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Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

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"Yeah they should be." Jayson tried to say as he got off the floor. "Dude this was the emergency the whole time? Wow. I guess we have no choice but to go through the rain..."

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"yeah! It was my idea for each of us to catch a new pokemon and i was the one who couldnt!" he said "and ITS NOT FUNNY!" he yelled as he too ran through the rain with metang behind him.

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Jayson dived into the Pokemon Center door to escape the rain and keep Pikachu from getting wet any further. He forgot about his Gallade but seen that it was right behind him holding Kirlia close in its arms. "Oh I see what's going on now" he whispered to himself.

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Alexia looked around the pokemon center was completley empty. "what the heck is going on around here?" she asked as she walked up to the nurse joy and handed her metapod and snivy. "i think ill help kirila out myself" she said as she tool out a super potion

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"it seems that team rocket still lingers here as well. I guess that means Brock was telling the truth. But if people can now beat brock this place will fill up in a few day. We better get ready for a battle." Lucifer said. "Team Revolution has arrived"

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Jayson gave his pokemon to Nurse Joy as well as Gallade yet he didn't look too happy to leave Kirlia's side. "Does this mean we should wait till the rain gives up?"


(Do our character's sleep??? Lol)

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Zack and Aria have been having an good amount of an adventure. They didn't recongize the town they were in, all they knew was that they had to get out of the rain. They ran into the nearest pokemon center. "Few finally got out of that rain. Why did we forget to buy an umbrella?" Zack asked. "That would be your fault. So how about we find out where we are." Aria asked. She went over to a guy who gave his pokemon to Nurse Joy. "Hi, I'm Aria, and this is Zack. We kinda lost our map and now we dont know where we are. Do you know what this town is?" Aria asked Jayson.

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Jayson said in his head "Oh wow another cute girl. But she came with some guy, maybe that's her boyfriend or something, dang he looks better than me, but she is so cute, but then Alexia... no I can't have these thoughts cuz he looks like he could do some damage, I'll leave this one alone, dang what did they ask me again? Oh yeah" He shook it of and began to speak before he took too long. "This is Cerulean City home of the water gym. My name is Jayson and these are my friends Alexia and Lucifer. Nice to meet you guys," he smiled.

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After healing Kirlia Alexia stood up and walked over to zack and aria "it's nice to meet both of you." she said

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Zack looked at Lucifer. "I am sorta a big celebrity. I am the leader of a organization that hunts down the bad people of the world and then put them behind bars. You may have also seen me on my talk show, 'Zack's World'. I am now just on a journey to find a group of bad people called Team Rocket. But along the way, me and my sister, Aria, found a cave where we were almost killed by boulders, which is how we lost our map." Zack said. He then went over to Jayson and wisphered in his ear, "Don't even think about it." Zack then walked back over beside Aria.

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Jayson held up his hands to show that he was backing off. A little sweat drop appeared too. "He he he what are you talking about? It's all good."

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"Well, I am not. But that doesn't mean that someone isn't." Zack said looking over at Aria. "I am a semi-trainer. I battle in the gyms along the way, but I have never actually been in a pokemon leauge because of something coming up in another region." Aria said. "Which is why I think it is time that you follow your dreams and get the other 7 badges here in Kanto and win the pokemon leauge." Zack told her. "Really? Oh, thank you brother. If I can become a stronger trainer, then I can become a pokemon nurse." Aria said and hugged Zack. When Zack had enough of the hug, he looked at Alexia. "So what brings you all here?" Zack asked her.

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"no that's not it i don't watch crap. Oh wait that was someone else. Hehe sorry" he said "anyway I was just about to head to the gym to scope out the stadium." said Lucifer as he unclippd the boulder badge from his belt. "we are the first trainers to beat Brock since team rocket took hold of kantos gym leaders with chocolate coated mind controlling super pokemon." he said. To Zack.

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"Yes, I have the Thunder Badge. But what, you all said something about Brock having super pokemon because of Team Rocket. Well, Surge didn't look anything like Team Rocket controlled." Aria said. 'Why is that dude trying not to stare at me? Wait, oh no, he can't be serious.' Aria thought in her mind.

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"huh...ok anyway im gonna go to the gym so I'll meet you two there and-and-and" Lucifer looked out the window to see a figure standing in the rain then lightining flashed and Alisters face was seen on the figure. "Its the spector!" Lucifer yelled before fainting. The figure stood there shrouded by darkness.

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Alexia looked out the window but didn't see the face. "that's a little creepy." she said as she looked back to Lucifer. "wow I guess he is easily frightened by stareing people." she said

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The person said nothing. He just stood outside in the darkness and rain. But what seemed to be an ominous whisper reached Jayson's ear as if the figure was standing right next to Jayson. "no good deed will go unrewarded." was all it said. But the figure hadn't seemed to say anything and half of it's face was shrouded by a hood. And his body hidden by its cloak.

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"Aria, why don't you go to the snack room and get me a drink, anything will do." Zack told her. Aria left the room to go to the back. Zack looked at the man. "Now answer, who are you, what is your purpose?" Zack asked the man. But Zack still felt like the figure wouldn't talk.

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