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So, has anyone ever wonder what happens to you after you die? Like, is there really a Heaven or Hell? I have always wondered about that. I have always wondered what happens to you after you die. Some say your spirit goes off to a better place (which is Heaven) and some say that if you die, you can be reborn into the world as a new being. And some say that when you die, nothing happens to you at all. I know a lot of people are probably going to say "Well, nobody knows what happens to you when you die unless you die, yourself".


But, what do you think about this and are you also scared of death?

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Scared of death? Yes and no. I'm pretty confident where I'm going, it's just getting there (the manner of my death) that I'm a little scared of. I do believe that there is a Heaven and Hell. In the end, it's kinda up to the person to decide where they're going. I've made my choice.

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I'm always scared of death, because no one actually knows what's out there or what will happen after you die, so I'm scared of the unknown. I think I wouldn't be too worried if I died a natural death and satisfying lifetime though.


However with that said I really would like to think of the afterlife as some of paradise where you go when life ends where you eventually meetup with lots of people that have also passed on, and your friends and family from the life you lived. I've always hated the concept of a afterlife where someone gets punished for what they did in their life and being made to suffer for their sins. There's also reincarnation. I love the idea that after your life you become someone else, but it's still you despite having nothing of you from your previous life.

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I believe in heaven and hell, because there is much more to the human body than organs. We all have souls, and I don't think just because we physically die, our existence just stops. Heaven and Hell or reincarnation happens after you die, that's what I believe anyways.

Now am I afraid of death? Yes. I wouldn't mind dying right now if I had acted like a saint these 17 years I've been on Earth, but I don't think I would go to Heaven if I died right at this moment. I feel I have so much to make up for, and so much to see before I die. If I do happen to die anytime soon, I hope it is from natural causes, because one of my biggest paranoias is getting murdered.

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I think there is such thing as heaven and hell. I actually have mixed feeling for death, like im always curious about what it's like but i'll find out when the time comes (but i wouldnt want to die now since im only 13, but if i did, eh, it just happens). Some people told me if you die, you'll be rencarnated in to a different form. But due to my belifs, i think u either go to heaven or hell

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i believe that when u die u go to heaven or hell and after a certain time u get reborn into another being(kinda like theres a wait time i guess to going back to the living world) its a fact that death is a part of life and is going to happen to everyone eventually so theres no point in being afraid of it. The thing that DOES scare me though is wondering how im going to die(cuz lets face it no one wants to meet their maker<so to speak> in a really brutal way,ouch!), freaks me right the hell out!! and also how the people around me would be affected i mean if they be sad for a while, it'd be okay cuz that just means they'll miss you, but i sure as hell dont want anyone to be depressed, or scarred for life or somethn nuh-uh!

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I am an Agnostic-Atheist. Therefore I don't believe in the traditional sense of heaven or hell. Not in the slightest.

I do wonder however if there could be something afterwards. I just can't fathom that someday I will just stop thinking, stop having a consciousness, stop existing.

But just because I can't fathom hit with a mere human brain doesn't mean that it won't happen.


I think religious afterlife was a product of the human fear of death. Because they are afraid of death they keep telling each other that it will go on afterwards.


I am not afraid of death itself. I am afraid about the fact that I don't know what exactly happens while and after dying.

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Well I'm not scared of death as such, more so the cause of my death. I don't particularly want to get tortured, mutilated or disemboweled.

I would honestly, as corny as it sounds, like to die 'heroically.' You know, like by saving someones life in the process, by jumping in front of a bullet or sacrificing myself. To me it just seems to make my life that whole more worthwhile, and then I'll be sure to be remembered by many. I tend to look up to Zack Fair (yes I know he's not real :P), because he was very noble and saved his friends.


I'm Catholic but in my personal opinion, I'm really not too sure whether to believe in heaven or hell. I'm leaning more towards that when we die, we are simply dead. We return to the earth and the world keeps rotating unaffected.


I'd also like to point out that re-incarnation doesn't really work, because the human population is growing. 100 people can't be reincarnated into 150. That is unless you include animals too, which then would have to be lowering in population proportional to that of the human expansion.

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Half the reason I want to join the military is because I want to help people, but also because I'm not afraid to die. With my whole heart I believe that there's something beyond just this. A better place--like Heaven. It's also comforting to know that even if my Mom and grandparents aren't with me physically anymore, they're still there watching out for me.

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I'm terrified of death. My biggest fear is dying in the apocalypse. But I do believe in Heaven. At least if there is a Heaven, then everything isn't over when you die. I just can't imagine not existing.

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Reenter thread so that I don't get hated.


I dunno. Thinking about this actually gives me the creeps, so I'm out before I lose sleep tonight.


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Edited by XIIISwords

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