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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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"a-are you, ok?!" summer said, trying to make out the Pokemon. The Pokemon got up, looking badly injured. "I'm fine." the Pokemon said. "uh?!" summer said, confused as to why the Pokemon was able to speak.

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Lucifer turned as he was near the edge of a building. "I didnt want to do this Zack but I guess you leave me no choice!" he said as he held out a pokeball. "GO! Bulbasaur!" he yelled as the pokemon came out of its pokeball "GO! Bulbasaur use Stun Spore!" he commanded as the pokemon let loose the cloud of spores that soon engulfed Zack Paralyzing him as he took a breath inhailing the spores.

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"What Pokemon are you?" summer asked. Again summer truer to get up, but fell again. "I'm a lucario." said the Pokemon. "o-oh..." moaned summer, fainting a second time.

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"This guy again???" said Jayson as he braced himself for impact... but Gallade intercepted the night shade with its body and suddenly quickened its speed. It grabbed Jayson and pikachu (who left the bike undamaged) as well as Alexia and Kirlia and ran full speed to the entrance but jumped really high through a window. To there surprise they found summer lying down!

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Lucario looked at Winston, and then at myghteyana. "wait!! I'm not the enemy!" it yelled. It looked at summer, who had past out on the ground.


(khsonic, you posted right as I finished mine!!)

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The cloaked figure ran into the building and up the stairs.



Winston looked at her "what?" he said when suddenly Jayson, Alexia, Gallade, Kirlia, and Pikachu came into the building through the hole where the Lucario came through "EH?!" he said "well hi nice of u for dropping in" he said to them.



Lucifer grinned as he watched the spores begin to numb Zack's entire body. "this is what you get for not staying"

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Alexia held onto Jayson tightly as she was scared from the jump Gallade made. "never do that agaiN!" she said.

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Summer still lye there, awake, but couldn't open her eyes or get up, for the poison had paralyzed her entire body. Lucario knelt down, concerned for summer. "hope she's ok..." it said.

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"AH! I almost forgot!" said Winston as he ran over to her and put the medicine on her wound. it immediatly began to dissolve the Poison. "there" he said as he recalled his Rhyhorn and Mightyena

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"agh!!!" summer yelled as she got up, surprised at how fast it was. "what's going on?!" she noticed the lucario next to her, and turned around to see the others. Her pikachu grew agitated, and let out Out thunder bolt to shock the gallade. "pikaaaaachuuuuuu!!!!!" it yelled, sending a jolt of electricity, not meaning to shock the others.

Edited by Aryaanne

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"I...didnt....want....to....do...this....but" Zack sent out a pokeball with all his might. "David....use......copycat......on.......Lucifer....." Zack said. David then used copycat and used stun spore against Lucifer giving him the same result as Zack.

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Lucifer stood there with a smile "how predictable." he said as the stun spore continued paralyzing Zack's Lucario as well. "Im surprised you dont remember me for a long time ago" he said




"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" yelled Winston as he was shocked he dropped to the ground. "Ouch!" he said.

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"pikachu!!" summer yelled, jumping to Winston's side. "you okay, Winston?" "pika!!" said summers pikachu as it tried to use iron tail to get out of gallades grasp.

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Alexia screame in pain from the electric shock a well and dropped to her knees. KIrlia dropped as well.

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"pikachu!!" summer yelled, jumping to Winston's side. "you okay, Winston?" "pika!!" said summers pikachu as it tried to use iron tail to get out of gallades grasp.

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He smiled as he walked forwards with his hands in his pockets. when he was about 3 feet away he held up the police badge and gave Zack a closer look revealing it to be a fake. "Something still not clicking yet?"

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Summer then started to feel uneasy. "am I the only one feeling weird?" she asked. Her pikachu was just about to let out shockwave, but stopped. It's eyes glowed red, looking hypnotized.

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"I feel uneasy..." summer replyed. She then looked over to pikachu, and jumped up in shock. "PIKACHU!!!" she yelled, noticing its red eyes.

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"And yet you still traveled with us allowing me all the many chances to tear your world apart." Lucifer added. "you see Im not just a Liar...but well Im an Admin." he told Zack "Oh! i think i heard something click within your head!"

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