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KH3D Some Questions.... xD

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Well as we all know the trailer has a million theories and questions. And i want to discuss some

  • Yen Sid said that everyone had to be saved in order to defeat MX. Why is that?
  • Axel looks at his self and says "I see..." discuss.
  • Mickey probably will appear in the ROD because he said to Yen Sid that he has to go in to help them. Why does he have to help them?
  • MX is in the ROD. How on earth did he go in there??!! And what does he want to do to Riku and Mickey? WHY IS MICKEY IN ROD???
  • Young MX talked about revenge. What was he talking about?
  • A new organazation?!?!!? WTF?!?!?
  • Axel in the real world?!?!
  • Who is the mysterious figure with red eyes?
  • Is MX trapped in the ROD?

How will Sora and Riku will save ATV, ARX and Namine? And if Sora has to save Roxas?!?!? That means that he will fall in sleep again!

Thats for now folks/ Hope you answer my questions!!!

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  • Probably because two or three wasnt enough last time.
  • He understands that he has reborned
  • He fears that they might not make it.
  • We dont know why is MX there. He probably needs Sora for something and Riku and Mickey were on the way. Mickey was possibly sent to RoD by Yen Sid.
  • Not a bloody clue.
  • They are probably illusions like Vanitas was. Illusions created by MF.
  • He has reborned as Lea.
  • Possibly Vanitas, cause according to BBS novel, Vanitas originally looked like heartless with red eyes.
  • I hope so.

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  On 2/17/2012 at 1:14 PM, 'replika13' said:


They are probably illusions like Vanitas was. Illusions created by MF.




Illusions?? What do you mean? You are trying to say that these hooded figures are not someone?

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1: I don't think Yen Sid has actually said that. Data Naminé commented about it because he needs to know about those who helped him and may help him in his battle against MX. But basically, he needs to save them to form a force against MX. Especially, if he's going to attempt to rebuild Organization XIII.

2: Well, this one seems obvious. He realises that he's been reborn as Lea. The teardrop symbols seemed to be put in place for a reason and I think we might learn that Nobodies and Somebodies share a significant appearance difference. For Axel, it would be his tattoos or whatever they are.

3: It's probably because Yen Sid revealed to Mickey after Sora and Riku left how dangerous the Realm of Sleep actually is. That made him want to go after them.

4: He's just another part of the dream, like Young MX, Xemnas and Ansem SoD. I think he's trying to keep Riku and Mickey busy while Sora is being talked to by Young Xehanort.

5: Um, probably all the times that Sora, Riku and the King have gone against him in his different forms...or possibly something to do with Yen Sid. Sorry, but I keep getting a feeling that he's a character who's done some pretty bad things.

6: It's difficult to say what they are. They could well just be dreams of some sort. We haven't seen their faces yet, so it's very difficult to tell what they actually are.

7: What do you mean real world? Or were you talking about him requesting to go to the dream world as well?

8: The only person I can see it being is some sort of un-introduced character or Vanitas but with his appearance before it was molded to resemble Sora.

9: No, he's there because he wants to be there. Of that, I'm positive, if he's even there at all.

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  On 2/17/2012 at 1:20 PM, 'SoraKH' said:



Illusions?? What do you mean? You are trying to say that these hooded figures are not someone?


Nomura mentioned that wherever MF gos, some peoples appears from darkness. We see vanitas saying "Hearts other than yours" and in a second he dissappears. That sounds like illussion, which also means fake version from original or something.

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  On 2/17/2012 at 1:28 PM, 'Keyblade King 12' said:

9: No, he's there because he wants to be there. Of that, I'm positive, if he's even there at all.


But is he the Real MX?

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now, if you say RoD we'll mistake it for Realm of Darkeness. It's RoS (Realm of Sleep).


1. Even if there isn't need for that, would you let poor Aqua suffering in the RoD?

2. He must have drawn those things on his face so that he knew when he was reborn as his original self again, so when that happened, the drawings would not be there, because he drew them when he was a nobody.

3. Because the RoS is an unexplored place. They need help!

4. Because!

5. No idea.

6. It is the old organization. For some reason the RoS is a place where you can meet people from your past. You are in a Dream, after all.

7. That's Lea, not Axel.

8. No idea.

9. Of course not! He's too badass for that.

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  On 2/17/2012 at 2:35 PM, 'Sora Keyblade no Yuusha' said:

now, if you say RoD we'll mistake it for Realm of Darkeness. It's RoS (Realm of Sleep).


1. Even if there isn't need for that, would you let poor Aqua suffering in the RoD?

2. He must have drawn those things on his face so that he knew when he was reborn as his original self again, so when that happened, the drawings would not be there, because he drew them when he was a nobody.

3. Because the RoS is an unexplored place. They need help!

4. Because!

5. No idea.

6. It is the old organization. For some reason the RoS is a place where you can meet people from your past. You are in a Dream, after all.

7. That's Lea, not Axel.

8. No idea.

9. Of course not! He's too badass for that.



he didnt draw those.. All nobodies have slight differences than their somebodies.. They appeared on their own thats how he knew he was reborn when he saw they werent there

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1. At the end of coded, Yen Sid asks if a single one of them (meaning Sora, Riku, and Mickey) would be enough if what they faced was not a single one of him (meaning Xehanort). I think the sentiment is that if you have a whole lot of final bosses, you're going to need a whole lot of heroes to face them. Also in this ending, Mickey shows interest in bailing out Aqua, Ven, and Terra, so there's probably just the general sense of a rescue mission as well.


2. It's just Lea realizing that he's been put back together.


3. Well, we see an unconcious Sora slumped in a chair, and a bunch of Xehanorts running around that were probably not accounted for before sending in Sora and Riku. Things presumably go wrong, and naturally, in such a situtation, you send in Mickey Mouse.


4. After Xehanort de-hearted his original body in BBS, with his heart moving over to Terra, I guess his original existence had to go somewhere.


5. I'm guessing that's a plot point that will be revealed in the game proper, with not nearly enough hints to make any kind of reasonable guess prior.


6. It's either an illusion created for purpose of confusion, or a new Organization.I don't believe it's the old one, or even a recreation of it, mainly because Axel is no longer there, and also when the arrows fall to signal their arrival, it's presumed that Braig is shooting them from a distance, and thus is not one of the cloaked figures who appears afterwards.


7. Correct.


8. Someone who desperately needs to change his contact lenses.


9. I doubt it. The man seems to have a plan for nearly everything, and I'm sure this is just part of one.

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  • It will probably take them all to defeat Xehanort. lol
  • He sees that he's not a nobody anymore.
  • On the cover, we see him going after Sora as he falls, and we see Sora being knocked out on one of the organization chairs later. It's possible that Xehanort and all those people in his heart end up getting to him, or that something unexpected happens within teh realm of sleep (ie ALL of Xehanort's incarnations and Xehanort actually having a plan). Also, Mickey is in the RoS like three different times lol
  • Probably another one of MX's "many roads" he left open. He probably knows a way to be resurrected through the realm of sleep. Or, it could be that becuase after his nobody and heartless being destroyed, he couldn't just come back, so his different parts awakened in the realm of sleep, split and incomplete. Afterall, his heartless and nobody wasn't just him; it was made of Terra too. And Xehanort's body faded awhile ago.
  • Revenge against all the people who killed him/foiled his plans (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, and Ven)? Or possibly...something else?
  • Organization Xehanort. Consisting of MX, Young Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Terranort...it's a work in progress. lol.
  • Axel promised he'd always be there to bring his friends back. So that's probably why he wants to go into the realm of sleep after everyone. It does seem weird to have Axel talk to Y
  • Your mom. IDK WTF
  • Possibly. But only for the time being, I'd assume. He may be hitching a ride back with Riku and Sora back into the real world.

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1. To have a better chance against Xehanort when he makes his move in the real of the light


2. He sees that he has become a normal person again with a heart


3. From what we saw maybe they can see their adventures in the realm of sleep and Mickey knowing Sora is struggling decides to go and help him


4. First he is in the Realm of Sleep and second he maybe used Sora as bait knowing that Riku and Mickey would come to save him


5. Maybe against Sora because Sora was the one that stopped him


6. A new one, probably has some of the other members but some just wanted their hearts back


7. It is Lea now, got it memorized


8. Maybe Vanitas because when he was first born, his face was like a heartless with red eyes


9. Maybe but later he may hitch a ride out of there with Riku and Sora

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