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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D website updated with new trailer

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......What.....WHAT?!?!?!??! OMG....WTF

At first I was freakiing out that Quorra, Sam& Kevin Flinn where making an apperence....but the rest?!!?!?

WTF DID THAT ASSHOLE DO TO RIKU?!!?!? D'8< Hnnggg......I'm gonna passout, that's one hell of a Valentines gift. I love you too Square....I love you too. >3>

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This is the best trailer YET !!.. So many amazing scenes that i cant wait till this game finally releases..Also. who here thinks that this trailer shows it might be possible that Lea is one of the playable charcters?.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! Lolz...

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.....wow.....ok, well a few things to talk about then....


Looks like there's gonna be much more of a focus on Lea than I originally thought. We'll probably see random snippets of him throughout the game, then he'll make a bigger appearance towards the end.


I did notice we didn't see any more of Maleficent, though. Odd. Maybe she won't be playing as big a role as previously thought.


Well we see Braig is back, too (has to be Braig, no way that's Xigbar.) So that's cool. And he's still cracking jokes at Sora for looking like Ven...


Seems like Young Master Xehanort is much more powerful than I initially thought. It at least is made to appear that way. The appearance of Master Xehanort in his older incarnation is confusing though. Even more confusing, why were he, Xemnas, and what APPEARS to be Ansem SoD (he was in a Cloak, so it could be a Riku memory, which is plausible because we have seen a Riku copy in a Cloak earlier in the game) in Where Nothing Gathers.


So it looks like The World That Never Was still...is. We saw the ruins of the city later on in the trailer and a couple scenes take place there. Or it could be that TWTNW has become one of the Dream worlds, fallen to sleep after what happened with Xemnas.


Let's sum up the flashing images towards the end of the vid...Ven's darkened Keyblade armor with a Nightmare symbol on the visor, then Ven's normal armor on the floor of what appears to be an Awakening Station, a shot of Namine that turns into Xion facing Sora, Riku and Kairi standing in the ruins of TWTNW which replaces them with Aqua and Terra respectively, a figure on a Cloak with two large Heartless-like red eyes, the Guardian in some purple location reaching out, then Sora sitting asleep (similar to Ven) on a seat high above in Where Nothing Gathers, and we see the rest of the seats filled with people in Cloaks.


The first couple of things make me firmly believe now that Sora will take a Dive to the Heart. Maybe face a Nightmare of Ven's armor and meet Xion, they go back to TWTNW in some form, someone had mentioned the red-eyed figure might be Vanitas, but we already saw him earlier and he was in his form from BbS, which makes sense. If he did come back, he would still have that connection to Sora through Ven's heart, so he would still have Sora's face. No idea what that could be.


So, yeah. A lot new to take in, but again there's only one true way to find out. Wait for the game to come out.

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OMG YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how many times I was gasping at the Tron world. Quorra!!! OMG and just what the hell is going on?!!!!!! This was the best trailer!!!!! Kingdom hearts DDD is going to be the best KH ever!! Please let the english version be close to being done. Please.

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Well, this is the first time I saw Riku weild a keyblade other than his own! This game is gonna blow everyone's mind I am sure. And Ansem, SoD is pissed. I like the way he smack Riku to the ground no wonder why the 'real' ending wasn't approved. lol

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GAH! I'm at school right now and they blocked YouTube! Someone, fast forward time! Luxord or MF, do it now! WHHHHYYYYYYY!!!


I really need to watch this trailer. Must. Resist. Reading. Comments...

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GAH! I'm at school right now and they blocked YouTube! Someone, fast forward time! Luxord or MF, do it now! WHHHHYYYYYYY!!!


I really need to watch this trailer. Must. Resist. Reading. Comments...


RESIST!!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png


The EPICNESS you'll experience first hand will be worth it! :D

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Just downloaded the video and watched it. I WANT IT ALL. At the end of the trailer, all the Org. cloaks look the exact same, so either they were just put that way to save time or it's not really the Nobodies we're used to. If you don't know what I mean, almost every member has unique features to their coats. Or maybe I'm thinking too much into it.

I really wish I had access to YouTube to see the subs. Maybe I can go find a computer with a teacher's account logged on so I can get to watch it...

Can't wait to get home.

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Terra and Aqua ahhhhhhhhhh


Who is that Red eyes guy!?


Perhaps it's a form of Vanitas? Although it's only in the light novel it mentions he looked somewhat like that when he was first born. Maybe they're revealing that as part of the game now?:


"At the time Vanitas was just born, he did not have a human face. He was basically like a humanoid Heartless, with pure black skins but with red eyes instead of the yellow eyes that Heartless possess. If you have noticed from the game, all Unversed have red eyes, so he was just like an Unversed himself at the time. "


Posted Image


Aside from the Org. Cloak and the fact you can't really see his body it fits somewhat...


If not that then I'm not sure at all... xD

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Annotated thoughts as I watched the trailer:

  • 00.10: Young Master Xehanort: “Aren’t there hearts confined within you, too?”

Buddy, you have no idea. Surely Sora himself is Kingdom Hearts, because the heart of everyone is inside of him.

  • 0:28: I suppose stopping Young Xehanort from leaving wasn’t a possibility.
  • 0:51 I will never tire of these opening videos. The surrealism is always put together very well, not to mention the graphic quality.
  • 1:35 Aw, Quasi has Dream Eater friends! That’s adorable
  • 1:43: Victor: “But we don’t have any cake.” Someone, somewhere, thought that joke was clever. Victor is the smart one; Hugo is the one who makes the awful jokes.
  • 1:52: Sora: “Wow, awesome!” And that’s why I love Sora. He’s as excited about things as we are. There’s nothing more irritating than a hero who’s too cool for what’s going on around him.
  • 1:54: Still not a fan of the juxtapositioning of more real models to cartoon ones. It’s a little too jarring, not to mention the realistic models look stiff and emotionless in comparison.
  • 2:16: I notice the Pete here has the classic peg leg, while the usual Pete in KH does not. Different versions of Pete?
  • 2:37: Blue Fairy. Awesome. Who’s up to see the Blue Fairy fight Malificient?
  • 2:43: Is it just me, or is Mickey’s dancing in perfect synch with the trailer music?
  • 3:10: The entire Hunchback level is going to look amazing in 3D.
  • 3:32: Classic Mickey slapstick. I’m glad this game seems to be emphasizing Mickey’s mischevious behaviour as well as his kickass keyblade skills.
  • 4:09: Zipping along walls will, and all of the other moves here, will look fantastic in 3D. I’m glad they’re clearly playing with the capabilities of the system, rather than just using it as an afterthought.
  • 4:15: Well, it’s just as well they didn’t get the raft going in KH1, because they clearly didn’t get very far. Also, good to see Ursula doing a lot more laser shooting and a lot less singing.
  • 5:00 Not gonna lie, not incredibly interested in the whole Dream Eater multiplayer, but at least it looks like they put some effort into it regardless. Also, using them as summons seems to be effective.
  • 6:06: And now a fun game of kick the cat! Clearly, young Xehanort is a jerk.
  • 6:25: Aaw, the scene in Days where Axel says he will always bring them back is one of my favourites. Good reference.
  • 6:40: So Axel was turned into a Nobody at the laboratory as well. It’ll be interesting to know exactly when he pops up back here in relation to everyone else, timeline wise.
  • 7:23: Aaw, I was kind of hoping Frollo could be evil on his own, without dark powers.
  • 7:50: Ansem and Young Xehanort hanging around at the same time. It doesn’t seem that Xehanort is entirely back in one piece yet, because all of his forms are still floating around.
  • 8:18: You, kill my gold fish? As if!
  • 8:50: Looks like Axel is getting a much bigger role to play, if he’s talking to Yen Sid. Also, with the next scene being Mickey apparently also included in the plot, might it be that something has gone wrong with the test, and they require reinforcements?
  • 9:00: Xemnas Chokeslam!
  • 9:06: Well, it looks like the Xehanort gang is all here. Interesting that it occurs in the World That Never Was. Could be that, given that it was more or less destroyed at the end of KH2, it too went to sleep, as it were, and that’s where all of Xehanort’s forms are mustering.
  • 9:10: Braig’s arrows, noticeably. Yet, presumably, he’s not one of the hooded fellows who appear afterwards. Also, there’s only twelve of them, and one of them is Young Xehanort. I think it’s safe to say that these guys aren’t the Organization.
  • 9:19: For gosh sakes, Namine and Xion are here, and Kairi still isn’t? One day, that girl is going to have to do something constructively useful.
9:20 Sora’s in one of the chairs, but he seems to be sleeping. Reminiscent of Ven at the end of BBS. Presumably, he’s not there out of his own free will.

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