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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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Misty returned the starmie and then held a pokeball they were looking for. the black one. she then threw it and a normal sized blastoise appeared. and glared at the area. right when it saw the pokemon in the web its cannons took aim and an enormous hydro pump was fired at butterfree and squirtle.


"Butterfree Return!" Alexia yelled as she recalled the pokemon. "GO Kirlia!" she yelled as her psychic type took to the field.

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Squirtle was so amazed by the power of that hydro pump that it got encouraged to keep fighting. Suddenly it evolved into a Wartortle and used rapid spin to free itself but and ricocheted off the hydro pump and towards Blastoise's. But it went into its shell and used skull bash which instantly KOed Wartortle as it smash unto the same wall for the third time.

"Holy cow that was strong! Return Wartortle and common out Gallade" then Gallade took the field as well.

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"pikachu use volt switch!"


The mouse zapped blastoise and suddenly matang came to the field as pikachu returned on its own to the pokeball.


"METANG USE METEOR MASH!" yelled lucifer as his pokemons arm glowed and it flew down only to do bareley any damage

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"GO Kirlia use magical leaF!" said Alexia as the psychic pokemon let loose a barrage of leaves the hit blastoise.

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Zack looked at the back of the gym. He noticed that there was a door in the back. "Aria stay here, I will be back in a few moments." Zack told her and then walked outside the gym. He ran as fast as he could to the back of the gym. He then hopped the back window and fell inside. He jammed the door so no one could get in. He then saw what he was looking for. He found the big box that held the gym badges and then he found a small black box with a big, red R on it. He took the box and put it in his bag. He then quickly hopped back outside the window and quickly walked back into the gym. He sat down beside Aria.

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Before Blastoise could get up, Lucifer commanded Metang to use bullet punch which it quickly smash Blastoise through the ground and into the water below. After a moment of silence and when the smoke cleared, Blastoise floated back up immobilized.

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the Blastoise had fainted and the battle officially ended. Misty came to her sences and looked around. "What happened?" she said as she clearly didnt know

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Zack was so happy that the battle was done. He couldn't wait to open the box. He needed to ask Misty a question that has been on his mind ever since he found out that Aria loved water type pokemon. He went over to the stage and waited for the right moment. Aria didn't realize what Zack was going to do.

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"Wow we did it!" Jayson went straight for Alexia to give her a hug. "Did you see that? Oh my god that was amazingly cool!" He couldn't stop smiling as he held her in his arms tight. Completely ignoring what she said for a while. After realizing what he was doing he stopped, embarrassed. He looked to Misty and explained. "Team Rocket was mind controlling you with your pokemon, we don't know what they're up to but its no good that's for sure."

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Name) Dan King

Age) 17

Gender) Male

Appearance) Posted Image

Bio) Lived in Sinnoh for his childhood. He is now on a journey to become the leader of Kanto, but he also wants to but the world back into a good place to live.

Personality) Good, Nice, Probably the most caring guy around

Pokemon) Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Theme Song) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZhQOvvV45w&ob=av2e

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"and if the pokemon that is controlling the trainer is defeated the trainer regains there senses." Alexia added.


"but how did i get a hold of one of those pokemon?" Misty asked as she went to find 3 badges for them. "so im guessing i owe you a badge then right?"

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Suddenly there was a person at the door. "Dear Misty, I am here to make an appointment for a battle tomorrow morning at 8:30 am sharp." Dan said. Zack looked at this guy, 'Hmh, a nice looking man, who is also nice on words and stricted on time. This guy could defanlty help Aria get over him." Zack thought in his mind. Then his bag fell open and the black box fell to the floor.

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Dan looked at the guy. "I heard that mister, and I would let to say congrats for winning." Dan walked over to the box and picked it up. He handed the box to Zack. "I believe you dropped this." Zack took the box. Aria walked over to Dan. "Hi, I am Aria. This is my brother Zack." Aria told him. "Nice to meet you, I am Dan King. I come from the Sinnoh Region just to be here to win the pokemon leauge." Dan said.

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Lucifer looked at the newcomer with suspision but didnt show it. He then got his badge and hooked it to his belt next to the boulder badge. Then he recalled his metang and headed for the exit but as he walked past Dan he whispered. In his british accent "bloody suck up" then he exited the building.

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"Hey, Dan. Why dont you come with us? Misty will need a rest from being taken over by Team Rocket and we are headed to the next gym. So how about we go to the next gym then come back here?" Zack asked him. "Sure. I would love to finally have someone to talk to." Dan said. Aria, Zack, and Dan walked outside the gym after Lucifer.

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Alexia aslo got her badge. "thank you" she said as she walked over to the exit to wait for Jayson.

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Zack walked over to Lucifer. He pulled him aside so Aria couldn't hear what he was saying. "Look, this guy may be what I have been looking for. I idcently got Aria's love killed by Team Magma. So I have been searching for another person who could show her how to love again. I mean I can't been around her forever." Zack told Lucifer in a wispher.

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