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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D website updated with new trailer

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Who is that Red eyes guy!?


At what part? Anyways in response to the video...


Wow! Another long trailer! That last part showing all the characters kinda blew my brain to bits all at once seeing them shown off so fast! So lets see there should be 4 versions of Xehenort... YMX,MX,Xemnas,and Ansem,Seeker of Darkness!


Take my money EB Games or JB Hi-Fi.


I'm avoiding spoilers when this game comes out.


Me too,the ONLY thing I am going to see is the trailers.or small gameplay scenes.I am not going to see the opening,just so I get that,"full experience" when I play it for myself! I guess I should consider myself lucky to be patient enough and strong-willed enough to NOT spoil myself rotten and then regret it later,and yes,I'm talking about you Rixku. If you actually wanna ENJOY the game for yourself instead of spoiling the game,just somehow dis-able your computer until you complete KH:3D lol


Also,DANG IT,the english website isn't working for me,it shows up in what you might call a,"standard" form for a website where all the text is on the top left,and everything else is white.AND for thing you can click on the text is blue and underlined I think.Its a bit complicated,but basically,I am using my school computer for everything instead of my normal one,just cause my home computer had virus',one which started running ping.exe which slowed down my computer,and I got sick of it when I was watching my youtube videos,so I switched to my school one! As long as I don't like go to a fake website or download anything,I'm good.

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:P YES! yes YES! SAM FLYNN, KEVIN FLYNN, QUOARA, CLUE AND RINZLER!! THIS WILL BE A CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION! :D and I knew quasimodo would appear in his Topsy Turvey costume! :D I see why you have to fight that gargoyle dream eater becuase Frollo must summon it after you fight Frollo! These trailers just keep getting better and better Thank you Nomura!!!!

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OMG!!!!! I nearly got a heart attack!!!

MF summoned whole organisation xiii!!! and all forms of xehanort are sitting at Where Nothing Gathers!!!!

This is so awesome!!!!



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