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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP

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"Her mind well this is odd. I don't think that's gonna be any good if I have the right idea with what she's experiencing. I believe the best idea is to set he on something she won't break her skull on." Eternal stated transfixed on what Fainezza was doing while he bit his lip. He knew something to help her but it wasn't a good things to try on someone like her. He sighed pinching the bridge of nose before going to grab something as he seemed to be focused on something but what was unclear.

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Dane's bad arm started throbbing again. What ever was giving his sixth sense a jolt was still coming.

"Look, Nicki, I can explain along the way, but right now, we've got to move." He said. "Something bad is coming. We need to find some other Twilight members."

Dane looked around and picked a direction.

"Let's go."

He started off in the direction he picked.

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sin grabbed the girls hand "its a pleasure.."he then waited a minute to answer" well not really most of the people on the list have died or where killed."he let go off her hand then thought cor a moment "but there kyle.. we are going to have to find him"he then closed his eyes "..also that boy my be there..."he glanced at her for a moment "oh also i never told you my name its sin.."

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Falling, sinking, drifting, flying. It made no differencr if her eyes were shut or closed. Fainezza preferred to keep them open, in case she might miss something. She felt herself being turned upright, landing. But then the black shattered. She wasn't suppossed to be there, someone else, a different time. She was back, her voice coming out in ragged huffs. She glanced between the concerned eyes of Kyle, and the blank ones of Eternal. But there was something behind them, a descion he was debating whether or not he should make. Making an effort to stop the shudders running through her body she stood up straighter. "My skull is perfectly capable of not breaking." she muttered. It might explose though. She chided grimly.

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"No, Black Sacraments doesn't tell anything, these are words directly from god, I am his right hand and I will sink this world to all beautiful darkness.." Loki said with little bit dramatic tone and continued: "You have still pretty nice place for yourself, took quite long time to make this up." Loki watched over places and then said: "I have one more thing: This war will be war thich ends all of them, time is moving fast and it is on its end... Now I ask you one thing, will you help me to sink world to darkness, I'm gonna start with world which is moving beetween light and darkness, Twilight Town"

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Octavian snorted.

"You are getting a head of yourself, Loki." He said. "We still have to win the war. Don't let overconfidence cloud your mind. The Light will not be easy to defeat, and with the pesky Twilight trying to get Light and Darkness to kiss and make up, this war will be a long fight."

While his face was neutral, a spark in Octavian's eyes showed he relished the idea of the fight.

"As for attacking Twilight Town." He said, a sinister grin spreading across his face.

He pointed to direct Loki's gaze out a window. Outside stood an army of dark wielders. Four Dark Wizards were preparing a large spell.

"It's about to begin." Octavian stated.

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Loki's face got demonic grin and he said: "Abyss magic of darkest depths huh, that is pretty hars, but I like it that way. Twilight isn't problem, they have lot of powerful people on their side, but they can be turned to darkness and if you remember I belonged to Twilight 16 years back then aswell so I know how to deal with them." Loki summoned Void Gear and darkness came from his left eye. "I will go ahead Octavian."

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She stepped out of the portal. Radiant Garden, just the place she wanted to see. She was checking the balance of the worlds, for it had been oddly quiet, at least where she had been for awhile. She walked contently for awhile, until she saw a boy and a girl running at full speed. She stood aside as they rushed by. Hmm. Twlight. She did not fully understand why they chose both the Light and Dark. An uncomfortable balance, or so she imangined, the Dark searching to corrupt, the Light illluminating the shadows. She shook her head. Perhaps it was just the temptation. She began wondering aimlessly again.

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He walked around Radiant Garden with his Keyblade at his while he looked around not really being noticed as he spotted someone. A girl walking around as he stopped silently and looked at hr before shaking his head as he continued on not really caring if anyone noticed the Darkness coming off of him.


Eternal bitterly took his fingers from his nose before looking at Fainezza eyes gleaming with concern and a form of regret before he spoke softly. "How much do really want to have the pain stop?" It was not loud almost ghostly as he walked over to her with his almost emotionless expression.

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Octavian inclined his head slightly.

"Be my guest, Loki." He replied. "My attack force and I will be right behind you."

Octavian turned to give the order to his troops.



Dane pushed on. He needed to find some more Twilight members. He stopped, remembering a trick he learned from a Darkness wielding friend he had made. He sniffed, using darkness to see if he could sense other darkness. He got a odd smell that he guessed to be the combined smell of Darkness and Light.

"Bingo!" he said in a sing song voice.

He started moving again, finally making his way to Kyle, Fainezza and Eternal.

"Hi, this a Twilight band meeting?" he asked in a cheerful tone. "Name's Dane. I've been looking for you guys."

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She turned to see the newly arrived er... guests. "One moment." She turned to Eternal and her eyes turned to slits. "Is this one of those cliche moments where I make the descion that I'll hugely regret later?" Then focusing her attention back to Dane. "Hello, and what do you mean by 'you've been looking for us'?" Panic crossed her face. "Has something happened?"

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"Depends on what happens. Let's say that I've asked this before and the outcome from what happened didn't exactly turn well but that's when she tried to kill me when I did something rather foolishly. Actually I think she was the cause of it in the first place." He remembered that event well and looked at the quest. "Call me Eternal if you don't mind. No I don't believe it is and I have the same question as her." He stated eyes dull once more as his face stayed straight emotionless.

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" Strange name." She mused then looked back at the list.

" And this Kyle guy, you think he will join?" She asked remembering his loyality to twilight.

" He seemed to have his heart set on staying where he was." She said slightly amused at the memory.

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sin looked at her "..my name has meaning behind it..."he looked away from her "...oh that ..just..leave him to me" he looked down after hearing her last part "...that is because of somethings that happened a while back..." he looked around for a minute then opened a portal "..anyway we better find him.." he waited for her before moving.

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"I'm Kyle." he said. "I was placed in charge of protecting this world by the Faction." He turned to Eternal and said "You stay away from us. First you attack her, and now you want to help her? I don't buy it."

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Xylla sighed excepting she wasn't going to get an answer right away and walked through the portal. She stiffened when she appeared right behind Eternal. Great she thought, just what i needed. She glanced around and found Kyle. I have no idea how Sin is going to convince him. Xylla thought also seeing the girl from ealier and another boy she didn't recognize.

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"Nn." He turned around tapping his finger against his arm. "You must have terrible luck so just spill why you're here already Xylla." He was amused by her luck slight as he tapped his finer letting a eyebrow wise. "Watch it Kyle I found out a lot about you when you got angry. That's when I have the best advantage at seeing things." He stated calmly but his eyes where focused on Xylla. "The mind is my greatest weapon." He thought smiling slightly.

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sin walked out of the portal slowly "...you just going to stand there.." he slightly pushed her forward he looked at who was in front of her "..move..." he pushed the person out of the way then looked back at Xylla he moved his head ".....we don't have time for playing.." he said to her as he walked over to kyle he stopped "..i see there are more people anyway we need to talk..." he tried to look serious with out showing some anger.

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Xylla walked past Eternal not taking her eyes off of him. She walked to stand next to Sin ready to shoot anything that moved. She shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other then looked away from Eternal to focus on what Sin was saying. She was interested in wehter he could convince Kyle or not.

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sin looked at him "....i see.." he turned around for a minute "lets go i guess children who sulk for years on end because his brother is diex need time to cry all day like a girl."he stopped for a minute "its not your fault you could never be your brother.. huh kid "he stopped and waited.

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