kyle's blades then spun around and started shooting at Eternal only to find that her bullets just bounced off of an invisible force. Her eyes narrowed as she straightened up backing away from both Eternal and Kyle.

" Don't be such a coward hiding behind shields and fight me!" Xylla yelled taking a small piece of an iron bench nearby thrn lcosing her hand around the metal. She took a small bag of power from her pocket and poured it into her hand. When she reopened her hand there were six bullets which she quickly loaded into her gun.

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sin stopped kyle "...you dont need to fight..."putting his in front of kyle he watched the girls action ".that move ..found her." he looked at kyle again "put a barriar around us all i want to watch her skills..".

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Eternal more mad than anything else tossed his Two Red Struggle Bats aside before reappearing behind Xylla. He let one hand find it's way to her neck as he grabbed her neck in a tight grip while letting his mouth slip next to get ear. "Never call this Nobody a coward when he's more powerful and able to make you fade into Darkness where you belong." He hissed still with his hand around her neck. Oh he was ticked and now Xylla was going to pay the price for it.

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Fainezza whipped her head around, hearing a small whisper of words. She pulled out her knife, and brought the flat of her blade hard down on his wrist. "Maybe you should find a better way to release your anger." she hissed.

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Fainezza only did something really stupid to him as he growled before turning to her as he glared daggers and with his yellow eyes he was probably the scariest thing in the area. "Watch it what you do to a Nobody. You might regret it later." He hissed before slamming a foot into Fainezza's stomach while he kept his hand on Xylla's throat. "Oh and that's not anger it's just acting but you guys are prone to making me have to make it real." He growled still from what you could describe as angry.

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Xylla choked dropping her gun and despereatly pulling at his hand.

" Let.... go.... of me." She managed struggling and kicking at him. She knew regretted dropping her gun. She grabbed his arm and pulled as hard as she could gasping for air. She started to feel her knees weaken from lack of air. She tried to yell but nothing would come out.

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Eternal loosened his grip just enough so she could breathe as he leaned in next to her ear. "I hope you start thinking about who you try to pick fights with from now on. This Nobody is Superior to you and that comes with certain little rights and information Xylla." He said this low before dropping her on the ground and picking up his Two Red Struggle Bats. He began to walk off with a glare on his face as he tempted himself to go and hurt her again but he stopped himself with much restraint.

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sin looked at the short fight as the boy ealked away sin appaerd in front of him "if you ever want to die just find me." he then started walking over to the downed girl he looked at her"....your pretty weak.." after talking he gave her a hand.

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Eternal scoffed and mimicked Sin. "If you ever want to die just find me and i'll make it as painful as II can removing your heart if you have one." He growled but kept walking knowing that Sin heard him as he kept up the glare on his face where he could almost swear he 'felt' something but didn't think about it that much before he vanished into what looked to be a Dark Corridor.

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Xylla scowled at Sin and ignored his hand getting up on her own. She rubbed the red mark on her neck and picked up her gun slinging it back into its holster.

" What do you want?" She asked giving him a suspicious sideways glance. She didn't like people like him, thinking he could judge people like that. She was tempted to take out her gun and shoot Eternal right there just to get it over with, but decided it wasn;t worth the trouble. Her gaze swept around the area then landed back on Sin waiting for his answer.

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sin looked at her stand for a minute "would you cailm down" he pulled out a piece of paper with namez on it he looked it over he found what he wanted he gave her the list and her name was on it "i have a porpusol for you.."he started talking "but why dont we find a place to talk first "he waited for her answer

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Fainezza glared into the empty space where Ethernal once was. "The only regret I have right now is letting you get away." she grumbled. She pushed herself up, slightly clutching her stomach. Leaning on her Keyblade, she let out a long sigh. This appeared to be a conversation between the girl with long black hair, Xylla?, and Sin. She could tell when she wasn't needed. and decided to head back to camp

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(You realize he's on the same side as you are Namine?)

He was bitterly sitting in one of the Darker areas of the camp in Twilight Town as his eyes remained narrow. "Somebodies they don't understand that all Nobody's really want is what they have. I miss my Heart so much and the numb feeling it just won't go away........." He hated the feeling it made his blood boil as he remained in the spot not really caring if Fainezza noticed him when she came back to the camp. Hopefully no one would notice him at all for a while as he thought about things.

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Xylla looked at the paper and found her name.

"What is this?" She asked looked at Sin keeping herself from crumpling the paper. She looked back at it and the other names. She didn"t recognize any of them.

" Why can't we talk here." She asked wondering if he didn't want Kyle to hear about it for some reason.

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sin looked at her " i guess you dont want to sit and talk" looking down at her hands they where twiching he looked back up at her face "that young lady is a list of people.. i want."he moved nis neck "and your one of the onex i want you most seenz ot seems your not picking a side.." he stopped and looked at kyle then keep talking " iv looked into your info throght out the place it seems your very skilled..".

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"Why would you want people with you? What side are you on anyway?" She asked not sure how he knew she didn't care about which side won or not.

" You haven't been watching me have you?" She asked backing up a little. Now suspicious of the guy infront of her.

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sin listened to her after a minute he opened his mouth "to answer the first part of that im not good nor evil im in this war due to my own needs to become the strongest along with people i can trust ." he looked back at kyle then started then at the girl " and no i havent been watching you i only knew it was you becaus of the weapon and bullets." he waited for her to soak up everything he said then talked once more "..is there anything else you'd like to know.."

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