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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D box artwork revealed

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If Sora fails I'd never play the game again. As for why well I like Sora. If he fails won't the game be a little pointless anyways?


If Sora fails, the only thing left for him will be darknes!!!! that's what I'm waiting for

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If Sora fails, the only thing left for him will be darknes!!!! that's what I'm waiting for


Why would you want that? If Sora has darkness then it would be Riku all over again.

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Whew, good thing I got some wipes at the supermarket today. I wouldn't have wanted my computer set to remain sticky all day. I can now properly chuck all of my money at the screen.


In short, the art is FANTASTIC. I was expecting them to just rehash the image on the website and fit it onto a 3DS game case - nice to see Nomura lent some of his amazing artistic ability to make this something truly remarkable. It reminds me much of BBS's box art, with the characters "falling."


My only gripe, like it was said a couple of pages before, the background should have been a different, perhaps darker color. Maybe one that was purple or dark blue, so the KH3D logo would blend in more. But it's not a big deal. I like the 10th anniversary logo at the top of the box. Reminds of the Zelda 25th logo at the top of Skyward Sword. But... where's the Disney Interactive Studios logo? ;_;


It's also interesting to see Mickey there - looks like he'll have a big role in the title then. Also loving the "Sora falls, Riku flies" thing - it's about time that the oh, so perfect and heroic Sora gets a rude awakening. (Oh wait... :P) Now, if someone could just photoshop the E10+ ESRB rating on this...

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I think Sora as Michael Corleone is a bit too heavy for the general gaming audience.


I love how Mickey is always integrated into these covers, yet he somehow avoids doing the generic Disney-promotional wave and smile, instead opting to look serious and compelling.

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I would think that Riku would have been the one falling, because of his darkness and stuff, but apparently Sora is... Maybe something might happen to Sora? It's just speculation but I'm pretty sure the main reason is representing the character switch system and the drop gauge and stuff. But who knows, maybe it's foreshadowing something.

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This is probably the best box art for a handheld Kingdom Hearts (or maybe Kingdom Hearts in general!) I have ever seen! I think this is my favorite now. This one seems to have so much meaning in it. Especially the fact that Sora is falling while Riku seems to be ascending. And Mickey diving for Sora? I'm guessing some very surprising stuff happens in this one. Maybe Sora gets stuck in the Realm of Sleep?

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This is probably the best box art for a handheld Kingdom Hearts (or maybe Kingdom Hearts in general!) I have ever seen! I think this is my favorite now. This one seems to have so much meaning in it. Especially the fact that Sora is falling while Riku seems to be ascending. And Mickey diving for Sora? I'm guessing some very surprising stuff happens in this one. Maybe Sora gets stuck in the Realm of Sleep?


I am wondering about this as well, but if this happens then Riku will be the main protagonist on KH3? o.o

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I keep womdering why Riku has a dream eater's symbol on his back. Any ideas?


I am not really sure but something tells me that it is just so he would look cooler :D I mean like, it might be a special clothing that you get when you enter dream world.

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I am not really sure but something tells me that it is just so he would look cooler :D I mean like, it might be a special clothing that you get when you enter dream world.


But then, why doesn't Sora have any on his outfit? xD

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But then, why doesn't Sora have any on his outfit? xD


It is in his undies lol jk, but I have no real answer to that.. I guess Riku is just cooler than Sora lol or maybe just a design so that Riku wouldn't have just plain white shirt/jacket. I do consider Sora's outfit cool enough.

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So this is Japan cover....I just hope that European will look similiar to this one....But i have feeling that Europen will look somthing like this:


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So this is Japan cover....I just hope that European will look similiar to this one....But i have feeling that Europen will look somthing like this:


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Yeah, from what I've seen, Europe generally gets boring covers. Except for Ocarina of Time 3D, Europe got an awesome cover and NA got a boring one. I was jealous!

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