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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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Lucifer then whispered to Zack " I dont give a damn." he said "I have nothing to call my own. I dont have a home or any family. All i have is my pokemon and any items i have on my. And after a long time of solitude...you could care less about others" he told Zack. "Hell I'll call him whatever i want and i could care less" he said "what are you gonna do about it?!" with every line lucfer's face stayed the same uncaring expression as if it were mocking Zack. With a slight grin.

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"we do make a good team dont we!" Alexia said to Jayson. "the rest of these gyms should be a walk in the park" she added.

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"Yeah especially once you get a Gardevoir" Jayson started to walk out with Alexia and seen Lucifer and Zack talking. "Oh boy I hope they don't srtart trouble in the group"

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"I never said I play fair, did I? Rule one, never show your pokemon off until battle." Zack told him. Then by surprise, Wobbuffet came out of its pokeball. "The last thing I want is for anyone to see you." Zack said and returned the Wobbuffet.

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"Zack are you sure about this?" Aria asked him. "More than ever. Okay, Luke, get ready for a the hardest fight of your life." Zack told him. He sent out Riolu, Growlithe, and Krokorok in the lead. "Okay I will start. Dennis use Crunch." Krokorok went into to attack Pikachu.

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"oh the irony!" said Lucofer as tghe sand tomb supposedly buried it. The pokemon shifted so metang was infront. Then pikachu popped out of the ground to the shifted order. "Dig to surivive" said lucifer

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"Whoever said I am going to attack by a dig?" Zack asked him with a smile. Growl made the ground around it catch on fire and boulders of fire came out and and lauched to where Metang was and hit him dead on. "I call that move, 'Heat Boulders'. I learn the move one day and thought it to Growl." Zack said.

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