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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP

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(yes, Fainezza doesn't like him very much)

She arrived at camp, growling mentalling when spoting Eternal. I wonder how much trouble I would get in if I killed him... Then I shook my head. Where had that come from? I had never actually wanted to kill someone personally. Dazed, I walked to the opposite side of camp, and began randomly doodling over a fresh sheet of paper. When it was finished, it looked like a boy with spiky hair, and a nice smile. "What the..." She had never seen this person before in her life. Maybe I'm finally going insane she thought before she lay down to rest

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Eternal faintly noticed Fainezza letting his glowing yellow eyes faintly noticing the drawing. He almost smiled as he let his expression lighten. From what he could see he faintly recognized the figure on the piece of paper but he choose not to speak out. "Maybe..........." He mumbled before letting his thoughts drift off once more as he closed his eyes.

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Kyle was outraged by Eternal's behavior. Not only did he but-in his fight, he also attacked a fellow member of his faction, and in Kyle's jurisdiction no less! It tool all his willpower, as well as his brother's light, to keep him from going after Eternal. Instead he went after Fainezza. "Are you alright?" he asked.

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She turned her head and saw Kyle stnding over her. "Are you alright?" She sat up and stretched. "I'm fine, just really pissed." She looked at him, waving away his worry. "Don't worry about about me."

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Eternal had gotten on his bed farther away from the two as he looked at a Keyblade keychain that appeared to be in the shape of rock. Another photo sat out farther of a young spiked brown haired and blue eyed boy holding up Ends of the Earth with a smile and the photo had Earth Part of the Light written on it in dark ink. He appeared to be drawing something but it was unknown as to what exactly it was.

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Octavian gave Loki a glance then he looked back at a chart of a new type of air ship being designed by another Dark Master. It was good, but it had flaws. Flaws Octavian could exploit.

"My aims are to fight a war, Loki." he answered in a causal tone. "As for suddenly making moves, I have done no such thing."

He put down the chart and turned to Loki, a smile on his face.

"I have been moving ever since the Light started all this. It is only now that I am moving openly."

The Dark Master gave Loki's Black Sacrament a moment's study, then returned his gaze to Loki himself.

"You book telling you something, Loki?"



Dane nearly skidded to a stop when Nicki spoke to him.

"Um, no." he said. Just looking for..."

He stopped speaking and squinted, as if trying to remember Nicki.

"You are part of Twilight, right?" he asked, pointing with his right hand. "Your name begins with an F or an N."

He made a face as he tried to remember.

"No, not F. You don't match F's description. So N."

He face then brightened and he snapped his fingers.

"You're Nicki, right? I'm Dane."

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Eternal nearly restrained himself from strangling Kyle. "You understand nothing. All Somebodies understand little before it finally happens." He got up swiftly while grabbing the photo and the Keychain as he appeared next to Kyle and Fainezza. He put both objects in front of them before continuing to speak. "I used to be him. I used to be the Proud Earth and was a part of the Light. That was until they left me in a fight while I laid on the ground unable to get away from the Heartless. They left me for dead meat to die there. I had a strong heart thankfully and I've been left for insanity one to many times. I can't even wield the Keyblade Ends of the Earth any more. You try having a hollow feeling in your chest. Try being incomplete and tell me what happens to you." He shouted beyond mad as his fists stayed close to his side ready for a fight.

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Eternal was suddenly there, holding her picture. "Hey! Give--" But then the impact of his words hit her. Having a perfectly good life, then having it taken away. She stared at the ground. There were many words out there, but none of them could make a response to what he just said. She ended up being unable to look him in the eye.

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Xylla nodded taking in the information.

" So if i join you whats in it for me?" She asked crossing her arms.

" Theres no way I'm going anywhere for no reason." She said making sure he knew she wouldn't join whatever cause he had so easily. But then again even just having the chance to get back at Eternal might be fun. Her thoughts drifted off as she pictured Eternal's pitiful expression before she killed him. Xylla couldn't helpo but smirk beinging her out of her dreaming and back into reality. She cleared the enstranged thoughts from her head and looked at Sin.

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(Actually that his photo Namine the one mentioned with he keychain. I said he was farther away from them but I never mentioned how far so it works.)

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sin looked at her ".....will for one i don't know what you want so yeah what ever you want.."he looked over the place for a minute thinking he forgot about something he talked a little more "..and beside that i don't do things that are a big wast of time" he looked at her then it hit him right in the face he looked around this time for real he looked a little made but stopped "..that little..damn now i have to do this again." he looked back up at her and waiting for her answer then he gave one more note "...if you do join me ill help you with anything in anyway possple seen will be working togther.".

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"That's nothing compared to fighting your own brother who is on the opposite side of you." he said. "And then to accidentally kill him and take his heart inside yourself! To constantly be reminded of the wrongs you've done. You complain about how bad it is to not feel, well I feel too much having two hearts inside me! To have two conflicting entities inside me, his light and my darkness are always keeping eachother in check!"

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Eternal growled low obviously still mad. "That is nothing in my eyes. You can at least feel but I cannot even pity myself for being so stupid. For believing that I could trust anyone. I can't even have a choice being cast away from both Darkness and Light neither excepting me or my kind. You can't even beat me with those abilities of yours and your ability to wield the Keyblade is just weak. I used to be a Master. A Keyblade Master but now I can't even summon one. You think it's hard now just wait till something takes your Heart for being so..... uncaring and then tell me then what you think." He pinched the bridge of his nose as he picked up both the picture and the Keychain in one quick swipe. "It's just useless trying to explain something like this to a Keyblader. They never understood nor will they ever."

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"You know nothing about my powers and abilites! You act all high and mighty, but you're nothing but a traitor who attacks his own allies! You are a disgrace to the Twilight Faction and the movement for peace and balance! You say you have no feelings or emotions, yet you're very good with hate and anger." he said, getting angry himself and summoning his Keyblades.

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The arguement echoed in her mind, pounding from the inside. It was strange how hearing there words were painful. She put her head between her knees and covered her ears. Please don't see me. She prayed. The last thing she wanted was pity. Pity made her like she was selfish, and trying to draw attention to herself. "It's useless trying to explain something like this to a Keyblader. They never understood nor will they ever." Those last words were like a double edged sword piercing my skull. I curled tighter into a ball letting out a small whimper. Pictures started popping in front of my eyes, all fuzzy. She couldn't make out a single one, nor could she remember each picture precisely. The only thing she knew about them was that they were important.

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Unfortunately Eternal was prepared as he slid Oblivion out of Kyle's hand before backing up slightly holding the Keyblade. "I damn well know how to wield and use a Keyblade seeing as i'm holding one. I was someone who was give the ability to wield one and this is proof of it. I was Master Earth and I won't be disrespected by someone who cannot even control themselves long enough to think." He held Oblivion in a blocking fashion before backing up even more toward a Window. "You know what. I'm gonna make you prove yourself just so I can have a little fun." He smiled and that meant things where going to get interesting as he looked out the window. "Maybe making you catch me would be able to prove me something."

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Oblivion dissappeared out of his hand as it reappeared in Kyle's. "I don't need to prove anything to a Nobody like you." he said. "You have no power over me, nor are you my superior. In fact, you are in my jurisdiction, which would make me your superior!"

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You could almost swear that Eternal's eyes where blue now as he smirked. "Ya right. I'd say even though i'm a Nobody i'm still a Master. Master Earth oh yes I could kick your ass but you haven't even proved to be a decent Keyblade Wielder so what the point in teaching something that won't even bother to listen. Rash is more like it." He laughed something pounded just for a second in his chest but he didn't notice it as he looked at Kyle with blue eyes a blaze with the hope of a good fight. "Prove me wrong Rookie." He wondered slightly if they noticed the change in personality.

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"Not for the Nobody but for the Other. He stated eyeing Fainezza. "Memories are cruel aren't they? It looks like you have a jumble to. Not exactly one of the funnest things to experience but not the worse either. Strong suggestion that you right down what you remember. It makes easier to but things back together, no?" He stated his eyes dying back down to the normal yellow as he seemed relaxed but he felt weird. He gently put his hand over his chest before talking out loud. "I could almost swear something was there just a second ago............." He mumbled still a bit uncertain of himself.

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Xylla's arms relaxed and she thought for a minute. Lets just see where this goes. She decided and offered him her hand to shake.

" I think we have ourselves a deal..." Xylla said glancing again at the list.

" So you want those people right?" She asked.

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"If thats you messing with my head..." she said, her voice quivering with pain and anger. "Get out!" she yelled. She rose to her feet, convincing herself she was fine. her entire body was shaking but she ignored it. It took her a moment to realize she was still clutching her head, she whipped her hand away. "You think your so unfeeling, that everything has been taken away from you. But you're wrong." A humorless laugh hummed in her chest. "There is still so much more." she turned away and left, walking out to the edge of camp. Before she was even conscious of it, her pencil and paper were out, her hand whizzing across the page. A Keyblade, with five curved spokes, pointed to the sky, three stars made of glass, a wave breaking over a shell, and that same shell again, only this time on cobblestone. There was a word that was repeated over and over, but it was sloppy, and maybe in a different language. She studied it carefully, until it was on the tip of her tongue. She almost had it, when stars exploded behind her eyes, and suddenly she was falling.

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