NEX 2 Posted July 8, 2012 (that maybe a good idea so we should take a break from Shadows of Kanto so we can calm down and get everything together) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted July 8, 2012 (edited) (Lol i knew the mix up would happen to our characters since they have similar names I'll have Jayson be somewhere else) Jayson woke up but all he can see in his blurry vision was green and flowers. He shook it off buy the next thing he known, he was surrounded by beautiful women! They had beautiful smiles and seemed like they were friendly but he also realized he was tied to a chair by vines. "What's going on?" Jayson asked in confusion. "Oh you're finally awake. Have a nice dream." one of them asked. "No all i can remember was being attacked then i ended up here. Why am I tied up and where am I?" He asked. "Don't worry it will all be over soon... once you tell us what you and your little friends are up to and who you're working for" another one said. Jayson knew he was in trouble. "I'll never tell you anything" he replied. "Fine, i guess we do this the fun way" the best looking one said as she went in for a kiss with her leaf green lips. "No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Jayson screamed before blacking out again. Edited July 8, 2012 by KHSonic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 8, 2012 (edited) (what the!) Alexia was still chained up to the wall in the Rocket HQ below the game corner. Edited July 8, 2012 by NEX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted July 8, 2012 (well there u have it and i guess that means Lucy and Aria are together at the top of the Store.) "Summer, I need you to untie then and get out of here! Im gonna take down this magnet sheild!" he said. as he looked up at the Magneton at the top. "The Magnemite send shock waves when they take damage and then the magneton at the top feels that damage and Multiplies it to use the Mirror shot attack with an electrical boost but it is trained to fire at a physical object that delt the damage. So im gonna cause it to blow itself up!" he said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 8, 2012 (read back and youll see that this happened to Alexia when she tried to escape.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 9, 2012 (we need to get this Rp back on track! Xeveemon! KHsonic!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted July 9, 2012 (If you read correctly you would see that Jayson is stuck in the gym. I'll just wait till everyone gets there) Jayson woke up in a dark area without his bag, pokemon or sword. He figured it was a cell because the bars were made of thick spicky vines. He felt a bit dizzy and his body felt weird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted July 9, 2012 (And I am on the outside and on top of a building, not must to really do without knowing a plan. Plus I need to state that I will be gone in two days on vacation so I might not be able to get on til the day after I get back home.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 10, 2012 (lets all figure out where we were.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarStruck 78 Posted July 10, 2012 (I'm at the top of the Pokemon Center. I think the top... I just know I'm in the Pokemon Center.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted July 10, 2012 (I am outside the town with Jason, Zack, and Dan. And I am on top of the department store roof with Lucy and Aria.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 12, 2012 (im in the game corner basement) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted July 12, 2012 (aryaanne u and i are atop the dept. store with Xeveemon's characters Aria and Lucy. and Bakida is at the Celadon Gym on the outside.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarStruck 78 Posted July 12, 2012 (I knew I was with you... Just wasn't sure where.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted July 12, 2012 (Whose turn is it?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted July 12, 2012 (Aryaanne I beleive) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 12, 2012 (everyone I just noticed that my Rp had reached 50 pages! and i think it was the fact that we r all frantic so should i have this be a 2 parter so we can do the other 4 gyms in the next one?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarStruck 78 Posted July 12, 2012 "alright." said summer, running to the ropes. 'please tell me this will work...' she thought. She untied the ropes successfully. "totodile!!" said her totodile with a smile. (you posted right before I was finished... And I don't care...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted July 12, 2012 (I guess ill have to control Xeveemon's Characters. besides i looked back he said Arrow and i can control them when he isnt here) Lucy and Aria got up. "thanks" said Lucy. "where is Zack!" asked Aria. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted July 12, 2012 "trust me it'll work" said Wilson as he pointed to the Magneton. "we need to focus all of our fire power dead center of that Magneton. You understand? the blast will be massive from all the backed up power. so i need u to get out of the building soon. Kay Summer?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarStruck 78 Posted July 12, 2012 "y-ya." said summer. Her totodile jumped in her arms. She turned to Lucy and Aria. "c'mon." she said as she turned around and ran out of the room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted July 12, 2012 (I am in 4G where I am staying at so I will be able to post for now. Thank you Nex for helping me out.) "Right." Aria and Lucy said at the same time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted July 12, 2012 (edited) "Ready Rhyhorn? were gonna take that magneton down and then finish the Magnemite!" "Rhy!" it replied. "alright then. RHYHORN GO! STONE EDGE!" he yelled as Rhyhorn began to let loose a barrage of attacks at the magneton. "wait what!" exclaimed Wilson as he saw the magnemite begin to charge mirror shot. "Rhyhorn take cover!" yelled Winston as he dove into the building. then he heard a blast and when he looked a smoke cloud had consumed his rhyhorn. when it dissapeared he saw his pokemon on the ground and ran to it.Rhyhorn was In extreame pain and is breathing was weak. he held onto his Rhyhorn. "No! Rhyhorn get up! I know u can! Your not Weak! Im the weak one! dont go! I Cant lose another pokemon like you!" he told the pokemon as tears began rolling down his face. "I cant lose you again! not after that time!" he cried as his tears began to hit Rhyhorn. "please rhyhorn get up! i beg of you. rhyhorn please.....GET UP!" he yelled then as one last tear hit Rhyhorn the massive pokemon began to glow a bright white. the shape of the pokemon changed and when the light ended the pokemon that stood there was a larger than normal Rhydon. the pokemon roared. "Rhy...horn?" said wilson as he wiped the tears that still ran down his face. "dddoooonnNN!!!!" roared the pokemon. "your right its not Rhyhorn it.....Rhydon!" he smiled as he jumped on to its back. "Alright then Rhydon lets give these magnetic pieces of crap something to cry about! GO! USE EARTH POWER!" he yelled. "RHHHYYYDOOOOONNNNN!!!!" roared the pokemon as the powerful earth attack rosed from the ground and began to attack the magenton. then the Magnemite began to charge up. "Go! NOW Horn drill!!!" he yelled "DOOON!!!" Roared the pokemon as its horn began to spin with such momentum that dust began to encircle it from the air flow. then pokemon the raised its head "DOOONN!!!!" it roared. suddenly the Air flow expanded and the dust uncircled the area around Rhyhorn. suddenly Rhyhorn charged the Magnemite at the bottom as EArth power just finished hitting Magenton and the energy pulsed off the building where Summer, Lucy, and Aria was. The magnemite sparked with electricity as the entire unit felt the damage. they began to release electricity into the air. RHydon Contiued to spin the drill against the magnemite as the wind spun around the pokemon. "Rhydon Let end this!" yelled Wilson. as his pokemon looked ready to finish the battle. "Give it your all! and do it!" the Horndrill ended and Rhydon Grabbed the magnemite that fainted and seperated from the group. "You ready for the final act?" "DON!" it said as it nodded "RHYDON! GO! HORNDRILL!" Rhydon threw the magnemite up and then it came down on the drill and soon began to spin. Once again the dust began to spin but this time it swirled upward into a dust tornado at the top of the building. "Lets send it flying! Seismic Toss!" Wilson Yelled as Rhydon grabbed the Magnemite that kept spinning in its hand and threw it towards the Weakened Magneton. when it was throw it continued spinning and the Cyclone of dust exploaded. then the magnemite hit the Magneton and the pokemon struggled. Sparks flew as the magnemite spun. "GO one last shot! HYPERBEAM!" Rhydon opened its mouth and the pokemon Fired. the attack hit magnemite and Engulfed it and Magneton. Causing them to Expload in one synchronized blast. Magnemite and the Magneton began to fall from the sky. but the shockwave knocked Wilson and Rhydon off the building and the two luckly landed in the fountain just outside the building. both uncontious and beat up. Bakida heard and saw the blast "WHat the hell was that!" he yelled. as the magneton landed just next to him. Edited July 12, 2012 by Arrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted July 15, 2012 Jayson woke up in a dark area this time. The only light he could see was from the other side of jail bars made of thick vines. He knew he could have broken them with his sword but he didn't have the energy, or his sword for that matter. All he could do was sit there and hope to get rescued soon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites