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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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"THats the Last straw! GO! Sandslash use stone edge!" he yelled as the pokemon fired many edged stones at the massive pokemon. hitting it directly inthe center of its eyes.

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"Uh butterfree use Stunspore and Silverwind!" Alexia yelled as the Magneton began to Cringe

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Jayson noticed a Pikachu nearby making a fuss but he ignored it. "Gallade slash 'em" the attack went critical and surprisingly OHKO the Magnaton!

Edited by KHSonic

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suddenly Lt.Surge dropped to his knees and then fell to the ground uncontious. "i think we won so lets take ou badges from him and go before he wakes up cause i dont really want to know the real Lt. Surge" Alexia said. as she walked towards him.

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"good thing cause i was getting pissed off at this guy!" said Lucifer as he took his badge. he began to head to the exit when a familiar cloaked figure dropped down from the gym rafters infront of the exit landing perfectly on his feet "YOU AGAIN!" growled Lucifer


"when you leave you will find a different setting

one without two

taken by those in black not blue

taken to a place of pure evil im betting


a place where bending a spoon is not uncommon

a place where shadows are always wandering

a city of darkenss

as place i cannot speak of in vein" he said then he ran off



"again THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!" said Lucifer as he turned his attention to the pikachu "i thaink he was telling us something the pikachu knows" he said

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"i can never understand that person" Alexia said as she too looked at the pikachu. "wait!" she said as she ran outside "where is Winston and that girl!" she exclaimed

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"Pika-pi!!!" it said, in a worried tone. "pika-pikachuu!!!" as it talked, it tried to act out what happened.


In saffron city, summer was waiting to get things over with. Also concerned if help would come.

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they hit a bump in the road and WInston jumped up awake "where!" he yelled as he looked around "wha? wha? what happened!" he said as he looked around



Lucifer looked at it too. "ooo! charades i love charades!"

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Pikachu tugged on Jayson's shorts while he watched the phantom. "Hey maybe this Pikachu is that girl's... oh wait where is she!?" Jayson wondered. Pikachu ran out the gym and shook its tail as if it were saying to follow it. "Lets follow it! Come on!"

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(dont worry)


" i have enough Max revives for my pokemon and Jayson's pokemon. Lucifer u head to the pokemon center and heal your pokemon kay" alexia said giving Jayson some of the max revives "lets go Jayson" she said as she used them on her pokemon and then followed the pikachu.

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"cmon pikachu, we're almost there!!" summer thought in her head, hoping help will come soon. "Wilson, your Pokemon are ok, right?"

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Suddenly a helicopter landed in front of them and An officer Jenny jumped from it and stopped Jayson and friends on their pursuit by blocking their path. "Hold it right there!" she said. "Sorry officer we are in a hurry. What's the holdup?" Jayson told her. "You must be Team Revolution. I have some bike issued to you guys. There seems to be extra so use as many as you need." she said to them. "Right on time!" Jayson said and grabbed his bike that she gave them and biked off. "I'll put the rest in the PC's" She yelled to them. "Honestly kids are so spoiled these days..." to herself.

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Alexia took one of the bikes and went off as well. "Well looks like we are facing Saffron now" she said.

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"oh dont worry my pokemon are just dandy!" growled Wilson sarcastically as he remebered that Summer was the one who picked up the smoke ball wilson then held up a heavy ball. "its time my old friend" he said with a smile as he recalled his Mightyena. "its about to get real crowded and we need to get ur snivy back." he told her.





The cloaked figure was jumping from tree to tree before jumping down and with what seemed to be 4 bat wings coming from his back soared next to Jayson. "good luck" he said as he soared forward as he sped ahead.





Lucifer went to the pokemon Center to heal his pokemon.

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Jayson nearly fell off his bike when he seen the figure. He was ready to jump off and battle but it went away too quickly. He realized though that he was heading to the HQ and none of the team were strong enough to face team rocket especially in their condition. "We gotta make this quick" he said to Alexia. They neared the doors to the HQ.

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