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Anime | Manga Do you prefer Japanese or English Dubs?

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I'm neutral for the same reason you said. I seriously can't stand Goku's Japanese voice either.


I only like dubs better when the VA is good. Some example I can't stand to watch the dub over sub is like Megaman NT Warrior. Not to mention they even changed the sound effects that sound cliche IMO.


Dubs I prefer over subs, such as Digimon Adventure. It could be because I grew up with the dub, but I don't find the dub bad, even with the jokes.

Edited by OmegaForte

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I usually watch both. If I find a series I like I'll re-watch it in the other language (if there is an english dub). I also have friends that love dubbed and refuse to watch sub and friends who love subbed and refused to watch dubbed. So by me watching both I can get a long with both friends and I am still able to give them recommendations. 

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Japanese VA all sound the same to me... Besides I have to read subtitles and crap so I can't enjoy the action. Besides I prefer watching anime in th language I originally learned. But if its a anime that seems good that's only in SUB, I'm going to watch it. So yeah dub all the way.

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Japanese VA all sound the same to me... Besides I have to read subtitles and crap so I can't enjoy the action. Besides I prefer watching anime in th language I originally learned. But if its a anime that seems good that's only in SUB, I'm going to watch it. So yeah dub all the way.

Is it really that hard to read the subs and watch the show?I have no problem doing that....maybe I read fast?

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Dub. Japanese voice acting is way too over the top it's ridiculous and 95% of the time the females have this REALLY high pitched voice that really knows how to irritate and the males either have this overly energetic voice or one that sounds like they'd rather be a million other places.

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Dubbed always dubbed if it's there. It a really big bother to me if I have to read what the characters are saying. It takes my focus away from the actual show -.-

Yeah I know the feeling lol. It can get distracting watching subtitles when you're trying to watch the action that's going on in the show.

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Subbed. I actually have some hearing problems, so some words that they say in dubbed anime becomes jibberish. Because of that, I can read the subs just fine...in fact, I make very few exceptions to this. SAO, for instance...

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