Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 just then the figure had entered an old abandoned building Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 "Wait wait wait stop! It went in there. Come on." Then he pulled her along in the new direction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 (.....IT........Im dead inside) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted February 22, 2012 "Right!" she said as she rushed there with Jayson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 They went inside but let the door open to keep it light inside. "It just has to be a creepy setting to meet spooky things huh?" Jayson said as he looked around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted February 22, 2012 Alexia looked around "yeah. Not to mention extreamly cliché" she said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 then a voice that only Jayson could hear spoke "no good deed will go unrewarded" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 "There it is again, did you hear that?" Jayson looked around to try to see where it came from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted February 22, 2012 "what are you talking about Jayson?" alexia asked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 Then suddenly someone pushed the Alexia and Jayson inside the building and shut the door. "welcome Jayson and Alexia" said the person (he is not a ninja just evil!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 "I know you had to have heard that that time. Ekans come out and sniff this guy out" Ekans then was looking around but slithered in between Jayson's feet and made him fall. It didn't mean to but seem to be satisfied anyway. "Hey watch it" he said to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 (one thing not the same guy just a rocket assasin minor character not worth a sign up) Suddenly an ariados came down from the ceiling on a web. Then another, and another, and another, and then a few spinarak. The Laughing was heard "welcome to Spiders lair Ahahahahahaha!" said the man as he walked out feom behind a pillar. Then he threw off the cloak to reveal it wasnt alister. But a bald guy. "i wouldn even try to escape there a hundreads of ariados and spinarak in here and they only listen to me!" he said as an oversized ariados crawled over next to him. 1 NEX reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 Jayson stood by Alexia. "Get ready for an attack Ekans" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 "i wouldnt do that." he said as more ariados came down. "oh by the way you can thank your friend Alister for the info on you two." he said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 Jayson and Ekans flinched at that name. "Alister? What about him? Is he ok?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted February 22, 2012 Lucario was still standing by a thread. "Okay, if that is the way you want to play." Zack said. He then switched the order out to Matt. "Okay, Matt, use Crunch." Matt went straight for Metang with sharp dark teeth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 "drain punch" said lucifer as the krokorok was uppercutted with the x4 damage super effective attack fainded the pokemon. And it fully healed metang. "so its fighting steel verse psychic steel." he said The rocket member laughed "is he ok? Hahahaha he gave us this information about you rebellion personally just the other day but i must te you that info broker pays a high price. But its worth it" he said with a laugh as an ariados dropped down and caught hold of alexia. "now just give up or the girl will die" the bald man laughed as the ariados rose up to the web. (given permission to do that by Nex) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted February 22, 2012 "Jayson! Dont do it!" Alexia yelled to him "if i can reach one of my pokemon." she said to herself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 "Alexia! If I give up, what will you do?" Jayson looked at him with a tense stare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 The man looked at his finger nails and spoke quietly. "oh nothing just go have some tea with you, take you to my boss, have a friendly conversation, shoot you in the head, play some tennis, find the rest of this rebellion, chat with them, shoot them in the head, takem to the beach, kill you girlfriend, throw a party, get a promotion, become my bosses vice president, throw an even bigger party, kill brock and misty, get wasted. Nothing much" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted February 22, 2012 Alexia was struggling to get free of the ariados' grip. Then she stopped. "nothing much! Thats alot!" she yelled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 Jayson still gave an intense look but smiled at his answer. "What is it your trying to do anyway. I mean, we are just a bunch of kids, whats it to you guys?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 "uuuhhhhh.....um.....uh" said the man as he stared at jayson for a while. It was silent. Then he pulled out the pistol. And aimed it at Jayson "just give up" he said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHSonic 41 Posted February 22, 2012 Jayson held his hands up. "Woah slow down there." He looked at Ekans and it looked back it him. Then Jayson looked at the Rocket member. "How do you want to do this?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted February 22, 2012 "i dont give a-" the man was cut off when he fell unconsious and so did the giant ariados. For Outside the door the tail of a golden arbok. Dissapeared. Then alexia was dropped and the ariados went back up to the nest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites