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Should I Get Super Mario 64?

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I'm sort of split on this, because it was by far the best game ever released on a previous nintendo console, and right now i'm on a PSN/WII Online Store Hunt (I think i'm getting quite alot of money for christmas, so i'll use that).


but i do already have the DS version, but i had it on a card that got damaged. my sister has another copy but she's really lazy and has no idea where it is. most her games (and a couple of mine) got lost that way :(


by the way, how much is

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super mario 64 is the only mario game I've played (my bro is more of the mario fan) and I love it. I have it for DS and i like the extra content of it. There's just more to do then the Wii Shop one. But if u want to stick with the original, then get the Wii Shop one. I highly recommend u get the game :D

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i'm going to hope i can find my sisters copy, because i also love the extra content. and the DS version is generally cleaner than the N64 one.


if i can't find it, i'll happily get the VC version :)


i'm also getting mariokart at christmas, i can't believe it took me this long to get such a classic!


Off-topic: jesus you have alot of rep!

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Even if you played through the whole game, GET IT. It's a great game and always will be <3


lol, exactly, i've completed it (all 150 stars) 3 or 4 times already.


when i was around 4, we went round to my cousins house every few months. he had an N64, and we played on it every time we went :D

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ya i think to should get it if you can't find your sister game i have played both super mario 64 ds is better because extras content. this is off topic but month ago i downloaded earthworm jim i love that game man i should go get mario kart

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IT FUN YESH YOU SHUD! and i downloaded lke most gamed on the wii! and that game is fun! Also a challenge towards then end... at least for me! i have like 78 stars!

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