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KH3D Braig and his appearance...

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So I was kinda had an argue about this and looking forward on what your thoughts are, please note that this will be an intensive investigation regarding 'Braig's arrows'.


So first of all, we've seen Braig on the trailer and I realize that it might be that he has a big role in KH3D. Considering that the translate is accurate, Sora did say "it's crystal clear that you are my enemy" to Braig. To me that sounded like Braig is the person behind all of that has been happening but I won't say that with high confidence just a thought to think about.


So here he is in deep dive tower,


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What I am curious about really if this is really braig's arrow?


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So I made a video to determine whether this arrow is 'fired'. It seems to me that they are fired from above.


So I analyze it frame by frame via vDub. Here is the video:



Look closely as Sora looks above (maybe he's looking at Braig) and then the arrows are fired.




Remember that braig can walk up on the ceiling like illustrated here:


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As you can see on number 1, he can walk in mid-air upside down. He must have fired them to Sora from above. As you can see on number 2, that is an example of Braig's arrow.



So how did the arrow stayed?


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Yep, BBS got you covered. Braig's arrow can infact stay for awhile in the ground.


So for the biggest question is how did this happens? Why? What does braig have to do with this?

Well, my friend, we have wait 43 days more.. lol



So you decide, is this braig's arrow? or something different?

Do you think Braig has something to do on whats going on?


In the end, all of this still remains a theory. All I am doing is providing you with hard evidence. Please don't take any of this as a fact!

Thanks for reading!

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Well if i am right then Xigbars ability was "manipulation of space" so couldn't he just have used that ability on the arrows and on the people appearing there in order to teleport them or something?


That would be my best guess...

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Braig is definitely behind this and the only one who was in on Xehanorts plan when this all started . He knew the most inside info. When he died, he laughed .He knew he would reform i believe. Those are definitely his arrows. Though hes working with Xehanort it wouldnt surprise me if he had another agenda of his very own that will really shake things up.


Isa i bet is still evil. The golden eyes,pointed ears, and X scar indicates extra things were done to him by Xehanort and its not good.

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When Sora says "It's crystal clear that you are my enemy" it makes me rethink whether or not Braig is evil. A lot of times in movies and such when people are really sure that someone is bad, they're wrong.

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  On 2/15/2012 at 9:08 AM, 'lizzie1238' said:

I don't think there's really any doubt, those are definitely his arrows.


me too, I just had an argument sometime ago that it isn't just possible that it is braig's arrows.

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  On 2/16/2012 at 8:47 PM, 'lizzie1238' said:

When Sora says "It's crystal clear that you are my enemy" it makes me rethink whether or not Braig is evil. A lot of times in movies and such when people are really sure that someone is bad, they're wrong.


Well, Sora saw everyone in the Orga as his enemy - he was kind of douché to them anyway xD

I wonder, if Braig, if he is "real", still helps Xehanort there? I mean, what does he hope to obtain? Is "it" really worth over 10 years of his life?

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  On 2/17/2012 at 2:04 AM, 'Tom' said:

Well...I didn't think it was hard to comprehend that playing the past games, that this is in fact Braig's arrows....




yeah me too, by the time I saw that, I am quite positive that it is Braig's Arrows. :) I just wanted to prove myself that I am not alone because I've heard that people actually don't believe it.

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  On 2/17/2012 at 3:39 AM, 'Exodaze' said:

yeah me too, by the time I saw that, I am quite positive that it is Braig's Arrows. :) I just wanted to prove myself that I am not alone because I've heard that people actually don't believe it.


People don't believe it huh?


Probably late bloomers of the series that go around saying they're right.

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Come on, people!

Xigbar/Braig has been Xehanort's right hand man from BBS onward! Whatever is going on, Xigbar is going to be helping Xehanort out with his schemes from the background one way or another. He may have just have teleported them there, as we know taht Braig is not overly powerful, but he may also be behind whatever allowed Xehanort to return.

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Briag has always been interested in the keyblade and is always dropping hints to Sora about certain information that only a few of his kind would know. He definitey is the eyes of Xeohanart. There is no doubt about that. Those are his arrows. What i want to know is can he create clones of himself or is that Young Xehanort there to give him an helping hand against Sora.?

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