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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP (Sign-ups)

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"This is war, and it never ends..." ~ War by Sick Puppies.

Before the time of Sora, even before the time of Xehanort, the worlds were once a single world, a land born of light. At this time, Keyblade wielders of Light and Darkness competed in a cold war to prove who was stronger an to keep the other down. One day, a zealous Keyblade Master of Light named Haqq, blinded by his hatred for Darkness, broke the old truce between the two sides, kidnapping and using dark wielders to trick his fellow Light users into believing they were under attack while moving to gain control over Kingdom Hearts, to wipe Darkness and it's users out of existence. Only the combined efforts of several Keyblade wielders of Light and Darkness prevented Haqq from completing his mission and kill him. Though that threat was ended, the damage was done. War was unstoppable.
The war has splinted the worlds population into many different factions. The four main factions are Light, Darkness, Twilight and the Decolor.
Light: Followers and wielders of Light. Not all Keyblade Wielders.
Darkness: Followers and wielders of Darkness. Not all Keyblade Wielders.
Twilight: A mixed force of followers/wielders of Light and Darkness, some of which wield both. The goal of this group is to restore peace and balance between Light and Darkness. Many people who simple want peace have been accepted into the Twilight's ranks.
The Decolor: A group of non-Keyblade wielders who wish to simply wipe out every Keyblade wielder in the world to return it to normal. They view both Light and Darkness as monsters waiting to gobble anyone up. The numbers of this group has been on the rise.

With these four factions locked in battle, the world draws closer to the abyss of self destruction. Welcome to war.
Key Concepts:
1. Light does not mean good, nor does Darkness mean bad. It's how you use them that matters.
2. Each faction has internal problems. Dark wielder fights dark wielder, a Light master argues with another light master over how mercy should play in there battle.
3. While only four factions are named, there are more of varying power. Those are just the four biggest.
4. This may or may not be the cataclysmic Keyblade War spoken of in legend. We'll just have to play and see.
5. Heartless and Nobodies exist in this rp, but only in small numbers currently. Pureblood Heartless only.

1: No controlling other peoples characters without their permission.
2: Keep language, romance, gore and so forth on a PG13 level.
3: No Godmodding unless it works for the story.
4: Maximum of 3 characters currently.
5: No killing each other without mutual permission.
6: Please post "War never changes" at the bottom of you post to show you read the rules.
7: If you have in questions or requests, send me a PM.

8: No time travel.
9: Making your own faction is allowed, just be prepared for questions and the possibility of rejection. (I doubt that will happen, but just in case.)
10: Have Fun! :D

Character Sheet:
Faction: [Light, Darkness, Twilight, The Decolor, other (provide name)]
Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Bad)
Special abilities (you want to share):
Non-weapon items (optional):
Theme song (optional):

Play thread:

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Name: Nicki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Faction: Twilight

Alignment: good



Posted Image


Personality: level minded and a positive thinker

Bio: Nicki never likes choose sides and never liked war. Sine Nicki wants peace badly, she does her best to end the chaos while she still can

Weapons: two swords (one is a bit shorter than the other)

Special abilities: able to to see the past of others lives

Theme song (optional):


"War never changes"

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Character Sheet:

Name: Xylla

Age: 19


Faction: Darkness

Alignment: Neutral


Posted Image


Personality: Critical, suspicious, factual, precise

Bio: Xylla joined the darkness after feeling suspicious of the light as she felt about most things. She is a nobody with the power over iron. She wonders from world to world unless called upon for help by others from the darkness. She was peacefully practicing her skills when she was suddenly attacked by someone from the light. Before killing the idiot she gathered that light and dark were at war once again.

Weapons: A shotgun with special bullets she molds herself.

Special abilities (you want to share): can form and bend iron with a soft touch

Non-weapon items (optional): A small pocket watch

Theme song (optional): none

War never changes

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Character Sheet:

Name: Mystery

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Faction: [Light, Darkness, Twilight, The Decolor, other (provide name)] Twilight

Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Bad) Neutral

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: Cold and Dark

Bio: A Keyblade wielder who controls Darkness. He came to help and is now proving something despite the fact that he uses Darkness. Nothing is really known about him either but only time will tell if his past is known.

Weapons: Master Xehanort's Keyblade

Special abilities (you want to share): Control over Darkness.

Theme song (optional):

"War never changes"

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Character Sheet:

Name: Red Neoru

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Faction: [Light, Darkness, Twilight, The Decolor, other (provide name)] - Twilight

Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Bad) - Good

Appearance: Black Tall-T-Shirt with sleeves worn slightly higher than elbows and including a mock turtleneck collar, black skinny jeans (not too skinny, looser than skin-tight), a pair of gloves with a sort of cybernetic appearance and wide padded collar hi-top shoes that match the gloves. Long hair resembling Ichigo Kurosaki right before he fights Aizen but with a less spikey and more of a messy and straight look, blue eyes that turn crimson in battle, and an overall medium yet fit build.

Personality: a dreamer with a bright, courageous, kind, and colorful personality.

Bio: Resided in the land of Unado until his parents were killed in battle. He was granted the mysterious power to control lightning and has he has trained vigorously. He journeys alone, looking to make some companions and put a stop to the war that has killed his parents.

Weapons: Lightning longsword (minor appearance similarity to Lexaeus' weapon)

Special abilities (you want to share): control of crimson lightning and can run up to 80 mph at full speed (60 mph regularly)

Non-weapon items (optional):

Theme song (optional): Rock City Boy by Jamil

War never changes

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Character Sheet:

Name: Octavian Bloodwin

Age: 36.

Gender: Male

Faction: Darkness

Alignment: Bad



Posted Image


Personality: Cold, unpredictable, manipulating and loyal.

Bio: A Dark Keyblade Master, Octavian is known for his abilities as a warrior and tactician, unorthodox plans and the loyalty of his followers. Like many of his fellow Dark Masters, he fights in the war and strives after Kingdom Hearts...but what else?



Posted Image


Theme song (optional):




Character Sheet:

Name: Dane Shard.

Age: 18.


Alignment: Good

Appearance: 6'3". Broad, muscular build. Short dirty blond hair. Bright light brow eyes. Burn scars on on left check running down his neck. Left arm in sling. Wears a dark gray and red shirt, cargo paints and combat boots.

Personality: Outgoing, cheerful, brave, friendly, slow to anger but heaven help ya when he is.

Bio: The apprentice of a Light Master killed by Master Haqq's plan, Dane was one of the wielders that banned together to stop Haqq. Making it out with a lost arm, Dane followed the example of the others that stopped Haqq and joined the Twilight. He now tries to end the war before it destroys everything.


A Keyblade based on a house key.


Posted Image


Special abilities (you want to share): Possess an unnatural lucky streak.

Theme song (optional):





"War never changes."

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Holy cow! I really need to learn to make characters faster, heh.


Okay, Gumi, echo and Rixku are accepted.


FlowofLove currently denied. You missed something in the rules. Once that is corrected, you are in.

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Name: Kyle

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Faction: Twilight

Alignment: Good


Posted Image

Armor Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: Kind, though distant sometimes.

Bio: Kyle was once on the side of Darkness with his brother Kody on the side of Light. The two brothers fought with Kyle being the victor, however by accident, Kyle stabbed his brother in the chest with the Oblivion Keyblade, releasing his heart. He was horrified at what he had done and took his brother's heart into himself, renouncing the side of Darkness and joining the side of Twilight to try and bring peace and balance so things like that didn't happen again.

Weapons: Two Keyblades, Oblivion and Understanding (inverse of Oblivion)

Special abilities: Uses both Light and Darkness due to his brother's heart inside him, as well as the ability to wield his brother's Keyblade, thus allowing him to Dual Wield.

"War never changes."

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You just need to make the character with the main part then no need to worry about being faster.


Fair enough, it's just then you got a first post about as long as the American Declaration of Independence.

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Key Concepts:


4. This may or may not be the cataclysmic Keyblade War spoken of in legend. We'll just have to play and see.


General note:

New "Key Concept" added to original post.

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Character Sheet:

Name:Nega X


Appearance:Posted Image


Faction: Mystery

Alignment: Bad

Personality:Master manipulater, pure evil, Merciless and not afraid to take the life of any interference

Bio:Comes from an alternate Universe he wields the power of the Infinity X-blade a weapon whose properties are unkown by those in the kh universe.

Weapons:Posted Image

Special abilities: A master of swordsmanship and hand to hand combat, posesses the uncanny abiltity to study an opponent during battle, as well as an unatural speed and the abilty to telport at will.

Theme song (optional):http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nITGFs9eXw

Edited by devereauxr

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Faction: darkness


Appearance:Posted Image

Personality:usually calm, thinks ahead giving many possibility and chances,somewhat power hunger

Bio:sin born and rised in the Faction of darkness grow up trusting not many he would always think ahead of people just in case they tryed to betray him he could cut them down with out a problem because of this he became quet power hunger he killed many any the past because of this and never does he regret his moves he is now taking part in the war gather few he can trust to help but not to save or destroy but for his own benefactor of becoming the strongest .and stand atop with thos who he trust

Weapons:a black mid range katana with a long chain on the end of it used for long rang attacks

Special abilities (you want to share):able to make multiples of his weapon from answer to attack

"War never changes."

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Name: Zane.

Age: 18.

Gender: Male.

Faction: [A Nomad Who Wields a Katana Shaped Keyblade in Battle.].

Alignment: (Neutral.).

Appearance: Red Hair, Red Eyes, Black Trench Coat, Black Jacket, Black T-Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Socks and Black Sneakers.

Personality: Hot-Headed yet Calm when He Needs to be and is Also Kind and Caring as well as the Kind of Person who at Least Tries to Make Other People Feel Good about Themselves to Some Respect.

Bio: A Young Adult Who Likes to Travel from Place to Place and has a Unusual Habit of Wearing More Layers of Clothes then He Needs to.

Weapons: A Katana Shaped Keyblade He Likes to Call His "Steel Ember" for Some Reason.

Special abilities: Has the Power to Command All Types of Known Fire Related Abilities Even a Lost Type of Fire Magic He Likes to Call the "Fire Cloak" Which as the Name Implies Allows the Caster to Wear Actual Fire in the Form of a Cloak to Block at Least Some Incoming Attacks Made by the Caster's Enemies in Battle from Behind.

Non-weapon items: A Potion He Likes to Call the "Fire Cloak Refuel" Which as the Name Implies He can Use to Refuel the Flames of his Fire Cloak by Pouring the Contents of the Potion Onto His Back but can Only do so During Battle as the Potion Requires the "Heat of Battle" in Order for It to Work.

Theme song: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=EODYI0xmaXY.

Voice actor: Troy Baker.

Seiyu: Masakazu Morita.

Extra information: Zane is Based on Portgas D. Ace from One Piece, Kugo Ginjo from Bleach and Asura from Soul Eater but Zane is Mainly Based on Ace While Zane's Theme Song Comes from Ginjo and Zane's Unusual Habit Comes from Asura.


"War never changes".

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Name: Loki

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Faction: Darkness

Alignment: Evil

Appearance: post-30248-0-10845400-1329576988_thumb.jpg

Personality: Quiet, enjoy fighting, likes to do things by himself and refuses to get help.

Bio: Mysterious man who seeks fighting and hates to have too much of people with him and hates even more to be helped by others.

Weapons: Void Gear

Special abilities (you want to share): Hawk Eye, can see through the obstacles and follow enemy's movements in his radius.

Non-weapon items (optional): Book of dark sacraments.

Theme song (optional): http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZG3hePFtbk


War Never Changes.

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darklunatic, Iamkingdomhearts1000 and dusk accepted.


devereauxr denied. You need to read the rules again. Also, I would like to know more about the Infinity X-Blade before I approve it in this game. If you could PM me about that.

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Name: Shadow


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Faction: Darkness


Alignment: EVIL!


Weapon: Way to the Dawn


Appearance: Pretty much like the Ventus Nightmare


Bio: Once a master of light, but when his parents, friends, and other family died by... a dark force... he betrayed the light and switched to darkness.... He wants to eliminate light completly and make the world and soon the other worlds his own territory.


Personality: Strong Silent Type


Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBDh3URp8Is&feature=related

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Character Sheet:

Name: Fainezza

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Faction: Twlight

Alignment: Good


Personality: She is struggling between Light and Dark, which is why decided to fight with Twlight. She loves to draw, write, and sing. She wields a Keyblade that gives off a small white and black glow. Overall, she is a nice person who may sometimes appear as silent, she loves to be with her friends.


Bio: Trained herself to use her Keyblade, after running away from home. She is very agile, and an amazing fighter. When she heard of the war, she decided to join the fight. She fashioned herself a bow for hunting, and a knife for fighting and other things to help her stay alive. She has been fighting solo, not staying too long with a group of people. She wishes for Twlight to win, because you can't have Light without Darkness.


Weapons: Star of Midnight ( Keyblade ) It has an upside-down heart handle, white with pieces of black metal wrapped around it, and the tip juts out to the side, making a square that resembles a night sky, bow and arrow, knife, magic, and combat skills.


Special abilities: Shadow Magic, a magic she made herself, with a dark magic shell with light inside it


Non-weapon items: Skechbook, art supplies, envelope covered in drawings, inside are her best pictures, notebook filled with writing


Theme song:

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