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Okay I'm confused

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Okay, so there is something I am a little confused about in Skyward Sword, it's about Impa. Okay, so in Skyward sword we see a young Impa that later travels to the past where Demise still existed (although Link later defeats him in Skyward Sword). And at the end of the game, it was revealed that the old lady at the Sealed Grounds was Impa all along. Now, here's the thing that threw me off. Since old Impa dissapears into nothing, how is Impa in Ocarina of Time? I really don't get that, in Ocarina of Time, if you've talked to some of the people in that villiage where Goron Mountain is (I think it's later when Ganondorf takes over Hyrule) they say how Impa is great for what she did in the past,. I really thought that Skyward sword would explain this. But it just made me confused. Is the Impa from Ocarina of Time the same Impa from Skyward sword? Or is this just some reincarnation of Skyward Sword Impa? Or just a different person with the same name? Because the Ocarina of Time Impa and the Skyward Sword Impa are part of the Sheikah clan. I am lost here.

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They aren't the same person, just like there's half a dozen people with the names Link and Zelda. The "Great deeds" the villagers were referring to were helping develop Kakariko village and evacuating Castle Town once Ganondorf infested the place with his forces.


Also, a spoiler tag would've helped. Sorry if it comes across as rude, I just hadn't finished playing the game yet.

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They aren't the same person, just like there's half a dozen people with the names Link and Zelda. The "Great deeds" the villagers were referring to were helping develop Kakariko village and evacuating Castle Town once Ganondorf infested the place with his forces.


Also, a spoiler tag would've helped. Sorry if it comes across as rude, I just hadn't finished playing the game yet.


Oh, I'm sorry about that. Anyway, so what you're saying is that the Impa from Ocarina of Time is pretty much some reincarnation of the Impa of Skyward Sword? Well, I guess that does make sense since there are a dozen Links and other Zelda's. And they are both from the Royal Family. And let's not forget there is a reincarnation of Demise.

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Oh, I'm sorry about that. Anyway, so what you're saying is that the Impa from Ocarina of Time is pretty much some reincarnation of the Impa of Skyward Sword? Well, I guess that does make sense since there are a dozen Links and other Zelda's. And they are both from the Royal Family. And let's not forget there is a reincarnation of Demise.


For the most part yes, though she doesn't even need to be a reincarnation.(It's more than probable that she is one considering Impa is almost always Zelda's guardian, but Impa could also be the Sheikah counterpart to "Jane" for all we know.)

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tutti frutti. I always believe that at various points in the game, a number of key characters are reborn for later Zelda games. Impa in Skyward Sword and OoT are both Zelda's guardians, but it would seem like they were both at different periods of time in history.

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