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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP

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(Sign up for this rp is still open. Here's a link to the sign up thread: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/29763-kingdom-hearts-war-of-the-beginnning-rp-sign-ups/ )





"War is one of the few things that can ever truly unit the people's of this world." Octavian Bloodwin mused to himself.

He sat in a high backed chair, looking out from his study's large windows to the overcast, stormy moor outside.

"One of the only things that people will put their differences aside for a common goal."

He smiled as this amusing thought ran through his mind.

"We should have started this war long before this."

Octavian got up from his chair and stalked to the window. This war was perfect for his plans.



Dane struggled to get his shirt on. Simple things were annoyingly difficult to do with a bum arm. He finally got into it, thankful that his pants were already on. He sat down on his bed in a cave the Twilight had taken over as a base. He had come here to get closer to the main battle lines and maybe get some work done on ending all this.

He blew out a breath and grabbed at his socks. Getting them on wouldn't be as bad as his shirt or pants, but still more difficult them then it should.

"Losing the use of an arm sucks." Dane muttered as he stuck a sock on a foot.

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Kyle was walking through the streets of Twilight Town, where he was based in the Twilight Faction. His hand went to his chest as he remembered his brother Kody. "I will put an end to this war so nobody makes the same mistake I did." he said.

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Mystery absent mindedly walked through Radiant Garden where he was station as he received nervous glances from some noticing the Darkness he possessed. He seemed to faze through it as he kept walking looking around to see if anything had happened yet while he thought almost wanting to take a whack at something with his keyblade. "I wonder how long it takes for things to get interesting around here now?"

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(Oh, if we do have this be before BBS and be the Keyblade War, there can't be any Heartless, Nobodies, or Unversed because Unversed were created by Vanitas, Heartless didn't attack the RoL until sometime after BBS, and Nobodies can't exist without Heartless.)

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Fainezza drew the curves of the sunset perfectly, coloring in the exact shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. Dawn, twlight. So beautiful. She thought peacefully. Finally a break from the war. So many young girls, just like her. She'd had to destroy them, end their lives. Her day off suddenly turned into something horrible. Too much time to think, so many awful things to think about. She peered down from the new clock tower for a distraction. She spotted Kyle, a soilder in the Twlight ranks. She waved down to him.

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Kyle looked up at the clocktower, spotting Fainezza drawing up there. He saw her waive and raised his hand up at her, not really waiving. He put on a fake smile, cause he wasn't really all that happy. He kept walking through the streets, patrolling them if you will.


(@Echo, well it's up to rikunobody. I just put that as my own personal opinion if it is in fact going to be the Keyblade war, for the sake of canon and continuity.)

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sin stood up for a minute and said no words looking around he remembered that he was walking throw the world of darkness after walking for a while he came to a beach it was always night time there " home .." he thought to his self then walked down near the water he moved his neck he then walked into the water going over to one of the piller like area of the world of darkness of the beach and walked on to one he then walked up to one of the higher piks of it and some sat down

(hope you guys know what im talking about you know the little islands you always see in the game with the larg bent tree like spikes)

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(Oh, if we do have this be before BBS and be the Keyblade War, there can't be any Heartless, Nobodies, or Unversed because Unversed were created by Vanitas, Heartless didn't attack the RoL until sometime after BBS, and Nobodies can't exist without Heartless.)


(I'm letting Heartless and Nobodies around because there isn't a lot known about what happened during the time before the Keyblade War. Heck, some of that knowledge is apparently forbidden. So I don't think it would be too far fetched to say small amounts exist during this time. Plus, it's a staple of the series, and it would feel odd with out them at least a few of them around. Though I think I will add to the Key concepts that there are only small groups of Heartless and Nobodies around. For now.)



The Dark Keyblade Master spent another minute staring out the window another few minutes then turned away. There were things to do. He left his study and entered his war room. A small man in dark gray robes started from studying maps.

"Oh, Master Octavian." Samel said. "I am sorry. I feared assassins or attack."

Octavian chuckled. Samel was one of Octavian's military advisers, though was very paranoid and a bit too easily scared about things, but still useful.

"The war hasn't progressed that well yet, Samel." Octavian replied. "Still many battles to be fought till we should worry about that."

He moved to beside Samel to look on a map of some contested area between the Light and The Darkness. A circle was drawn around a small town. Twilight Town.

"Is everything prepared?" Octavian asked, an eager smile spreading across his face.



Dane, now fully dressed, moved out into the main chamber. He had been given the names of some Twilight volunteers in the near by town called Twilight Town. Dane had to smirk at that. Knowing fate and luck as he did, it really couldn't be any other way. He packed some previsions had headed towards the town with the amusing name.

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Xylla wandered aimlessly slipping between alleys trying to avoid being spotted. If this new war thing is true, why is the light accusing us? She wondered slinging her gun into a strap across her back. Xylla pulled 3 bullets out of her pocket and weaved them between her fingers trying to keep herself calm. She came up to the station but stayed hidden. How will the twilight react? She thought watching Kyle patrol the area.

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(Yeah, thanks)


Kyle had the feeling that someone was watching him as he patrolled. He started looking around, trying to find out who was watching him. He was ready to summon his Keyblades at a moment's notice if someone tried to attack him. This war really had him on edge these days, though that's how you stayed alive in war. "Who's there!?" he called out. "I know you're watching me! Come on out!"

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Dane trekked into the outskirts of Twilight Town. He would now have to walk around town to find the Twilight volunteers he had been told about. He stopped and rubbed his useless arm. It felt sore. Why? He also started to feel very nervous. He glanced around.

"Doom." Dane muttered to himself.

Just like when Haqq was about to attack Dane's master. But what caused it? He picked up his pace. He needed to find the others to make sure to stop whatever was making his arm act up.

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Xylla held her hands up and stepped out from behind the building.

" You caught me." She said with a shrug hoping her gun wasn't poking out from behind her back.

" I just wanted to see how twilight was reacting to rumors." Xylla said deciding she might as well stay out of trouble and tell the truth for once.

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"What is a member of the Darkness Faction doing in Twilight Town!?" he said, summoning Oblivion and pointing it at her. "Have you come to try and take the world for your own? If so, then I will have no choice but to end you here and now. I will protect this world, and the balance between Light and Darkness no matter what!"

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Eternal watched not to far away from the scene between Kyle and Xylla before deciding to step in as he appeared behind Xylla with his two red struggle bats ready to be used as he crossed his arms. "I don't think that's a smart move on your part. Two against one we have the advantage." He knew she was a Nobody as he scoffed. " Part of the Darkness and empty nice little combo you got there." He stated eyeing Xylla with a emotionless expression. Oh things where going to get interesting.

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"Don't interfere Eternal." Kyle said, summoning Understanding and pointing it at him. "We may be on the same side, but I don't trust someone without a heart. If there is to be a fight, it will be my fight. I am more than capable of handleing this one myself."

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"Sorry but I don't 'care' what you think and you haven't noticed anything else about her?" he scoffed once more and still stood in the same place obviously going to be stubborn as he held up his Red Struggle bats ready to fight if he needed to. "Anyways I have some business to take care of here. It's curious that I haven't seen her before I've seen many of the like her." He didn't really seem to be bothered by Kyle as he looked at Xylla.

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Nicki walked along a path. She twirled a lock of hair with her fingers, having nothing else to do. I wonder if there are any other members from the twilight faction, she thought, besides this is twilight town. She stopped walking and sat down where she was. A guy was rushing in her direction. I wonder what he's in a hurry for, she thought and got up. "Hey there. you lost??" she asked the guy

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Xylla rolled her eyes.

" I'm not here to take over your pathetic world." She sighed lowering her hands so they hung lossly at her sides. She glanced at Eternal and narrowed her eyes but decided not to react to his comment.

" I just wanted information thats all. Now if you would excuse me." She said and turned to leave.

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