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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP

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Kyle rolled his eyes and dismissed his Keyblades. "Fine, go. But if you do anything suspicious, rest assured that I'll be coming after you." he said. "I was tasked with keeping this town safe, and that's what I am going to do."

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Eternal held out his arm as he forced Xylla to stop. "Well then tell me what a Nobody like yourself sees in helping the Dark." He leaned he whispering the next part so Kyle couldn't hear. "Why would a Nobody even go against the light? You're hiding something I know you are Xylla." Her name slid off of his lips smoothly before he smirked as he backed up and vanished seemly into thin air in just a matter of seconds.

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Xylla's eyes widened. She stiffened and her face lost what little color it already had. She turned but he was already gone. How did he know? She wondered completely frozen in shock. She had never told anyone her name not even the people she worked for who knew her by the name Hunter. She looked at Kyle to see if he heard anything that Eternal had said.

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Kyle had pretended not to care when he dismissed his Keyblades, but it was a ruse. He had known that Eternal knew something about her he didn't, so he decided to let him talk to her when he thought Kyle wasn't listening. He didn't hear all of it, but was able to peice together what was said by what he heard. However, he continued to act ignorant, slowly walking away while still keeping an eye on her.

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Eternal smirked as he walked farther away from both them with it still on his face. "Nobody's are never safe from one more Superior than themselves. I wonder how until one of them questions me but I guess i'll have to wait and see now." The smirk still on his face as he swung his red struggle bats gently at his sides while his thoughts drifted else where.

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(confusing..... but ok)


Xylla spun around spotted Eternal and grabbing her gun form her back. She aimed it at the back of his head.

" How do you know my name?" She yelled her finger hovering lightly over the trigger. No one is supposed to know my name. She thought.

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Eternal scoffed but continued walking as he said one little thing. "Now why would I tell you that or should I tell some of the others it to? Maybe some of the people you work with would like to know it because I found it pretty interesting myself well that's if I could care." Eternal stated but he said it with venom as he prepared for a likely fight between himself as he turned to face Xylla. "Isn't that right Xylla?" He knew he was pushing it as he got ready to block and hit.

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Kyle saw her draw her weapon through the corner of his eye. In a heartbeat he summoned both his Keyblades and pressed them to the back of her neck in an X form. "Make your next move very carefully, for it may be your last." he said. "I will not let anyone to disturb the peace."

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Xylla glared at Eternal but lowered her weapon.

" What peace is there to disturb?" She asked not taking her eyes off of Eternal. She held her shotgun loosly in one hand as if she had given up. How could he have found my name? She went through her mind desperatly searching for an answer. She always believed staying unkown was the only way to stay herself. Now what? Shw began to wonder staring blankly now.

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"She has a point. Nothing would be messed up if she tried to kill something that wasn't supposed to exist anyways." Eternal stated as he relaxed his stance but a smirk still on his face. Oh yes he knew how to wrap a Nobody around his finger. She didn't have a clue why he knew her name but he would keep it a secret for now. "I won't tell you why or how I know other than I do and if you don't want others to know then I suggest you be careful what you do from this point on."

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sin closed his eyes for a minute "...hm." he jumped down then moved his neck after opening a portal he walked throw it ending up in twilight town "...where.." he looked out while sitting at the top of the tower looking for a person. from ways away he saw three people talking after jumping down and landing he made his way to where they where he walked up behind kyle the air was to serious after a minute he put his hand onkyle's shoulder slowly "..hey been a while.." he said with out looking past his old friend.

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Kyle jumped back at the sudden contact, pointing Understanding at Sin. "Sin... What are you doing here?" he asked. "You know I'm not on the side of Darkness anymore. Not after what I did to my own brother."

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Xylla's eyes narrowed.

" Is that a threat?" She asked then glanced back at Kyle and Sin. What is he talking about? She wondered what Kyle could have meant by that. He was with the darkness? Her gaze shifted to Sin whom she didn't recognize.

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"Yes it is little Nobody. My threats are likely to come true when some of the people working for the Darkness find out your name or even better your True Name. I don't think I've even said that one yet but who knows I might slip." He taunted as he held his red struggle bat out toward her before a dark expression covered his face. "Unless you prove me wrong but that's not likely to happen." He taunted once more with his eyes narrowed with the dark expression over his face. He was likely to scare others right now but he didn't care.

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" You wouldn't dare." Xylla nearly growling lifting up her gun again.

" You say a word and i swear there will be a bullet through your head." She said through her teeth. She ignored the threat of the keyblades and walked swiftly toward Eternal aiming the gun straight at his forehead.

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"Hold it right there Xylla!" Kyle said, returning his focus to her. "I will not allow you to disturb the peace of this world even if it means resorting to violence myself! I will give you two options, leave now with your life, or continue what you're doing and force me to end you." He could feel the Darkness in his heart boiling, telling him to strike her down now. However, the Light of his brother's heart helped push it back a little.

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Eternal looked toward Kyle while he held out his hand. "Kyle get out of this! I have something to deal with right now!" He shouted before he refocused himself on Xylla. "I will and since I don't care i'm even more likely too?!" He shouted holding out the stuggle bats whle he stepped toward her ready to fight.

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"I started this, you stepped in on me. Also, for someone with no emotions, you sure seem angry." he said with a smirk. He was glad that he was able to get under his skin. He had never liked Eternal, or any of the other Nobodies for that matter. They shouldn't really exist because they have no heart, and yet they do. It just wasn't right, it wasn't natural.

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Xylla looked from Kyle to Eternal trying to deicde who she wanted to kill first. Decisions decisions...., she thought. After deciding Kyle wasn't worth her trouble she shot at his feet.

" Nobody threatens me and lives to tell about it." She spat ignoring Kyle now. He is just someone to get in the way of business. She told herself pointing her shotgun back up at Eternal's head.

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sin looked back at kyle then stopped for a moment the bullet hit the ground he saw kyle attack her ".......hmm." he looked at the others "...two nobobies.." he said he looked them over he walked forward into the fight then used his had to stop kyle's attack "....you where never one to point things at people out of hate.." as he put his hand over kyle's weapon telling him to stop he walked over ot them "...." he looked at the girl "..you shouldent point weapons unless your going to kill them on the spot not to talk.." the other then stopped "..now why don't you.." his voice somewhat changed in manner of speech "..all stop this now.." his eyes where dead set,

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Eternal completely ready for the fight slide around Xylla before doing a quick combo with the Red Struggle Bats behind her as he gather a clearish white energy in his hand. "I control Nothingness. I control Nobody's that are weaker than myself. Now you will see the power of something Superior!" He launched the ball of nothingness at Xylla while putting up a barrier in front of himself. No one was going to change his mind now.

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