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Lu Xun

When you take a game disc/cart/card out of its system, what do you do with it?

When you take a game disc/cart/card out of its system, what do you do with it?   

135 members have voted

  1. 1. When you take a game disc/cart/card out of its system, what do you do with it?

    • I put it back in its case, then put the case away.
    • I put it back in its case, but leave the case out.
    • I put it near or on its case, to put up or play later.
    • I put it on top of or near the console, I have a pile there.
    • I leave it lying around, I'll find it later if I want to play it.
    • Another option? Tell us below.

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It depends. Sometimes I leave my xbox games inside the xbox, I only take it out when I switch games. My 3DS games are all in my drawer mixed with my other random items lol

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For console games, I put it back in the case and then put the case away. Or if I'm gonna play the game again soon I'll just leave the case out on the table. For DS/3DS games, I put them in my 3DS game case. It can hold up to 29 games!

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For discs I put them in the case of the game that I'm exchanging discs with, which is to say the wrong case. Until the point when I decide to clean up then I have to sort through and put them all back into the correct cases. Portables I put in game cases that I've bought that hold several games or back in their original cases. Old school carts get stacked back in the small storage boxes that I'm forced to keep them in under my bed.

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Usually, I just leave the disc/card/cart/pickle/etc. in the system, and then take it out only if to switch with another game, at which point, depending on how I feel or how important the disc/card/cart/pickle in question is to me, I may elegantly put it back into the case whence it came, drop it somewhere I can easily find at a later time, or chuck it out the window.

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I like to take good care of my games. As soon as I take a game out of my wii I put it back in its correct case. I then put the case on a neat stack of games on top of the tv. I don't know how I would react if I put in a game and it didn't work. :huh:

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Depends on what system im playing on. if im on a handheld I will typically put it away. but if im on my ps2 i will leave my games on top of the cover til i decide to switch it again then i might put it in its case but when i am done i put it back.....eventually.

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I usually put it in the case of the game I'm switching it with, even though it's the wrong case. And then later I get frustrated when I can't find which case I left it in >.>


Exactly the thing i do.

Then i spend a week trying to find the game i want to play

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i cant stand having games that dont work or are dirty, so i put it in the case and put it away. i cherish all of my games. it always pisses me off when i go to a friends house and he/her has all of their games lying around. and then they try to play a game and they get angry when it doesnt work -___-

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