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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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Name) Rushio Kagetega

Age) 18

Gender) Male




Bio) One of the Four Admin of Rocket Rushio is the silent one how hardly ever speaks. His specialty is Water and he commands the Rockets that hold control of Cinnibar Island. He is the Tactical one of the 4 and is the Strongest of the Four. He came from the Hoenn Reigeon

Personality) Quiet, mysterious, Suspicious

Pokemon) Walrein, Lanturn, Swampert, Wailord, Golduck, Tentacruel



(he is for later. im gonna make 2 more so i have enough characters for later since they would be taken to jail anyway.....Maybe)


Edited by Arrow

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"all I know is that I was in the forest, and lugia appeared!! Pikachu, thunderbolt!!" summer yelled, pikachu letting loose thunderbolt. As soon as thunderbolt was close, lugia jumped up, and deflected the attack. "eh!!" summer said. "pikachu, shock wave!!" as pikachu got ready to attack, lugia opened its mouth, revealing a yellow orb. "oh no, aura beam..." summer moaned.


(eh!! More characters!! I might make another one soon too. I was thinking of doing that...)

Edited by Aryaanne

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Gallade returned Jayson and Alexia to the ground and Jayson returned him to his pokeball. "Well Celadon City is next. But we don't know what happened to the others... its just us and idk if we can do this without a third person seeing as though we've been able to win with 3 people... going back there could be dangerous... dangit I wish there were some kind of sign to tell is if Lucifer or the others were ok or where they are!" Jayson told Alexia.

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"um... WE HAVE TO RUN!!!!" summer yelled, as the yellow orb grew larger in lugia's mouth. "pikachu, come on!!" summer began to run, but remembered the others. "come on!" she yelled to them.

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"I wish for that too Jayson but lets get moving now ok?" said Alexia as she let go of him.

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Summer kept running, unaware of lugia's orb growing stronger. "Wilson, you're hurt!" summer said, turning around. "but we need to hurry before I make medicine, ok?" summer looked up, noticing a beam of yellow light coming toward the group. "DUCK!!!!" she yelled, noticing lucario behind her.

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"David use copycat and Trouble use safeguard!" Zack said. Lucario then used Luigi's attack to force stop the whole attack. Trouble came out and used safeguard to protect the group.


"David use copycat and Trouble use safeguard!" Zack said. Lucario then used Luigi's attack to force stop the whole attack. Trouble came out and used safeguard to protect the group.

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(u spelled luigi instead of lugia lol.)


Summer got up, and decided to help zack by weakening lugia. "pidove, sand attack, pikachu, thunderbolt!" she yelled. As lugia was blinded, pikachu let Loose thunderbolt. "alright, go snivy, leaf blade!!" summer yelled again. "Wilson, can you help?"

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(You try operating correctly at midnight with being on a 3DS. I am lucky to have gotten something close to nintendo.)



Aria sent out Palpitoad. "Go Palpitoad, use Muddy Water." Aria said and the pokemon attacked making sure to only attack Lugia. "You too Ponyta, use Inferno." Dan said and his pokemon used the move. "I dont think we will be able to defeat that thing, we have to run." Matt said.

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"hope it dosent follow us..." summer said. She turned around, and started to run. Lugia soon flew toward her, putting her on its back, and flying full speed toward the sky. "aaaagh!!!" summer screamed, hoping not to fall from the hight she's at. "PUT ME DOWN!!!!!"


(Well sorry. I didn't know!)


(good night everyone, see you in the morning!)

Edited by Aryaanne

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"King Blue, thunder!" a voice came from the forest. A Nidoking came out and used a powerful thunder on Lugia. Jason and Lucy came out. "Dont forget to add us to the party." Jason said. "Never." Zack said. "Okay King Blue be prepare to save her while Lugia's hand opens to let her go." Jason said. The pokemon then prepared to catch Summer.

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Jayson felt uneasy walking alone with Alexia, seeing as though they had such an intimate time holding each other in the air. "So ah... this city has the best store in Kanto. Maybe I could buy you something." he said a bit nervously as he scratched his cheek.

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Lugia wouldn't let go, instead flying higher into the sky. Summer was struggling to get out of its grasp. Soon, it let go, sending summer plummeting towards the ground. "aaaagh!!!" she screamed.

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Summer got up, shaky, but ok. "th-thanks." she said, sitting down. Lugia flew away, leaving the group. Summer fainted, daised and scared out of her mind. "pika!" her pikachu said, running up to her.

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"Okay I think we might need to head to a center." Lucy said and sent out Natu. "Natu use teleport to the closest pokemon center." Lucy said and Natu teleported everyone to the pokemon center. Jason had King Blue put Summer down on a bed. "She'll just need to rest." Jason said.



Jason, Lucy, Dan, Zack, and Aria were at a dinner table eating and talking. "So Jason, not that it isn't good to see you, but what are you doing here?" Zack asked. "Well I came here to see Kanto with Lucy, but mainly we are here to bring down Team Rocket. We have detail that Lucifer was just one of them, there are four Admins." Jason said. "You tell me, so I guess we are going to team up and take them down?" Zack asked. "I am fine with that if everyone else is." Jason said. "We're in." the group said. "So Aria, when did you get a bo?" Lucy asked. Aria's face turned red, "Dan is not my bo, he is just a really good friend." Aria said. "What she said." Dan said with his face red too.

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WIlson struggled to stand up. "this isnt good." he said as he found his injury much more sever than he thought as he came down the stair of the pokemon center towards everyone else. when he reached them he was holding his shoulder "where are we?" he asked the group.

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Summer got up, daised and shaky, and walked down the stairs. "hey, what happened?" she asked the group, holding her head. "Where are we?"

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"But you've been so awesome lately. I owe you one for sticking with me for so long and putting up with me" Jayson said blushing. They were entering the gate to Celadon City.

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Summer ran out the door to get some fresh air, and sat down. "why was lugia so agitated?" she asked herself. "was it team rocket?" "pika-pika!" said her pikachu, coming next to her. "hi pikachu." summer said.

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"Pika?" said summer's pikachu, looking at something. "what is it, pikachu?" summer said, looking where pikachu was, noticing jayson and alexia. "oh!" she said.

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