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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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Jayson and Ralts turned to Alexia. "Oh you have? Wow that's cool isn't it Ralts. Since Lucifer ran off, how about I help you find that Ralts with you? And don't worry I'll protect you from any more of those Rocket's tricks" He said to her. Afterwards he realized that they were alone together.

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They started walking. "Good thing we have Pikachu, I would hate for Ekans to have another episode." After a moment of silence Jayson finally said "So ah Alexia, how long have you been a trainer and what made you pick snivy?"

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(got it)



"well lets get searching. Go caterpie!" yelled alexia as the golden pokemon came out of the pokeball. Alexia the picked it up and put on her shoulder.


Pikachu was walking forward. And alexia was looking while she followed it.


Then she heard Jayson " oh well um i just always liked pokemon and since my older brother chose oshawott i wanted to have the advantage so i chose snivy"

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" i had already seen all of unova so yeah i got bored" she told him then she saw a ralts. "wAit! Go snivy! Use attract!" the pokemon let loose a series of hearts that hit the ralts and infatuated it. "nope its not female." she said

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"I dont think there very rare. because i can see a whole bunch of them up ahead." alexia said as a group of Ralts came into sight. "go! Snivy use Attract!"


"Snivy!" yelled the pokemon as it launched the hearts. they hit but only a few werent affected.


Alexia then pointed at one that wasnt effected. "there!" she said "go caterpie use String shot!" the golden pokemon atop her shoulder lauched the sticky silk and hit the ralts trapping it "now snivy use leaf tornado!" said alexia as the pokemon sent the cyclone staraight for the ralts. when the attack passed the ralts was weakened. "now go Pokeball!" the pokeball made contact and began to shake. soon after it stopped.

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"yeah that sounded like Lucifer but i pretty sure he is fine. he has an evolved pokemon so he should be ok." alexia told him. then she healed Ralts and looked around "well lets get going we have to meet up with him later"

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"yeah lets get going." she said as she looked over at her Ralts and found it looking at Jayson's ralts "Jayson lets get going Lucifer sounds like he is trouble" she said as she ran

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Jayson started running too but his Ralts stood frozen in one place. He called to it but it didn't respond for a few seconds then teleported on Jayson's shoulder after shaking it off. "You ok buddy? You gotta pay attention." He shook his head.

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suddenly a group of zubat and a golbat flew up and stopped them. they all flew unfront of them blocking the path. "Jayson ready!" she yelled as her ralts jumped up infront of her

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