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Embrace The Darkness-Sign Up *loosely based off of "The Darkness" series*

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Date: December 21st, 2012. A strange light shot down from the sky and came in contact with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Almost instantly, the ocean turned black as ink. Not too long after the skies turned gray and the Sun seemed to disappear. Strange monsters appeared and attacked the United States. The military gave it their all but in the end, almost the entire population was dead. The creatures referred to themselves as "Ombra. The dark water in the ocean spread worldwide and attacks similar to what happened in the U.S. happened globally. Humanity couldn't stop the Ombra from killing their prey and was losing thousands of lives every day.

Date: February 18th, 2013: The humans learn of the one thing that will give them a fighting chance against the Ombra: "Nero", an entity that lives in the shadows of the world. Nero agreed to give his power to manipulate Darkness, or negative spirit energy, to fight back against the Ombra. Now its up to those he chose to either embrace the Dark and fight back against the Ombra, or resist the temptation and fight their own way to others expense. Or not...






Abilities (don't give yourself any super-godly powers, guys):

Weapons( limited to two that are "unlimited" meaning they can't run out of ammo or break):

Luce (a creature that may help you along the way. Optional to have):


Bio (optional):




All KH13 Roleplaying rules apply;


1) No god-modding/ making your character seem invincible or have an overwhelmingly powerful weapon or ability

2) No killing/ taking control of other people's characters without their permission. Also be sure to let others know first.

3) Give everyone some time to post

4) 5-6 sentences or more per post. Give detail!

5) Ask me before making any side-plots

6) Keep Post PG-13/ TV-14 level at most.

7) Don't argue with each other for an extended period of time on the thread. PM each other or something if having an issue. If its directly related to the RP (like a rule breaking thing or something) let me know.

8) Include everyone in any plot developments

9) Don't contradict main plot unless I say its okay.

10) The plot will not just be a "killing frenzy", there's going to be a lot of different things going on.

11) You're character can and will be harmed by the Ombra, as well as other role-players (should they choose to fight you).

12) "Nero" isn't a nice guy, nor is he actually looking out for humans. If you must have a dialogue with him, he won't be very helpful, no matter the question. I will control Nero most of the time but you may control him if you really need to. Also, "Nero"'s just a voice for now.

13) Don't be shy to ask questions



[Type "Jackie Estacado" at bottom of you're post if you read the rules]

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Haven't played the second game yet, but I'll give it a go...


Name: Elena "Ellie" Barris

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Posted Image


Abilities: able to manipulate the Darkness arms; a weaker form of Black Hole

Weapons: two H&K USPs, "Más" & "Menos"


Posted Image


Luce: A little dark gremlin. Goes by the name Jace.

Personality: Open to experience (although there's little to be seen in this world). She's trusting of others, or at leas ttrusting enough to allow the Darkness in.

Bio: Not much to say. After Ombra ravaged what was left of her life, Elena set out to destroy the menace. She trusts the Darkness about as far as she can throw it, relying more on her own power to get herself out of trouble.


Jackie Estacado

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Name: Mercy Lee


Age: 21.


Gender: Female.



(Girl in center)


Posted Image



Abilities (don't give yourself any super-godly powers, guys): Enhanced physical capabilities (a little stronger, faster, tougher and so on), healing factor when in the dark.


Weapons( limited to two that are "unlimited" meaning they can't run out of ammo or break):

FN Five-seveN


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Posted Image



Luce (a creature that may help you along the way. Optional to have):


Personality: Sarcastic, tough, pessimistic, funny and cold.


Bio (optional): Abandoned at 6 years old with her little sister Claire, Mercy was in and out of the foster care system for many years, with frequent trips to Juvenal Hall. One day after her 14th birthday, a drug pusher angered by Mercy's antics tried to kill her. She was saved by an old man. He took her in and taught how to use her head in any situation and how to fight when things went south. After her 21st BD, the Ombra attacked. She was saved, but the old man who had become her father wasn't so lucky. As he died, he told her that he had trained her for this and that she would have to fight this battle without him. Not long afterward, she was contacted and empowered by Nero. She realized that using that power would cost her. But she figured she could use Nero as much as he used her. She know works to destroy the Ombra.



Jackie Estacado

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Both accepted.


Name: Victor "The Jester" Raines

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shoulder length black hair with a single bang that covers his right eye, brown eyes (gold at times), fairly muscular, pale skin, diagonal scar on left cheek. About 5'8 in height. Wears a black shirt with numerous tears beneath a red jacket with oriental designs on it, black jeans and boots.

Abilities: Can create an astral (physical spirit) warrior that mirrors him when he fights/ Don a mask that can temporarily grant ability to control some of the Ombra or weak Humans.

Weapons: A modified black M1911 pistol. A scythe: Posted Image

Luce: Yamato; A tan/gray snake that occasionally appears to aid Victor by manipulating Darkness for healing, instead of assisting in battle since he believes in "pacifism"

Personality: Prefers doing things alone but isn't to rude about it. Very brutal in battle, but a good strategist. Tends to act as though he can't beat an opponent or even stand a chance. Usually refers to "Nero" as "Blank" or "Hell-bound". Dislikes when people lose track of where they're going and enjoys severely wounding thieves.

Bio: Coming from a family that was frequently involved in organized crime and paramilitary operations, survival has always been Victor's top priority. At the age of ten, Victor was responsible for the death of two gang members who were attempting to steal thousands of dollars in drug money. The police didn't find out until two years afterwards, but by then, the corrupt cops didn't even bother to investigate. On Victor's eighteenth birthday, a shootout claimed the lives of his parents. Seeing the dying bodies of his mother and father, Victor grew extremely angry. A deep demonic voice echoed in his head; "Kill them all!" the voice said repeatedly. Victor picked up his father's handgun and started shooting his parents' attackers. While most fled the scene, he managed to kill a few. Before Victor's father died, he warned him of Darkness and noted that Victor's bullets seemed to be covered in a stream of it. After witnessing a small group of Ombra devour a small child and her family at three days after his twenty-fourth birthday, Victor was shot in the back of the head by a surviving gang member who had ties to Victor's parents. The demonic voice spoke to Victor again, this time referring to itself as "Nero" and told him to "awaken". Adhering to the voice, Victor unleashed the Darkness and, using his new-found power, killed the Ombra and his assailant. Three weeks later, Victor and "Nero" both are in search of those who can use Darkness, although not for the same reasons.


Jackie Estacado

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Name:Xeron Nerus




Abilities invisible cloak

Weapons desert eagle,a psg1 and a knife

Luce none

Personality:xeron is a laid back quiet person,but he will not hesitate to kill

he kills in a stealthy fashon using knives and silencers on his weapons

Bio:after the darkness ahd infected the world,the darkness had saved the life of xeron and now he will do anything it asks to pay back the darkness what it owes for saving his life





Jackie Estacado

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Name:Xeron Nerus




Abilities invisible cloak

Weapons desert eagle,a psg1 and a knife

Luce none

Personality:xeron is a laid back quiet person,but he will not hesitate to kill

he kills in a stealthy fashon using knives and silencers on his weapons

Bio:after the darkness ahd infected the world,the darkness had saved the life of xeron and now he will do anything it asks to pay back the darkness what it owes for saving his life





Jackie Estacado


Do one of those completely run out of ammo or break (your weapons)? If not, you have to get rid of one. Otherwise, your character sheet looks fine. Also, we can start on the next post and anyone can join in whenever.

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