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Kingdom Hearts: War of The Beginnning RP (Sign-ups)

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Name: jason krise

Age: 17


Faction: twilight (Good,

Appearance: l5.8 skiny black hair hazel eyes black boots light shirt and blue jeans

Personality: happy but quick temper kinda emp at somepoints

Bio: grew up on a dark island not knowing where to go or who to turn to until he discovered his keyblade

Weapons: two become one keyblade

Special abilities (you want to share): can talking to the spirit of his key blade

Non-weapon items (optional): amulet of the farseer *allows him to know where he is going and have brife glimps of the futer

Theme song (optional): roxas theme

*war never change* i dont know how to underline

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Character Sheet:

Name: Ali Summer.


Age: 23.


Gender: Female.


Faction: Light


Alignment: Good




Posted Image



Personality: Serious, responsible, protective and brave.


Bio: In her teens, Ali's family was killed by a Dark Keyblade Master. She joined up with the Light army to train and get vengeance on the man who killed her family. Though her training, she was convinced by her master to put aside her desire for revenge and focus on protecting others. Now a Lieutenant in the Light Army, she prepares for war.


Weapons: A Keyblade like the weapon appearance image.


Special abilities (you want to share): Can draw on her opponents strengths to even up with them.


Non-weapon items (optional):


Theme song (optional):




War Never Changes.

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Name: Neana

Gender: Female

Faction: Decolor

Alignment: Evil

Appearance: Neena with her hair down and blond, obsidian keyblade armor without the helmet

Personality: Silent, serious, angry

Bio: When Neena's light and darkness decided she was incompetent, they decided to take over her mind and body. Both of them working together had imprisoned Neena in her own heart. They are trying to do what Neena had wanted, destroy the Keybladers but Neena is still unhappy.

Weapons: Neena's bow except golden, Neena's katana

Special Abilities: All of Neena's abilities except she can't change forms at will

Non-Weapon Items: A necklace that keeps Neena imprisoned

Theme Song:

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BTW...this are characters are connected to Yiku by dreams. These characters were shown in one of my previous post.



Name: Edith Sun

Age: 17

Gender: female

Fration: light

Alingment: Good

Apperince: Posted Image

Personality: calm minded, happy, quiet

Bio: A falcon hides in her heart to protect her from the darkness. She is an orphan who is protected by Sparrow. She cannot be overcome by the darkness.

Weopon: Posted Image Gullwing

Ability: can turn into a falcon and use that as another weapon

Non-weapon: A golden compass to help find ones that are light but are lost in darkness

Theme song: Passion [utada Hiriki] by: Sebastian Wolff


Name: Sparrow Thorn

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Bio: A man who walks among the darkness to overcome peoples dreams until he found Edith. Edith joined with him to help the members of Twilght. Still is trying to reach the goal of getting out of the darkness.

Fration: Darkness

Aligment: good

Apperence: Posted Image

Personality: confused, sad, angry, can be happy

Weopons: Posted Image Sleeping lion

Ability: power to contol the winds

Non- weopon: a black coat of his fathers

Theme-song: Assasin, by John Mayer


(War never ends. Just to be safe)

Edited by Axgrce

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